Updated on 2024/09/09


School of Medicine (Clinical Medicine) Department of Gastroenterology Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor


  • Doctor (Medicine) ( 2015.3   Fukushima Medical University )

Research Interests

  • Pancreatobiliary malignancy, translational research, GI endoscopy

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Gastroenterology  / Digestive Organs Internal Medicine


  • Fukushima Medical University

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    Country: Japan

Research History

  • Fukushima Medical University   School of Medicine (Clinical Medicine) Department of Gastroenterology   Assistant Professor

    2017.2 - Now

Qualification acquired

  • 医師免許


  • 日本内科学会総合内科専門医


  • 日本消化器病学会専門医


  • ECFMG certified



  • Endoscopic submucosal dissection for superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in patients with cirrhosis and esophageal varices.

    Mochimaru T, Hikichi T, Hashimoto M, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Yanagita T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Irie H, Takagi T, Kobayakawa M, Ohira H

    DEN open   3 ( 1 )   e117   2023.4

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    DOI : 10.1002/deo2.117


  • 肝硬変および食道静脈瘤を合併した表在型食道扁平上皮癌症例に対する内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術(Endoscopic submucosal dissection for superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in patients with cirrhosis and esophageal varices)

    Mochimaru Tomoaki, Hikichi Takuto, Hashimoto Minami, Nakamura Jun, Takasumi Mika, Kato Tsunetaka, Kobashi Ryoichiro, Yanagita Takumi, Suzuki Rei, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Sato Yuki, Irie Hiroki, Takagi Tadayuki, Kobayakawa Masao, Ohira Hiromasa

    DEN Open   3 ( 1 )   1 of 5 - 5 of 5   2023.4

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  • Multicenter comparative study of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle biopsy using a Franseen needle versus conventional endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration to evaluate microsatellite instability in patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer.

    Takagi T, Sugimoto M, Imamura H, Takahata Y, Nakajima Y, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Hashimoto Y, Shibukawa G, Marubashi S, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    Clinical endoscopy   2023.1( ISSN:2234-2400

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    DOI : 10.5946/ce.2022.019


  • Circulating extracellular vesicle-encapsulated microRNA-557 induces a proinflammatory immune response and serves as a diagnostic or relapse marker in autoimmune hepatitis.

    Abe K, Suzuki R, Fujita M, Hayashi M, Takahashi A, Ohira H

    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology   52 ( 12 )   1034 - 1049   2022.12( ISSN:1386-6346

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    DOI : 10.1111/hepr.13829


  • Intracellular C3 Modulates EMT via the Akt/Smad Pathway in Pancreatic Cancer Cells.

    Suzuki R, Takagi T, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Irie H, Yomogida Y, Ohira H

    Anticancer research   42 ( 12 )   5743 - 5750   2022.12( ISSN:0250-7005

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    DOI : 10.21873/anticanres.16081


  • Efficacy of chemotherapy for patients with metastatic or recurrent pancreatic adenosquamous carcinoma: A multicenter retrospective analysis.

    Yoshida Y, Kobayashi S, Ueno M, Morizane C, Tsuji K, Maruki Y, Mori K, Watanabe K, Ohba A, Furuta M, Todaka A, Tsujimoto A, Ozaka M, Okano N, Yane K, Umemoto K, Kawamoto Y, Terashima T, Tsumura H, Doi K, Shioji K, Asagi A, Kojima Y, Suzuki E, Toshiyama R, Furukawa M, Naganuma A, Suzuki R, Miwa H, Ikeda M, Furuse J

    Pancreatology : official journal of the International Association of Pancreatology (IAP) ... [et al.]   22 ( 8 )   1159 - 1166   2022.12( ISSN:1424-3903

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    DOI : 10.1016/j.pan.2022.09.236


  • Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection in Patients with Early Gastric Cancer in the Remnant Stomach.

    Murakami M, Hikichi T, Nakamura J, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Yanagita T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Irie H, Takasumi M, Takagi T, Hashimoto Y, Kobayakawa M, Ohira H

    Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)   12 ( 10 )   2022.10( ISSN:2075-4418

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    DOI : 10.3390/diagnostics12102480


  • Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Gemcitabine plus Nab-Paclitaxel versus Gemcitabine Alone in Older Adults with Unresectable Pancreatic Cancer.

    Kobayashi S, Suzuki M, Ueno M, Maruki Y, Okano N, Todaka A, Ozaka M, Tsuji K, Shioji K, Doi K, Kojima Y, Tsumura H, Tanaka K, Higuchi H, Kawabe K, Imaoka H, Yamashita T, Miwa H, Nagano H, Arima S, Hayashi H, Naganuma A, Yamaguchi H, Hisano T, Umemoto K, Ishii S, Nakashima K, Suzuki R, Kitano Y, Misumi T, Furuse J, Ishii H

    The oncologist   27 ( 10 )   e774 - e782   2022.10( ISSN:1083-7159

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    DOI : 10.1093/oncolo/oyac157


  • Association between Submucosal Fibrosis and Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection of Recurrent Esophageal Squamous Cell Cancers after Chemoradiotherapy.

    Kato T, Hikichi T, Nakamura J, Hashimoto M, Kobashi R, Yanagita T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Irie H, Takasumi M, Oka Y, Takagi T, Hashimoto Y, Kobayakawa M, Ohira H

    Cancers   14 ( 19 )   2022.9( ISSN:2072-6694

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    DOI : 10.3390/cancers14194685


  • Screening for hilar biliary invasion in ampullary cancer patients.

    Takagi T, Sugimoto M, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Yanagita T, Hashimoto Y, Marubashi S, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    World journal of gastrointestinal endoscopy   14 ( 9 )   536 - 546   2022.9( ISSN:1948-5190

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    DOI : 10.4253/wjge.v14.i9.536


  • Clinical usefulness and acceleratory effect of macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 on biliary tract cancer: an experimental biomarker analysis.

    Sugimoto M, Suzuki R, Nozawa Y, Takagi T, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Suzuki O, Hashimoto Y, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    Cancer cell international   22 ( 1 )   250   2022.8( ISSN:1475-2867

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    DOI : 10.1186/s12935-022-02668-x


  • Biliary metal stents should be placed near the hilar duct in distal malignant biliary stricture patients.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Okubo Y, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Yanagita T, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    World journal of gastroenterology   28 ( 17 )   1860 - 1870   2022.5( ISSN:1007-9327

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    DOI : 10.3748/wjg.v28.i17.1860


  • Drug treatment for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with pancreatic cancer(和訳中)

    Sugimoto Mitsuru, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Konno Naoki, Asama Hiroyuki, Sato Yuki, Irie Hiroki, Okubo Yoshinori, Nakamura Jun, Takasumi Mika, Hashimoto Minami, Kato Tsunetaka, Kobashi Ryoichiro, Hikichi Takuto, Ohira Hiromasa

    Fukushima Journal of Medical Science   68 ( 1 )   1 - 10   2022.4( ISSN:0016-2590

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  • Transjejunal endoscopic ultrasound-guided pancreatic drainage for pancreatic jejunostomy stricture using a forward-viewing echoendoscope in a patient with altered anatomy.

    Shimizu H, Suzuki R, Sato Y, Takagi T, Abe N, Irie H, Sugimoto M, Yanagita T, Kobashi R, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Takasumi M, Nakamura J, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    DEN open   2 ( 1 )   e114   2022.4

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    DOI : 10.1002/deo2.114


  • Esophageal achalasia with severe malnutrition and liver enzyme elevation(和訳中)

    Takeda Yutaro, Hikichi Takuto, Hashimoto Minami, Hayashi Manabu, Nakamura Jun, Takasumi Mika, Kato Tsunetaka, Kobashi Ryoichiro, Suzuki Rei, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Sato Yuki, Irie Hiroki, Okubo Yoshinori, Murakami Mai, Takagi Tadayuki, Kobayakawa Masao, Ohira Hiromasa

    Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology   15 ( 2 )   345 - 350   2022.4( ISSN:1865-7257

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  • 初回化学療法導入前における十二指腸狭窄を有する切除不能膵癌患者に対する内視鏡的十二指腸ステント留置術と胃空腸バイパス術の比較(GASPACHO試験) 多施設共同後方視的試験(Endoscopic duodenal stent placement versus gastrojejunostomy for unresectable pancreatic cancer patients with duodenal stenosis before introduction of initial chemotherapy(GASPACHO study): a multicenter retrospective study)

    Azemoto Nobuaki, Ueno Makoto, Yanagimoto Hiroaki, Mizuno Nobumasa, Kawamoto Yasuyuki, Maruki Yuta, Watanabe Kazuo, Suzuki Rei, Kaneko Junichi, Hisada Yuya, Sato Hiroki, Kobayashi Satoshi, Miyata Hideki, Furukawa Masayuki, Mizukami Takuro, Miwa Haruo, Ohno Yoshinori, Tsuji Kunihiro, Tsujimoto Akiko, Nagano Hiroaki, Okuyama Hiroyuki, Asagi Akinori, Okano Naohiro, Ishii Hiroshi, Morizane Chigusa, Ikeda Masafumi, Furuse Junji, Japan Observational Study Committee of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology(JOSC-HBP)

    Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology   52 ( 2 )   134 - 142   2022.2( ISSN:0368-2811

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  • Factors Associated With Successful Fistula Dilation in Endoscopic Ultrasound-guided Biliary Drainage

    Sugimoto M., Takagi T., Suzuki R., Waragai Y., Konno N., Asama H., Sato Y., Irie H., Nakamura J., Takasumi M., Hashimoto M., Kato T., Hikichi T., Ohira H.

    Techniques and Innovations in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy   24 ( 4 )   316 - 323   2022.1

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    DOI : 10.1016/j.tige.2022.05.003

  • 超音波内視鏡ガイド下細径針吸引細胞診で診断された局在性胃アミロイドーシス(Localized gastric amyloidosis diagnosed by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration)

    Hashimoto Choichiro, Hikichi Takuto, Hashimoto Minami, Waragai Yuichi, Takasumi Mika, Nakamura Jun, Kato Tsunetaka, Kobashi Ryoichiro, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Sato Yuki, Irie Hiroki, Okubo Yoshinori, Satake Shunsuke, Kobayakawa Masao, Hashimoto Yuko, Ohira Hiromasa

    Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology   14 ( 4 )   1036 - 1041   2021.8( ISSN:1865-7257

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  • 新規スリムデバイスを用いた4つの金属ステントにより治療した肝門部悪性胆管閉塞(Hilar Malignant Biliary Obstruction Treated with Four Metallic Stents Involving a New Slim Device)

    Noguchi Yuki, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Kiko Yuichiro, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Konno Naoki, Asama Hiroyuki, Sato Yuki, Irie Hiroki, Nakamura Jun, Takasumi Mika, Hashimoto Minami, Kato Tsunetaka, Kobashi Ryoichiro, Hashimoto Yuko, Hikichi Takuto, Ohira Hiromasa

    Internal Medicine   60 ( 12 )   1871 - 1876   2021.6( ISSN:0918-2918

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  • 超音波内視鏡ガイド下細径針細胞診で診断された、リンパ球浸潤胃癌(Gastric carcinoma with lymphoid stroma diagnosed by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration)

    Yanagita Takumi, Hikichi Takuto, Nakamura Jun, Watanabe Ko, Kikuchi Hitomi, Takasumi Mika, Hashimoto Minami, Kato Tsunetaka, Kobashi Ryoichiro, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Sato Yuki, Irie Hiroki, Hanayama Hiroyuki, Saze Zenichiro, Kobayakawa Masao, Kono Koji, Ohira Hiromasa

    Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology   14 ( 2 )   471 - 477   2021.4( ISSN:1865-7257

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  • 十二指腸および胆管の出血に対する被覆型自己拡張型メタリックステントの著明な止血効果(The Dramatic Haemostatic Effect of Covered Self-expandable Metallic Stents for Duodenal and Biliary Bleeding)

    Sugimoto Mitsuru, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Konno Naoki, Asama Hiroyuki, Sato Yuki, Irie Hiroki, Nakamura Jun, Takasumi Mika, Hashimoto Minami, Kato Tsunetaka, Kobashi Ryoichiro, Hikichi Takuto, Ohira Hiromasa

    Internal Medicine   60 ( 6 )   883 - 889   2021.3( ISSN:0918-2918

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  • 膵胆道系悪性腫瘍患者の血中循環腫瘍細胞を検出するために新たに開発したマイクロ流体デバイスの臨床的有用性(Clinical utility of a newly developed microfluidic device for detecting circulating tumor cells in the blood of patients with pancreatico-biliary malignancies)

    Konno Naoki, Suzuki Rei, Takagi Tadayuki, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Asama Hiroyuki, Sato Yuki, Irie Hiroki, Hikichi Takuto, Ohira Hiromasa

    Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences   28 ( 1 )   115 - 124   2021.1( ISSN:1868-6974

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  • 経口内視鏡下筋切離術を施行した食道アカラシアを伴う食道気管支瘻(Esophagobronchial fistula complicated by esophageal achalasia treated by per-oral endoscopic myotomy)

    Sugaya Tatsuro, Hikichi Takuto, Nakamura Jun, Hashimoto Minami, Takasumi Mika, Kato Tsunetaka, Kobashi Ryoichiro, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Sato Yuki, Irie Hiroki, Rikimaru Mami, Uematsu Manabu, Minemura Hiroyuki, Kobayakawa Masao, Ohira Hiromasa

    Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology   13 ( 6 )   1051 - 1056   2020.12( ISSN:1865-7257

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  • 膵管内乳頭粘液性腫瘍と1型自己免疫性膵炎を伴ったまれな1例(Rare coincidence of intraductal papillary mutinous neoplasm and type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis)

    Suzuki Rei, Okada Ryo, Muto Makoto, Takagi Tadayuki, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Irie Hiroki, Nakamura Jun, Takasumi Mika, Kato Tsunetaka, Hashimoto Minami, Notohara Kenji, Suzuki Osamu, Hashimoto Yuko, Hikichi Takuto, Marubashi Shigeru, Ohira Hiromasa

    Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology   13 ( 6 )   1315 - 1321   2020.12( ISSN:1865-7257

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  • 術前の内視鏡生検で診断された主膵管全体に浸潤する膵神経内分泌腫瘍(Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasm Invading the Entire Main Pancreatic Duct Diagnosed by a Preoperative Endoscopic Biopsy)

    Kimura Tomoya, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Konno Naoki, Asama Hiroyuki, Sato Yuki, Irie Hiroki, Nakamura Jun, Takasumi Mika, Hashimoto Minami, Kato Tsunetaka, Kofunato Yasuhide, Kimura Takashi, Yamada Shoki, Hashimoto Yuko, Marubashi Shigeru, Hikichi Takuto, Ohira Hiromasa

    Internal Medicine   59 ( 16 )   1991 - 1996   2020.8( ISSN:0918-2918

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  • Efficacy of a novel large-cell Niti-S stent with a slim delivery system for hilar biliary obstruction: a preliminary study.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Ishizaki Y, Akatsuka H, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Yanagita T, Marubashi S, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    Annals of medicine   54 ( 1 )   953 - 961   2022.12( ISSN:0785-3890

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1080/07853890.2022.2056631


  • Drug treatment for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with pancreatic cancer.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Okubo Y, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    Fukushima journal of medical science   68 ( 1 )   1 - 10   2022.4( ISSN:0016-2590

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.5387/fms.2021-32


  • Esophageal achalasia with severe malnutrition and liver enzyme elevation.

    Takeda Y, Hikichi T, Hashimoto M, Hayashi M, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Irie H, Okubo Y, Murakami M, Takagi T, Kobayakawa M, Ohira H

    Clinical journal of gastroenterology   15 ( 2 )   345 - 350   2022.4( ISSN:1865-7257

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1007/s12328-021-01576-3


  • A rare case of recurrent ovarian cancer with <i>TPM3-NTRK1</i> gene rearrangement: A case report.

    Endo Y, Watanabe T, Saito M, Saito K, Suzuki R, Sano H, Natori Y, Sasaki E, Ueda M, Kamo N, Furukawa S, Soeda S, Kono K, Saji S, Fujimori K

    Molecular and clinical oncology   16 ( 4 )   90   2022.4( ISSN:2049-9450

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3892/mco.2022.2523


  • The Complement C3a-C3a Receptor Axis Regulates Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition by Activating the ERK Pathway in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma.

    Suzuki R, Okubo Y, Takagi T, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Irie H, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Kato T, Hashimoto M, Kobashi R, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    Anticancer research   42 ( 3 )   1207 - 1215   2022.3( ISSN:0250-7005

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.21873/anticanres.15587


  • Endoscopic duodenal stent placement versus gastrojejunostomy for unresectable pancreatic cancer patients with duodenal stenosis before introduction of initial chemotherapy (GASPACHO study): a multicenter retrospective study.

    Azemoto N, Ueno M, Yanagimoto H, Mizuno N, Kawamoto Y, Maruki Y, Watanabe K, Suzuki R, Kaneko J, Hisada Y, Sato H, Kobayashi S, Miyata H, Furukawa M, Mizukami T, Miwa H, Ohno Y, Tsuji K, Tsujimoto A, Nagano H, Okuyama H, Asagi A, Okano N, Ishii H, Morizane C, Ikeda M, Furuse J

    Japanese journal of clinical oncology   52 ( 2 )   134 - 142   2022.2( ISSN:0368-2811

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1093/jjco/hyab194


  • Dysbiosis of the duodenal microbiota as a diagnostic marker for pancreaticobiliary cancer.

    Sugimoto M, Abe K, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    World journal of gastrointestinal oncology   13 ( 12 )   2088 - 2100   2021.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.4251/wjgo.v13.i12.2088


  • Mirogabalin vs pregabalin for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in pancreatic cancer patients.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Okubo Y, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    BMC cancer   21 ( 1 )   1319   2021.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1186/s12885-021-09069-9


  • Efficacy and Safety of Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy for Esophageal Achalasia and Achalasia-Related Diseases in Patients Aged 75 Years and Over.

    Nakamura J, Hikichi T, Hashimoto M, Takasumi M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Yanagita T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Irie H, Takagi T, Kobayakawa M, Ohira H

    Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)   9 ( 12 )   2021.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3390/healthcare9121668


  • Usefulness of a Fork-Tip Needle in Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine-Needle Biopsy for Gastric Subepithelial Lesions.

    Takasumi M, Hikichi T, Hashimoto M, Nakamura J, Kato T, Kobashi R, Yanagita T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Irie H, Takagi T, Kobayakawa M, Hashimoto Y, Ohira H

    Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)   11 ( 10 )   2021.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3390/diagnostics11101883


  • Usefulness of Endoscopic Ultrasound with the Jelly-Filling Method for Esophageal Varices.

    Kato T, Hikichi T, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kobashi R, Yanagita T, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Irie H, Okubo Y, Kobayakawa M, Ohira H

    Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)   11 ( 9 )   2021.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3390/diagnostics11091726


  • Localized gastric amyloidosis diagnosed by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration.

    Hashimoto C, Hikichi T, Hashimoto M, Waragai Y, Takasumi M, Nakamura J, Kato T, Kobashi R, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Irie H, Okubo Y, Satake S, Kobayakawa M, Hashimoto Y, Ohira H

    Clinical journal of gastroenterology   14 ( 4 )   1036 - 1041   2021.8( ISSN:1865-7257

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1007/s12328-021-01416-4


  • Hilar Malignant Biliary Obstruction Treated with Four Metallic Stents Involving a New Slim Device.

    Noguchi Y, Sugimoto M, Kiko Y, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Hashimoto Y, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)   60 ( 12 )   1871 - 1876   2021.6( ISSN:0918-2918

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.2169/internalmedicine.6356-20


  • Two cases of gastric adenocarcinoma with enteroblastic differentiation resected by endoscopic submucosal dissection.

    Kato T, Hikichi T, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kobashi R, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Okubo Y, Satake S, Oka Y, Yamada S, Kobayakawa M, Hashimoto Y, Ohira H

    Clinical journal of gastroenterology   14 ( 3 )   736 - 744   2021.6( ISSN:1865-7257

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1007/s12328-021-01356-z


  • 内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術で切除した、胎児消化管上皮類似胃腺癌の二例(Two cases of gastric adenocarcinoma with enteroblastic differentiation resected by endoscopic submucosal dissection)

    Kato Tsunetaka, Hikichi Takuto, Nakamura Jun, Takasumi Mika, Hashimoto Minami, Kobashi Ryoichiro, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Sato Yuki, Okubo Yoshinori, Satake Shunsuke, Oka Yuka, Yamada Shoki, Kobayakawa Masao, Hashimoto Yuko, Ohira Hiromasa

    Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology   14 ( 3 )   736 - 744   2021.6( ISSN:1865-7257

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Spontaneous disappearance of common bile duct stones following the insertion of a new dumbbell-shaped, covered self-expandable metallic stent in a patient with benign biliary stricture.

    Ishizaki Y, Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Okubo Y, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    Clinical case reports   9 ( 5 )   e04093   2021.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1002/ccr3.4093


  • Gastric carcinoma with lymphoid stroma diagnosed by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration.

    Yanagita T, Hikichi T, Nakamura J, Watanabe K, Kikuchi H, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Irie H, Hanayama H, Saze Z, Kobayakawa M, Kono K, Ohira H

    Clinical journal of gastroenterology   14 ( 2 )   471 - 477   2021.4( ISSN:1865-7257

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1007/s12328-020-01300-7


  • A simple method for diagnosing gallbladder malignant tumors with subserosa invasion by endoscopic ultrasonography.

    Sugimoto M, Irie H, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Oka Y, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Nakamura J, Kato T, Kobashi R, Hashimoto Y, Marubashi S, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    BMC cancer   21 ( 1 )   288   2021.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1186/s12885-021-08017-x


  • The Dramatic Haemostatic Effect of Covered Self-expandable Metallic Stents for Duodenal and Biliary Bleeding.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)   60 ( 6 )   883 - 889   2021.3( ISSN:0918-2918

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.2169/internalmedicine.6018-20


  • Splenic volume as a prognostic indicator for unresectable pancreatic cancer

    Suzuki R., Ishii S., Watanabe H., Takagi T., Sugimoto M., Sato Y., Nakamura J., Takasumi M., Kato T., Hashimoto M., Hikichi T., Hiroshi I.T.O., Ohira H.

    World Academy of Sciences Journal   3 ( 1 )   2021.1( ISSN:26322900

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3892/wasj.2020.80

  • Clinical utility of a newly developed microfluidic device for detecting circulating tumor cells in the blood of patients with pancreatico-biliary malignancies.

    Konno N, Suzuki R, Takagi T, Sugimoto M, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences   28 ( 1 )   115 - 124   2021.1( ISSN:1868-6974

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1002/jhbp.850


  • Efficacy of Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose Compared to Sodium Hyaluronate as Submucosal Injectant for Gastric Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

    Nakamura J, Hikichi T, Watanabe K, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Takasumi M, Sato Y, Irie H, Kobashi R, Kikuchi H, Waragai Y, Kobayakawa M, Yamasaki M, Ohira H

    Digestion   102 ( 5 )   753 - 759   2021( ISSN:0012-2823

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1159/000513148


  • Clinical Characteristics of Intramucosal Gastric Cancers with Lymphovascular Invasion Resected by Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection.

    Hashimoto M, Hikichi T, Nakamura J, Watanabe K, Takasumi M, Kato T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Irie H, Takagi T, Ohira H

    Digestion   102 ( 4 )   546 - 553   2021( ISSN:0012-2823

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1159/000509599


  • A Pilot Randomized Crossover Trial of Wet Suction and Conventional Techniques of Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration for Upper Gastrointestinal Subepithelial Lesions.

    Takasumi M, Hikichi T, Hashimoto M, Nakamura J, Kato T, Kikuchi H, Waragai Y, Watanabe K, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Hayashi M, Sato Y, Irie H, Kobashi R, Okubo Y, Kobayakawa M, Ohira H

    Gastroenterology research and practice   2021   4913107   2021( ISSN:1687-6121

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1155/2021/4913107


  • Prevention of Stricture after Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Superficial Esophageal Cancer: A Review of the Literature.

    Hikichi T, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Irie H, Okubo Y, Kobayakawa M, Ohira H

    Journal of clinical medicine   10 ( 1 )   1 - 17   2020.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3390/jcm10010020


  • Circulating extracellular vesicle-encapsulated microRNA as screening biomarkers for intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm.

    Sato Y, Suzuki R, Takagi T, Sugimoto M, Ohira H

    Oncology letters   20 ( 6 )   315   2020.12( ISSN:1792-1074

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3892/ol.2020.12178


  • Esophagobronchial fistula complicated by esophageal achalasia treated by per-oral endoscopic myotomy.

    Sugaya T, Hikichi T, Nakamura J, Hashimoto M, Takasumi M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Irie H, Rikimaru M, Uematsu M, Minemura H, Kobayakawa M, Ohira H

    Clinical journal of gastroenterology   13 ( 6 )   1051 - 1056   2020.12( ISSN:1865-7257

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1007/s12328-020-01226-0


  • 内視鏡下に経過観察された胃胎児消化管上皮類似癌 1症例報告(Gastric adenocarcinoma with enteroblastic differentiation followed endoscopically: A case report)

    Kimura Tomoya, Hikichi Takuto, Nakamura Jun, Takasumi Mika, Hashimoto Minami, Kato Tsunetaka, Kobashi Ryoichiro, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Sato Yuki, Irie Hiroki, Saze Zenichiro, Kobayakawa Masao, Kono Koji, Ohira Hiromasa

    Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology   13 ( 6 )   1074 - 1082   2020.12( ISSN:1865-7257

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Rare coincidence of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm and type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis.

    Suzuki R, Okada R, Muto M, Takagi T, Sugimoto M, Irie H, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Kato T, Hashimoto M, Notohara K, Suzuki O, Hashimoto Y, Hikichi T, Marubashi S, Ohira H

    Clinical journal of gastroenterology   13 ( 6 )   1315 - 1321   2020.12( ISSN:1865-7257

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1007/s12328-020-01162-z


  • Gastric adenocarcinoma with enteroblastic differentiation followed endoscopically: A case report.

    Kimura T, Hikichi T, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Irie H, Saze Z, Kobayakawa M, Kono K, Ohira H

    Clinical journal of gastroenterology   13 ( 6 )   1074 - 1082   2020.12( ISSN:1865-7257

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1007/s12328-020-01220-6


  • Efficacy of EUS-guided FNB using a Franseen needle for tissue acquisition and microsatellite instability evaluation in unresectable pancreatic lesions.

    Sugimoto M, Irie H, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kobashi R, Kobayashi Y, Hashimoto Y, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    BMC cancer   20 ( 1 )   1094   2020.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1186/s12885-020-07588-5


  • A Blood-based Gene-expression Scoring System for Cancer Screening in Patients With Branch-duct Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms.

    Suzuki R, Tamura H, Honma R, Konno N, Irie H, Takagi T, Sugimoto M, Asama H, Sato Y, Yoshinori O, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Kato T, Hashimoto M, Hikichi T, Imai JI, Watanabe S, Ohira H

    Anticancer research   40 ( 11 )   6551 - 6561   2020.11( ISSN:0250-7005

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.21873/anticanres.14680


  • Clinical outcomes of chemotherapy in patients with undifferentiated carcinoma of the pancreas: a retrospective multicenter cohort study.

    Imaoka H, Ikeda M, Maehara K, Umemoto K, Ozaka M, Kobayashi S, Terashima T, Inoue H, Sakaguchi C, Tsuji K, Shioji K, Okamura K, Kawamoto Y, Suzuki R, Shirakawa H, Nagano H, Ueno M, Morizane C, Furuse J

    BMC cancer   20 ( 1 )   946   2020.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1186/s12885-020-07462-4


  • Predictive model of bleeding following endoscopic sphincterotomy for the treatment of choledocholithiasis in hemodialysis patients: A retrospective multicenter study.

    Nakaji S, Okawa Y, Nakamura K, Itonaga M, Inase M, Sugiyama H, Suzuki R, Yamauchi K, Matsui H, Hirata N, Saito J, Ishii N, Tsuyuguchi T, Kato H, Kitano M, Kato N, Ohira H, Okada H, Torimura T, Maguchi H

    JGH open : an open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology   4 ( 5 )   915 - 922   2020.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1002/jgh3.12363


  • Into which Region Should a Prophylactic Pancreatic Stent Be Inserted? A Propensity Score Matching Analysis.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    Journal of gastrointestinal and liver diseases : JGLD   29 ( 3 )   399 - 405   2020.9( ISSN:1841-8724

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.15403/jgld-857


  • Which scope is appropriate for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography after Billroth II reconstruction: An esophagogastroduodenoscope or a colonoscope?

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    World journal of gastrointestinal endoscopy   12 ( 8 )   220 - 230   2020.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.4253/wjge.v12.i8.220


  • Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasm Invading the Entire Main Pancreatic Duct Diagnosed by a Preoperative Endoscopic Biopsy.

    Kimura T, Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Kofunato Y, Kimura T, Yamada S, Hashimoto Y, Marubashi S, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)   59 ( 16 )   1991 - 1996   2020.8( ISSN:0918-2918

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.2169/internalmedicine.4546-20


  • Can the wet suction technique change the efficacy of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration for diagnosing autoimmune pancreatitis type 1? A prospective single-arm study.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Kato T, Hikichi T, Notohara K, Ohira H

    World journal of clinical cases   8 ( 1 )   88 - 96   2020.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.12998/wjcc.v8.i1.88


  • Interstitial lung disease in advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients treated with gemcitabine and nab-paclitaxel combination therapy: a retrospective analysis.

    Irie H, Suzuki R, Takagi T, Sugimoto M, Konno N, Sato Y, Hikichi T, Nakamura J, Hashimoto M, Ohira H

    Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology   2019.11( ISSN:0344-5704

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1007/s00280-019-03983-3


  • 【肝胆膵の線維化up-to-date】胆膵の線維化 基礎・病理 膵線維化とエクソソーム・マイクロRNA

    鈴木 玲, 高木 忠之, 杉本 充, 紺野 直紀, 佐藤 雄紀, 入江 大樹, 大平 弘正

    肝・胆・膵   79 ( 5 )   919 - 925   2019.11( ISSN:0389-4991

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • A case of inflammatory fibroid polyp of the stomach with an "erect penis like appearance" successfully removed by endoscopic submucosal dissection.

    Watahiki Y, Hikichi T, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Hahimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Konno N, Sato Y, Irie H, Ohira H

    Clinical journal of gastroenterology   12 ( 3 )   279 - 284   2019.6( ISSN:1865-7257

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1007/s12328-019-00935-5


  • 勃起したペニス様の外観を呈する胃の炎症性線維性ポリープに対して内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術により除去が奏効した1症例(A case of inflammatory fibroid polyp of the stomach with an "erect penis like appearance" successfully removed by endoscopic submucosal dissection)

    Watahiki Yu, Hikichi Takuto, Watanabe Ko, Nakamura Jun, Kikuchi Hitomi, Hahimoto Minami, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Konno Naoki, Sato Yuki, Irie Hiroki, Ohira Hiromasa

    Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology   12 ( 3 )   279 - 284   2019.6( ISSN:1865-7257

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Appropriate number of biliary biopsies and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography sessions for diagnosing biliary tract cancer.

    Takagi T, Sugimoto M, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    World journal of gastrointestinal endoscopy   11 ( 3 )   231 - 238   2019.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.4253/wjge.v11.i3.231


  • An observation study of the prognostic effect of waiting times in the management of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.

    Suzuki R, Takagi T, Hikichi T, Sugimoto M, Konno N, Asama H, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Marubashi S, Ohira H

    Oncology letters   17 ( 1 )   587 - 593   2019.1( ISSN:1792-1074

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3892/ol.2018.9626


  • MicroRNA let-7d targets thrombospondin-1 and inhibits the activation of human pancreatic stellate cells.

    Asama H, Suzuki R, Hikichi T, Takagi T, Masamune A, Ohira H

    Pancreatology : official journal of the International Association of Pancreatology (IAP) ... [et al.]   19 ( 1 )   196 - 203   2019.1( ISSN:1424-3903

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1016/j.pan.2018.10.012


  • Non-specific elevation of serum Mac-2 binding protein glycosylation isomer levels in patients with biliary disease.

    Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Konno N, Sato Y, Irie H, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    Molecular and clinical oncology   10 ( 1 )   168 - 172   2019.1( ISSN:2049-9450

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3892/mco.2018.1750


  • Clinical Outcomes and Adverse Events of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Gastric Tube Cancer after Esophagectomy.

    Watanabe K, Hikichi T, Nakamura J, Hashimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Kikuchi H, Konno N, Takasumi M, Sato Y, Irie H, Obara K, Ohira H

    Gastroenterology research and practice   2019   2836860   2019( ISSN:1687-6121

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1155/2019/2836860


  • Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration for pancreatic cancer.

    Suzuki R, Takagi T, Sugimoto M, Konno N, Sato Y, Irie H, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Hikichi T, Ohira H.

    Fukushima J Med Sci   64 ( 3 )   111 - 115   2018.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Propofol is a more effective and safer sedative agent than midazolam in endoscopic injection sclerotherapy for esophageal varices in patients with liver cirrhosis: a randomized controlled trial

    Watanabe K., Hikichi T., Takagi T., Suzuki R., Nakamura J., Sugimoto M., Kikuchi H., Konno N., Takasumi M., Sato Y., Hashimoto M., Irie H., Obara K., Ohira H.

    Fukushima journal of medical science   64 ( 3 )   133 - 141   2018.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.5387/fms.2018-21

  • microRNAによる膵癌間質反応形成機序の解明と診断への応用

    鈴木 玲

    日本膵臓病研究財団研究報告書   25回   37 - 40   2018.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • The efficacy of serum cell death biomarkers for diagnosing biliary tract cancer.

    Sugimoto M, Abe K, Hayashi M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Waragai Y, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Hikichi T, Nozawa Y, Ohira H

    Scientific reports   8 ( 1 )   16997   2018.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1038/s41598-018-35278-7


  • Prognostic influence of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration in IPMN-derived invasive adenocarcinoma.

    Suzuki R, Irie H, Takagi T, Sugimoto M, Konno N, Sato Y, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Marubashi S, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    BMC Cancer   18 ( 1 )   974   2018.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Prognostic influence of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration in IPMN-derived invasive adenocarcinoma.

    Suzuki R, Irie H, Takagi T, Sugimoto M, Konno N, Sato Y, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Marubashi S, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    BMC cancer   18 ( 1 )   974   2018.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1186/s12885-018-4896-2


  • Evaluation of inflammation-based markers for predicting the prognosis of unresectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma treated with chemotherapy.

    Asama H, Suzuki R, Takagi T, Sugimoto M, Konno N, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Takasumi M, Sato Y, Irie H, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    Molecular and clinical oncology   9 ( 4 )   408 - 414   2018.10( ISSN:2049-9450

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3892/mco.2018.1696


  • Successful Endoscopic Closure Using Polyglycolic Acid Sheets with Fibrin Glue for Nonhealing Duodenal Ulcer with Perforation after Proton Beam Therapy of Liver Tumor.

    Watanabe K, Hikichi T, Nakamura J, Hashimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Konno N, Takasumi M, Sato Y, Irie H, Kimura T, Kenjo A, Marubashi S, Obara K, Ohira H

    Case reports in gastroenterology   12 ( 3 )   679 - 685   2018.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1159/000494918


  • Allgrove症候群患者の食道アカラシアに対する経口内視鏡的筋層切開術(Per-oral endoscopic myotomy for esophageal achalasia in a case of Allgrove syndrome)

    Nakamura Jun, Hikichi Takuto, Inoue Haruhiro, Watanabe Ko, Kikuchi Hitomi, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Konno Naoki, Waragai Yuichi, Asama Hiroyuki, Takasumi Mika, Sato Yuki, Irie Hiroki, Obara Katsutoshi, Ohira Hiromasa

    Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology   11 ( 4 )   273 - 277   2018.8( ISSN:1865-7257

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Per-oral endoscopic myotomy for esophageal achalasia in a case of Allgrove syndrome.

    Nakamura J, Hikichi T, Inoue H, Watanabe K, Kikuchi H, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Konno N, Waragai Y, Asama H, Takasumi M, Sato Y, Irie H, Obara K, Ohira H

    Clinical journal of gastroenterology   11 ( 4 )   273 - 277   2018.8( ISSN:1865-7257

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1007/s12328-018-0819-7


  • Push <i>vs</i> pull method for endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of pancreatic head lesions: Propensity score matching analysis.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Waragai Y, Takasumi M, Hashimoto M, Hashimoto Y, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    World journal of gastroenterology   24 ( 27 )   3006 - 3012   2018.7( ISSN:1007-9327

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3748/wjg.v24.i27.3006


  • Pancreatic stents for the prevention of post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis should be inserted up to the pancreatic body or tail.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Sato Y, Irie H, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Waragai Y, Takasumi M, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    World journal of gastroenterology   24 ( 22 )   2392 - 2399   2018.6( ISSN:1007-9327

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3748/wjg.v24.i22.2392


  • Peptic Ulcers in Fukushima Prefecture Related to the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Accident.

    Hikichi T, Sato M, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Ejiri Y, Ishihata R, Irisawa A, Takahashi Y, Saito H, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Konno N, Waragai Y, Asama H, Takasumi M, Sato Y, Ohira H, Obara K

    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)   57 ( 7 )   915 - 921   2018.4( ISSN:0918-2918

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.2169/internalmedicine.9252-17


  • Endoscopic ultrasound-guided right hepaticoduodenostomy for a patient with Chilaiditi syndrome.

    Kobashi R, Suzuki R, Takagi T, Sugimoto M, Konno N, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    The Turkish journal of gastroenterology : the official journal of Turkish Society of Gastroenterology   29 ( 2 )   239 - 240   2018.3( ISSN:1300-4948

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.5152/tjg.2018.17681


  • Fibrosis-related miRNAs as serum biomarkers for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.

    Suzuki R, Asama H, Waragai Y, Takagi T, Hikichi T, Sugimoto M, Konno N, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Sato Y, Marubashi S, Masamune A, Ohira H

    Oncotarget   9 ( 4 )   4451 - 4460   2018.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.18632/oncotarget.23377


  • Efficacy and safety of sedation during endoscopic submucosal dissection of gastric cancers using a comparative trial of propofol versus midazolam.

    Kikuchi H, Hikichi T, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Waragai Y, Konno N, Asama H, Takasumi M, Sato Y, Obara K, Ohira H

    Endoscopy international open   6 ( 1 )   E51 - E57   2018.1( ISSN:2364-3722

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1055/s-0043-122225


  • Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration for pancreatic cancer

    Suzuki Rei, Hashimoto Minami, Hikichi Takuto, Ohira Hiromasa, Takagi Tadayuki, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Konno Naoki, Sato Yuki, Irie Hiroki, Watanabe Ko, Nakamura Jun, Takasumi Mika

    福島医大   2018( ISSN:0016-2590

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.5387/fms.2018-14

  • 【門脈圧亢進症治療の進歩】胃静脈瘤の内視鏡的治療

    引地 拓人, 小原 勝敏, 渡辺 晃, 高木 忠之, 鈴木 玲, 中村 純, 杉本 充, 紺野 直紀, 菊地 眸, 高住 美香, 佐藤 雄紀, 入江 大樹, 大平 弘正

    消化器・肝臓内科   2 ( 5 )   526 - 533   2017.11( ISSN:2432-3446

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Endoscopic Ultrasonography-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Can Be Used to Rule Out Malignancy in Autoimmune Pancreatitis Patients.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Waragai Y, Takasumi M, Sato Y, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine   36 ( 11 )   2237 - 2244   2017.11( ISSN:0278-4297

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1002/jum.14265


  • Feasibility of esophageal stent fixation with an over-the-scope-clip for malignant esophageal strictures to prevent migration.

    Watanabe K, Hikichi T, Nakamura J, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Waragai Y, Kikuchi H, Konno N, Asama H, Takasumi M, Sato Y, Obara K, Ohira H

    Endoscopy international open   5 ( 11 )   E1044 - E1049   2017.11( ISSN:2364-3722

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1055/s-0043-111793


  • Predictive factors for the failure of endoscopic stent-in-stent self-expandable metallic stent placement to treat malignant hilar biliary obstruction.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Waragai Y, Takasumi M, Sato Y, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    World journal of gastroenterology   23 ( 34 )   6273 - 6280   2017.9( ISSN:1007-9327

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3748/wjg.v23.i34.6273


  • 【胃粘膜下腫瘍の診断と治療】胃粘膜下腫瘍の組織生検法

    引地 拓人, 菊地 眸, 中村 純, 渡辺 晃, 高木 忠之, 鈴木 玲, 杉本 充, 藁谷 雄一, 紺野 直紀, 浅間 宏之, 高住 美香, 佐藤 雄紀, 佐藤 匡記, 入澤 篤志, 大平 弘正, 小原 勝敏

    胃と腸   52 ( 10 )   1301 - 1315   2017.9( ISSN:0536-2180

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • The efficacy of biliary and serum macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 for diagnosing biliary tract cancer.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Konno N, Suzuki R, Asama H, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Waragai Y, Kikuchi H, Takasumi M, Sato Y, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    Scientific reports   7 ( 1 )   9198   2017.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1038/s41598-017-09740-x


  • Contrast-enhanced harmonic endoscopic ultrasonography in gallbladder cancer and pancreatic cancer.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Waragai Y, Takasumi M, Sato Y, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    Fukushima journal of medical science   63 ( 2 )   39 - 45   2017.8( ISSN:0016-2590

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.5387/fms.2017-04


  • Efficacy of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration for schwannoma: six cases of a retrospective study.

    Takasumi M, Hikichi T, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Sugimoto M, Kikuchi H, Konno N, Waragai Y, Asama H, Obara K, Ohira H

    Fukushima journal of medical science   63 ( 2 )   75 - 80   2017.8( ISSN:0016-2590

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.5387/fms.2015-21


  • 胆嚢癌と膵癌における造影ハーモニック超音波内視鏡(Contrast-enhanced harmonic endoscopic ultrasonography in gallbladder cancer and pancreatic cancer)

    Sugimoto Mitsuru, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Konno Naoki, Asama Hiroyuki, Watanabe Ko, Nakamura Jun, Kikuchi Hitomi, Waragai Yuichi, Takasumi Mika, Sato Yuki, Hikichi Takuto, Ohira Hiromasa

    Fukushima Journal of Medical Science   63 ( 2 )   39 - 45   2017.8( ISSN:0016-2590

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • 【内視鏡データリファレンスブック2017】総論 消化器内視鏡診療時の鎮静の偶発症とその対策

    引地 拓人, 小原 勝敏, 高木 忠之, 鈴木 玲, 渡辺 晃, 中村 純, 杉本 充, 菊地 眸, 紺野 直紀, 大平 弘正

    消化器内視鏡   29 ( 8 )   1309 - 1319   2017.8( ISSN:0915-3217

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor Grade 1 patients followed up without surgery: Case series.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Waragai Y, Takasumi M, Kawana S, Hashimoto Y, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    World journal of clinical oncology   8 ( 3 )   293 - 299   2017.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.5306/wjco.v8.i3.293


  • Endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric cancer in very elderly patients age 85 or older.

    Watanabe K, Hikichi T, Nakamura J, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M Md, Waragai Y, Kikuchi H, Konno N, Asama H, Takasumi M, Obara K, Ohira H

    Endoscopy international open   5 ( 1 )   E17 - E24   2017.1( ISSN:2364-3722

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1055/s-0042-122960


  • Successful endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric cancer adjacent to gastric cardia varix.

    Watanabe K, Hikichi T, Nakamura J, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Waragai Y, Kikuchi H, Konno N, Asama H, Takasumi M, Watanabe H, Obara K, Ohira H

    Fukushima journal of medical science   62 ( 2 )   101 - 107   2016.12( ISSN:0016-2590

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.5387/fms.2016-2


  • 胃噴門部静脈瘤に隣接した早期胃癌に対する内視鏡的粘膜下切除術の成功(Successful endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric cancer adjacent to gastric cardia varix)

    Watanabe Ko, Hikichi Takuto, Nakamura Jun, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Waragai Yuichi, Kikuchi Hitomi, Konno Naoki, Asama Hiroyuki, Takasumi Mika, Watanabe Hiroshi, Obara Katsutoshi, Ohira Hiromasa

    Fukushima Journal of Medical Science   62 ( 2 )   101 - 107   2016.12( ISSN:0016-2590

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Lectin inhibits antigen-antibody reaction in a glycoform-specific manner: Application for detecting α2,6sialylated-carcinoembryonic antigen.

    Ito H, Hoshi K, Osuka F, Gotoh M, Saito T, Hojo H, Suzuki R, Ohira H, Honda T, Hashimoto Y

    Proteomics   16 ( 24 )   3081 - 3084   2016.12( ISSN:1615-9853

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1002/pmic.201600117


  • Influence of night duty on endoscopic therapy for bile duct stones.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Asama H, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Waragai Y, Takasumi M, Hikichi T, Ohira H

    World journal of gastroenterology   22 ( 42 )   9387 - 9393   2016.11( ISSN:1007-9327

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3748/wjg.v22.i42.9387


  • Clinical significance of serum Wisteria floribunda agglutinin-positive Mac-2 binding protein in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.

    Waragai Y, Suzuki R, Takagi T, Sugimoto M, Asama H, Watanabe K, Kikuchi H, Hikichi T, Masamune A, Kang Y, Fleming JB, Ohira H

    Pancreatology : official journal of the International Association of Pancreatology (IAP) ... [et al.]   16 ( 6 )   1044 - 1050   2016.11( ISSN:1424-3903

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1016/j.pan.2016.09.003


  • Transforming Growth Factor-β Limits Secretion of Lumican by Activated Stellate Cells within Primary Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Tumors.

    Kang Y, Roife D, Lee Y, Lv H, Suzuki R, Ling J, Rios Perez MV, Li X, Dai B, Pratt M, Truty MJ, Chatterjee D, Wang H, Thomas RM, Wang Y, Koay EJ, Chiao PJ, Katz MH, Fleming JB

    Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research   22 ( 19 )   4934 - 4946   2016.10( ISSN:1078-0432

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-15-2780


  • Diagnosis of cystic lymphangioma of the colon by endoscopic ultrasound: Biopsy is not needed!

    Bhutani MS, Annangi S, Koduru P, Aggarwal A, Suzuki R

    Endoscopic ultrasound   5 ( 5 )   335 - 338   2016.9( ISSN:2303-9027

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.4103/2303-9027.191668


  • Gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection using sodium carboxymethylcellulose as a new injection substance.

    Hikichi T, Yamasaki M, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Sato M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Kikuchi H, Konno N, Waragai Y, Asama H, Takasumi M, Ejiri Y, Watanabe H, Ohira H, Obara K

    Fukushima journal of medical science   62 ( 1 )   43 - 50   2016.6( ISSN:0016-2590

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.5387/fms.2015-27


  • 新しい注入物質としてカルボキシメチルセルロースナトリウムを用いた胃内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術(Gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection using sodium carboxymethylcellulose as a new injection substance)

    Hikichi Takuto, Yamasaki Masahiro, Watanabe Ko, Nakamura Jun, Sato Masaki, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Kikuchi Hitomi, Konno Naoki, Waragai Yuichi, Asama Hiroyuki, Takasumi Mika, Ejiri Yutaka, Watanabe Hiroshi, Ohira Hiromasa, Obara Katsutoshi

    Fukushima Journal of Medical Science   62 ( 1 )   43 - 50   2016.6( ISSN:0016-2590

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • The efficacy of contrast-enhanced harmonic endoscopic ultrasonography in diagnosing gallbladder cancer.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Konno N, Suzuki R, Asama H, Hikichi T, Watanabe K, Waragai Y, Kikuchi H, Takasumi M, Ohira H

    Scientific reports   6   25848   2016.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1038/srep25848


  • Derived neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio predicts gemcitabine therapy outcome in unresectable pancreatic cancer.

    Suzuki R, Takagi T, Hikichi T, Konno N, Sugimoto M, Watanabe KO, Nakamura J, Waragai Y, Kikuchi H, Takasumi M, Watanabe H, Ohira H

    Oncology letters   11 ( 5 )   3441 - 3445   2016.5( ISSN:1792-1074

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3892/ol.2016.4381


  • 【粘膜下腫瘍のすべて】EUSとEUS-FNAによる粘膜下腫瘍の診断

    引地 拓人, 小原 勝敏, 入澤 篤志, 高木 忠之, 佐藤 匡記, 菊地 眸, 鈴木 玲, 渡辺 晃, 中村 純, 杉本 充, 藁谷 雄一, 大平 弘正

    消化器内視鏡   28 ( 2 )   164 - 176   2016.2( ISSN:0915-3217

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • The role of endoscopic ultrasound in pancreatic cancer screening

    Bhutani M., Koduru P., Joshi V., Saxena P., Suzuki R., Irisawa A., Yamao K.

    Endoscopic Ultrasound   5 ( 1 )   8 - 16   2016.1( ISSN:23039027

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.4103/2303-9027.175876

  • Lectin inhibits antigen-antibody reactioon in a glycoform-specific manner: Application for detecting alpha2,6sialylated-carcinoembryonic antigen

    Ito Hiromi*, Hoshi Kyoka*, Osuka Fumihiko*, Gotoh Mitsukazu*, Saito Takuro*, Hojo Hiroshi*, Suzuki Rei*, Ohira Hiromasa*, Honda Takashi*, Hashimoto Yasuhiro*

    PROTEOMICS   16 ( 24 )   3081 - 3084   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Lectin inhibits antigen-antibody reaction in a glycoform -specific manner:Application for detecting α 2,6sialylated-carcinoembryonic antigen.


    Proteomics.   16 ( 24 )   3081 - 3084   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Transforming Growth Factor-β Limits Secretion of Lumican by Activated Stellate Cells within Primary Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Tumors.

    Kang Y, Roife D, Lee Y, Lv H, SUZUKI Rei, LingJ, Rios Perez MV, Li X, Dai B, Pratt M, Truty MJ, Chatterjee D, Wang H, Thomas RM, Wang Y, Koay EJ, Chiao PJ, Katz MH, Fleming JB.

    Clinical Cancer Research.   22 ( 19 )   4934 - 4946   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Imiquimod-induced CCR9 Ameliorates murine TNBS Colitis.

    SUZUKI Rei, KATAKURA Kyoko, FUJIWARA Tatsuo, GUNJI Naohiko, WATANABE Hiroshi, OHIRA Hiromasa.

    Fukushima J Med Sci.   62 ( 2 )   90 - 100   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • In vivo cytological observation of liver and spleen by using high-resolution microendoscopy system under endoscopic ultrasound guidance:A preliminary study using a swine model.

    SUZUKI Rei, Shin D, Richards-Kortum R, Coghlan L, Bhutani MS.

    Endosc Ultrasound.   5 ( 4 )   239 - 242   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Endoscopic ultrasound-guided inoculation of transmissible venereal tumor in the colon:A large animal model for colon neoplasia.

    Bhutani MS, Uthamanthil R, SUZUKI Rei, Shetty A, Klumpp SA, Nau W;, Stafford RJ.

    Endosc Ultrasound.   5 ( 2 )   85 - 93   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Derived neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio predicts gemcitabine therapy outcome in unresectable pancreatic cancer.


    Oncol Lett.   11   3441 - 3445   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    Kikuchi Hitomi, Hikichi Takuto, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Watanabe Ko, Nakamura Jun, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Waragai Yuichi, Konno Naoki, Asama Hiroyuki, Takasumi Mika, Watanabe Hiroshi, Obara Katsutoshi, Ohira Hiromasa

    Fukushima Journal of Medical Science   61 ( 2 )   160 - 166   2015.12( ISSN:0016-2590

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Conventional versus contrast-enhanced harmonic endoscopic ultrasonography-guided fine-needle aspiration for diagnosis of solid pancreatic lesions: A prospective randomized trial.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Hikichi T, Suzuki R, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Konno N, Waragai Y, Watanabe H, Obara K, Ohira H

    Pancreatology : official journal of the International Association of Pancreatology (IAP) ... [et al.]   15 ( 5 )   538 - 541   2015.9( ISSN:1424-3903

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1016/j.pan.2015.06.005


  • Efficacy of endoscopic ultrasonography-guided fine needle aspiration for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor grading.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Hikichi T, Suzuki R, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Konno N, Waragai Y, Asama H, Takasumi M, Watanabe H, Obara K, Ohira H

    World journal of gastroenterology   21 ( 26 )   8118 - 24   2015.7( ISSN:1007-9327

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3748/wjg.v21.i26.8118


  • 【消化器内視鏡診療における適切な鎮静法-新ガイドラインの正しい理解・運用のために】拮抗薬の使用法と問題点

    引地 拓人, 小原 勝敏, 高木 忠之, 鈴木 玲, 渡辺 晃, 中村 純

    臨床消化器内科   30 ( 5 )   571 - 575   2015.4( ISSN:0911-601X

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    Watanabe Ko, Hikichi Takuto, Sato Masaki, Nakamura Jun, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Waragai Yuichi, Kikuchi Hitomi, Konno Naoki, Watanabe Hiroshi, Obara Katsutoshi, Ohira Hiromasa

    Fukushima Journal of Medical Science   60 ( 2 )   187 - 191   2015.2( ISSN:0016-2590

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Two-dimensional culture of human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells results in an irreversible transition from epithelial to mesenchymal phenotype.

    Kang Y, Zhang R, Suzuki R, Li SQ, Roife D, Truty MJ, Chatterjee D, Thomas RM, Cardwell J, Wang Y, Wang H, Katz MH, Fleming JB

    Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology   95 ( 2 )   207 - 22   2015.2( ISSN:0023-6837

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1038/labinvest.2014.143


  • Influence of SLCO1B1 polymorphism on maintenance therapy for childhood leukemia

    Suzuki R., Fukushima H., Noguchi E., Tsuchida M., Kiyokawa N., Koike K., Ma E., Takahashi H., Kobayashi C., Nakajima-Yamaguchi R., Sakai A., Saito M., Iwabuchi A., Kato K., Nakao T., Yoshimi A., Sumazaki R., Fukushima T.

    Pediatrics International   57 ( 4 )   572 - 577   2015.1( ISSN:13288067

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1111/ped.12682

  • Two-dimensional culture of human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells results in an irreversible transition from epithelial to mesenchymal phenotype.

    Kang Y, Zhang R, Suzuki R, Li SQ, Roife D, Truty MJ, Chatterjee D, Thomas RM, Cardwell J, Wang Y, Wang H, Katz MH, Fleming JB

    Lab Invest   95 ( 2 )   207 - 222   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    Kikuchi H, Hikichi T, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Watanabe KO, Nakamura J, Sugimoto M, Waragai Y, Konno N, Asama H, Takasumi M, Watanabe H, Obara K, Ohira H

    Fukushima journal of medical science   61 ( 2 )   160 - 6   2015( ISSN:0016-2590

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.5387/fms.2015-18


  • Efficacy of Steroid Pulse Therapy for Autoimmune Pancreatitis Type 1: A Retrospective Study.

    Sugimoto M, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Konno N, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Kikuchi H, Waragai Y, Asama H, Takasumi M, Hikichi T, Watanabe H, Obara K, Ohira H

    PloS one   10 ( 9 )   e0138604   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0138604


  • Endoscopic therapy for esophageal hematoma with blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome.

    Takasumi M, Hikichi T, Takagi T, Sato M, Suzuki R, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Sugimoto M, Waragai Y, Kikuchi H, Konno N, Watanabe H, Obara K, Ohira H

    World journal of gastrointestinal endoscopy   6 ( 12 )   630 - 4   2014.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.4253/wjge.v6.i12.630


  • 【看護・介助に生かす内視鏡画像の見方】ERCP・EUS-FNA画像の見方と看護への生かし方

    鈴木 玲, 高木 忠之, 引地 拓人

    消化器最新看護   19 ( 5 )   71,4 - 77,4   2014.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • 【食道病変!これ1冊】隆起を呈する病変 良性 超音波内視鏡下穿刺吸引生検で診断し得た食道平滑筋腫

    鈴木 玲, 引地 拓人, 小原 勝敏

    消化器内視鏡   26 ( 10 )   1564 - 1565   2014.10( ISSN:0915-3217

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Endoscopic ultrasound-assisted direct peritoneal visualization with a small-caliber scope: A proof of concept study in a swine model.

    Suzuki R, Bhutani MS, Shin D, Irisawa A, Fleming JB, Richards-Kortum R, Ohira H

    Endoscopic ultrasound   3 ( 4 )   226 - 31   2014.10( ISSN:2303-9027

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.4103/2303-9027.144535


  • Diagnostic yield of EUS-FNA-based cytology distinguishing malignant and benign IPMNs: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

    Suzuki R, Thosani N, Annangi S, Guha S, Bhutani MS

    Pancreatology : official journal of the International Association of Pancreatology (IAP) ... [et al.]   14 ( 5 )   380 - 4   2014.9( ISSN:1424-3903

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1016/j.pan.2014.07.006



    Hikichi Takuto, Sato Masaki, Watanabe Ko, Nakamura Jun, Takagi Tadayuki, Suzuki Rei, Sugimoto Mitsuru, Watagai Yuichi, Kikuchi Hitomi, Konno Naoki, Ohira Hiromasa, Obara Katsutoshi

    Fukushima Journal of Medical Science   60 ( 1 )   68 - 74   2014.8( ISSN:0016-2590

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Diagnostic yield of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography-based cytology for distinguishing malignant and benign intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm: systematic review and meta-analysis.

    Suzuki R, Thosani N, Annangi S, Komarraju A, Irisawa A, Ohira H, Obara K, Fleming JB, Guha S, Bhutani MS

    Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society   26 ( 4 )   586 - 93   2014.7( ISSN:0915-5635

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1111/den.12230


  • 【新しい画像強調内視鏡】第二世代画像強調内視鏡の臨床的意義 i-scan OE 有用性と使用方法のコツ 咽頭・食道観察

    引地 拓人, 渡辺 晃, 中村 純, 高木 忠之, 佐藤 匡記, 鈴木 玲, 藁谷 雄一, 菊地 眸, 紺野 直紀, 大平 弘正, 小原 勝敏

    消化器内視鏡   26 ( 5 )   733 - 741   2014.5( ISSN:0915-3217

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • An automated spring-loaded needle for endoscopic ultrasound-guided abdominal paracentesis in cancer patients.

    Suzuki R, Irisawa A, Bhutani MS, Hikichi T, Takagi T, Shibukawa G, Sato A, Sato M, Ikeda T, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Annangi S, Tasaki K, Obara K, Ohira H

    World journal of gastrointestinal endoscopy   6 ( 2 )   55 - 9   2014.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.4253/wjge.v6.i2.55


  • 【食道病変!これ1冊】隆起を呈する病変 良性 超音波内視鏡下穿刺吸引生検で診断し得た食道平滑筋腫.

    鈴木 玲,引地拓人,小原勝敏.

    消化器内視鏡.   26 ( 10 )   1564 - 1565   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Diagnostic yield of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography-based cytology for distinguishing malignant and benign intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm: Systematic review and meta-analysis

    R. Suzuki, N. Thosani, S. Annangi, A. Komarraju, A. Irisawa, H. Ohira, K. Obara, J.B. Fleming, S. Guha, M.S. Bhutani

    Dig Endosc   4   586 - 93   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • An automated spring-loaded needle for endoscopic ultrasound-guided abdominal paracentesis in cancer patients

    R. Suzuki, A. Irisawa, M.S. Bhutani, T. Hikichi, T. Takagi, G. Shibukawa, A. Sato, M. Sato, T. Ikeda, K. Watanabe, J. Nakamura, S. Annangi, K. Tasaki, K. Obara, H. Ohira

    World J Gastrointest Endosc   6   55 - 9   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Endoscopic ultrasound-assisted direct peritoneal visualization with a small-caliber scope– a proof of concept study in a swine model

    R. Suzuki, M.S. Bhutani, D. Shin, A. Irisawa, J.B. Fleming, R. Richards-Kortum, H. Ohira

    Endoscopic Ultrasound   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Preparation and evaluation of polyethyleneimine-single walled carbon nanotube conjugates as vectors for pancreatic cancer treatment

    E. Andreoli, R. Suzuki, A. Orbaek, M. Bhutani, H. Hauge, W. Adams, J.B. Fleming, A. Barron

    J Mater Chem B   2   4740 - 4747   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • SMAD4 Regulates Cell Motility through Transcription of N-Cadherin in Human Pancreatic Ductal Epithelium

    Y. Kang, J. Ling, R. Suzuki, D. Roife, X. Chopin-Laly, MJ. Truty, D. Chatterjee, H. Wang, RM. Thomas, MH. Katz, PJ. Chiao, JB. Fleming

    PLoS One   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Genistein potentiates the antitumor effect of 5-Fluorouracil by inducing apoptosis and autophagy in human pancreatic cancer cells

    R. Suzuki, Y. Kang, X. Li, D. Roife, R. Zhang, JB. Fleming

    Anticancer Res   9   4685 - 92   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Diagnostic yield of EUS-FNA-based cytology distinguishing malignant and benign IPMNs: A systematic review and meta-analysis

    R. Suzuki, N. Thosani, S. Annangi, S. Guha, MS. Bhutani

    Pancreatology   5   380 - 384   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Endoscopic ultrasound-assisted direct peritoneal visualization with a small-caliber scope:A proof of concept study in a swine model.


    Endoscopic Ultrasound.   3 ( 4 )   226 - 231   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Preparation and evaluation of polyethyleneimine-single walled carbon nanotube conjugates as vectors for pancreatic cancer treatment.


    J Mater Chem B.   2   4740 - 4747   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Genistein potentiates the antitumor effect of 5-fluorouracil by inducing apoptosis and autophagy in human pancreatic cancer cells.


    Anticancer Research   34 ( 9 )   4685 - 4692   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Diagnostic yield of EUS-FNA-based cytology distinguishing malignant and benign IPMNs:a systematic review and meta-analysis.


    Pancreatology   14 ( 5 )   380 - 384   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • An automated spring-loaded needle for endoscopic ultrasound-guided abdominal paracentesis in cancer patients


    World J Gastrointest Endosc   6   55 - 59   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • SMAD4 regulates cell motility through transcription of N-cadherin in human pancreatic ductal epithelium


    PLoS One   9 ( 9 )   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • A case of endocrine cell carcinoma combined with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus resected by endoscopic submucosal dissection.

    Watanabe K, Hikichi T, Sato M, Nakamura J, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Waragai Y, Kikuchi H, Konno N, Watanabe H, Obara K, Ohira H

    Fukushima journal of medical science   60 ( 2 )   187 - 91   2014( ISSN:0016-2590

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.5387/fms.2014-2


  • Oral rabeprazole administration on a procedure day suppresses bleeding after endoscopic submucosal dissection for gastric neoplasms.

    Hikichi T, Sato M, Watanabe K, Nakamura J, Takagi T, Suzuki R, Sugimoto M, Waragai Y, Kikuchi H, Konno N, Ohira H, Obara K

    Fukushima journal of medical science   60 ( 1 )   68 - 74   2014( ISSN:0016-2590

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.5387/fms.2013-17


  • SMAD4 regulates cell motility through transcription of N-cadherin in human pancreatic ductal epithelium.

    Kang Y, Ling J, Suzuki R, Roife D, Chopin-Laly X, Truty MJ, Chatterjee D, Wang H, Thomas RM, Katz MH, Chiao PJ, Fleming JB

    PloS one   9 ( 9 )   e107948   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0107948


  • A Cade of Pyothorax and Chylothorax Following Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Gastric tube Cancer

    SATO Masaki, HIKICHI Takuto, TAKAGI Tadayuki, IKEDA Tsunehiko, SUZUKI Rei, WATANABE Ko, NAKAMURA Jun, SUGIMOTO Mitsuru, IRISAWA Atsushi, OBARA Katsutoshi, OHIRA Hiromasa

    GASTROENTEROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY   55 ( 8 )   "2208 - 13"   2013.8( ISSN:03871207

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.11280/gee.55.2208

  • A case of pyothorax and chylothorax following endoscopic submucosal dissection for gastric tube cancer

    Sato M., Hikichi T., Takagi T., Ikeda T., Suzuki R., Watanabe K., Nakamura J., Sugimoto M., Irisawa A., Obara K., Ohira H.

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   55 ( 8 )   2208 - 2213   2013.8( ISSN:03871207

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • 胃管癌に対するESD後に膿胸と乳糜胸を発症した1例

    佐藤 匡記, 引地 拓人, 高木 忠之, 池田 恒彦, 鈴木 玲, 渡辺 晃, 中村 純, 杉本 充, 入澤 篤志, 小原 勝敏, 大平 弘正

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   55 ( 8 )   2208 - 2213   2013.8( ISSN:0387-1207

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Pancreatic cancer screening: what we do and do not know

    Bhutani MS, Thosani N, Suzuki Rei*, Guha S

    Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol.   11 ( 6 )   731 - 733   2013.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Interventional EUS for pancreatic pseudocyst and walled-off necrosis

    IRISAWA Atsushi, SHIBUKAWA Goro, HIKICHI Takuto, TAKAGI Tadayuki, IMAMURA Hidemichi, TAKAHASHI Yuta, SATO Ai, SATO Masaki, IKEDA Tsunehiko, SUZUKI Rei, ABE Yoko, NIKAIDO Akiko, YAMABE Akane, OHIRA Hiromasa, OBARA Katsutoshi

    Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi   110 ( 4 )   575 - 584   2013.4( ISSN:04466586

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.11405/nisshoshi.110.575

  • Interventional EUS for pancreatic pseudocyst and walled-off necrosis

    Irisawa A., Shibukawa G., Hikichi T., Takagi T., Imamura H., Takahashi Y., Sato A., Sato M., Ikeda T., Suzuki R., Abe Y., Nikaido A., Yamabe A., Ohira H., Obara K.

    Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology   110 ( 4 )   575 - 584   2013.4( ISSN:04466586

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • 【胆膵疾患に対するInterventional EUSの新展開】膵仮性嚢胞/walled-off necrosisに対する超音波内視鏡ガイド下治療 ドレナージ、ネクロセクトミー

    入澤 篤志, 澁川 悟朗, 引地 拓人, 高木 忠之, 今村 秀道, 高橋 裕太, 佐藤 愛, 佐藤 匡記, 池田 恒彦, 鈴木 玲, 阿部 洋子, 二階堂 暁子, 山部 茜子, 大平 弘正, 小原 勝敏

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   110 ( 4 )   575 - 584   2013.4( ISSN:0446-6586

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • [Interventional EUS for pancreatic pseudocyst and walled-off necrosis].

    Irisawa A, Shibukawa G, Hikichi T, Takagi T, Imamura H, Takahashi Y, Sato A, Sato M, Ikeda T, Suzuki R, Abe Y, Nikaido A, Yamabe A, Ohira H, Obara K

    Nihon Shokakibyo Gakkai zasshi = The Japanese journal of gastro-enterology   110 ( 4 )   575 - 84   2013.4( ISSN:0446-6586

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • 【胆道癌、膵癌に対する個別化治療の新展開】切除不能膵癌に対する個別化治療 EUS-FNAを用いた抗癌剤感受性試験

    入澤 篤志, 若槻 尊, 高木 忠之, 澁川 悟朗, 今村 秀道, 高橋 裕太, 佐藤 愛, 佐藤 匡記, 池田 恒彦, 鈴木 玲, 阿部 洋子, 二階堂 暁子, 山部 茜子, 引地 拓人, 小原 勝敏, 大平 弘正

    胆と膵   34 ( 2 )   179 - 183   2013.2( ISSN:0388-9408

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration for smooth benign appearing esophageal stricture due to metastatic breast cancer.

    Suzuki R, Singh H, Ramireddy S, Ross WA, Irisawa A, Bhutani MS

    Endoscopic ultrasound   2 ( 1 )   35 - 7   2013.1( ISSN:2303-9027

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.7178/eus.04.006


  • Clinical decision making in the management of pancreatic cystic neoplasms

    Atiq M, Suzuki Rei*, Khan AS, Krishna SG, Ridgway TM, Guha S, Hernandez LV,Nealon WH, Lee JH, Bhutani MS.

    Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol   7 ( 4 )   353 - 360   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Repeat endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration for solid pancreatic lesions at a tertiary referral center will alter the initial inconclusive result

    R. Suzuki, J.H. Lee, S.G. Krishna, S. Ramireddy, W. Qiao, B. Weston, W.A. Ross, M.S. Bhutani

    J Gastrointestin Liver Dis   22 ( 2 )   183 - 187   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration for smooth benign appearing esophageal stricture due to metastatic breast cancer


    Endoscopic Ultrasound   2 ( 1 )   35 - 37   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Role of EUS-FNA in Recurrent Lung Cancer: Maximum Results with Minimum (minimally invasive) Effort

    Ioncica AM, Bektas M, Suzuki Rei*, Saftoiu A, Artifon EL, Bhutani MS

    Endosc Ultrasound.   2 ( 2 )   102 - 104   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Endoscopic ultrasound-guided oncologic therapy for pancreatic cancer

    R. Suzuki, A. Irisawa, M.S. Bhutani

    Diagn Ther Endosc   2013   157581   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Clinical decision making in the management of pancreatic cystic neoplasms

    M. Atiq, R. Suzuki, A.S. Khan, S.G. Krishna, T.M. Ridgway, S. Guha, L.V. Hernandez, W.H. Nealon, J.H. Lee, M.S. Bhutani

    Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol   7   353 - 360   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Pancreatic cancer screening: what we do and do not know

    M.S. Bhutani, N. Thosani, R. Suzuki, S. Guha

    Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol   11   731 - 733   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Vanishing rectal subepithelial mass

    R. Suzuki, M.S. Bhutani

    Gastrointest Endosc   77   663   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Pancreatic cancer:early detection, diagnosis, and screening.

    SUZUKI,Rei;OHIRA,Hiromasa;IRISAWA,Atsushi;Bhutani MS

    J Clin Gastroenterol   5 ( 5 )   322 - 326   2012.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Prospective evaluation of the optimal number of 25-gauge needle passes for endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy of solid pancreatic lesions in the absence of an onsite cytopathologist

    R. Suzuki, A. Irisawa, M.S. Bhutani, T. Hikichi, T. Takagi, A. Sato, M. Sato, T. Ikeda, K. Watanabe, J. Nakamura, K. Tasaki, K. Obara, H. Ohira

    Dig Endosc   24   452 - 456   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Prospective evaluation of the optimal number of 25-gauge needle passes for endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy of solid pancreatic lesions in the absence of an onsite cytopathologist.

    SUZUKI,Rei;IRISAWA,Atsushi;Bhutani MS;HIKICHI,Takuto;TAKAGI,Tadayuki;SATO,Ai;SATO,Masaki;IKEDA,Tsunehiko;WATANABE,Ko;NAKAMURA,Jun;Tasaki K;OBARA,Katsutoshi;OHIRA,Hiromasa

    Dig Endosc   24 ( 6 )   452 - 6   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Ultrathin endoscope-guided trangastric nasocystic irrigation tube placement to manage paracolic gutter extension of pancreatic necrosis.

    SUZUKI,Rei;IRISAWA,Atsushi;Bhutani, MS;TAKAGI,Tadayuki;IKEDA,Tsunehiko;HIKICHI, Takuto; SHIBUKAWA, Goro;SATO,Masaki;WATANABE, Ko;NAKAMURA, Jun;OBARA, Katsutoshi; OHIRA,Hiromasa.

    Gastrointest Endosc.   76 ( 2 )   457 - 9   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Iatrogenic infection of a colonic cystic lymphangioma following cold-forceps biopsy

    S.G. Krishna, J.R. Stroehlein, W.C. Foo, R. Suzuki, S.R. Reddy, M.S. Bhutani

    Endoscopy   44 UCTN   E104-105   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Feasibility and preliminary accuracy of high-resolution imaging of the liver and pancreas using FNA compatible microendoscopy (with video)

    R. Regunathan, J. Woo, M.C. Pierce, A.D. Polydorides, M. Raoufi, S. Roayaie, M. Schwartz, D. Labow, D. Shin, R. Suzuki, M.S. Bhutani, L.G. Coghlan, R. Richards-Kortum, S. Anandasabapathy, M.K. Kim

    Gastrointest Endosc   76   293 - 300   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • A first report of endoscopic ultrasound-guided biopsy in the diagnosis of desmoid-type fibromatosis

    S.G. Krishna, R. Suzuki, M.S. Bhutani

    Endoscopy   43 UCTN   E417-418   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Utility of peppermint oil for endoscopic diagnosis of gastric tumors

    T. Hikichi, A. Irisawa, M. Sato, K. Watanabe, J. Nakamura, T. Takagi, T. Ikeda, R. Suzuki, H. Ohira, K. Obara

    Fukushima J Med Sci   57   60 - 65   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Prospective randomized comparative study of hemodynamic changes between ultrathin transnasal and conventional transoral esophagogastroduodenoscopy in percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy placement with modified introducer method under sedation

    R. Suzuki, T. Hikichi, M. Sato, T. Takagi, T. Ikeda, K. Watanabe, J. Nakamura, A. Irisawa, K. Obara, H. Ohira

    Fukushima J Med Sci   57   28 - 32   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Complete response of anaplastic pancreatic carcinoma to paclitaxel treatment selected by chemosensitivity testing

    T. Wakatsuki, A. Irisawa, H. Imamura, M. Terashima, G. Shibukawa, T. Takagi, Y. Takahashi, A. Sato, M. Sato, T. Ikeda, R. Suzuki, T. Hikichi, K. Obara, H. Ohira

    Int J Clin Oncol   15   310 - 313   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Pancreatobiliary drainage using the EUS-FNA technique: EUS-BD and EUS-PD

    A. Irisawa, T. Hikichi, G. Shibukawa, T. Takagi, T. Wakatsuki, Y. Takahashi, H. Imamura, A. Sato, M. Sato, T. Ikeda, R. Suzuki, K. Obara, H. Ohira

    J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg   16 ( 5 )   598 - 604   2009.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Two Cases of Retroperitoneal Liposarcoma Diagnosed Using Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration (EUS-FNA)

    Y. Takahashi, A. Irisawa, M.S. Bhutani, T. Hikichi, T. Takagi, G. Shibukawa, T. Wakatsuki, H. Imamura, A. Sato, M. Sato, T. Ikeda, R. Suzuki, K. Obara, Y. Hashimoto, K. Watanabe, H. Ohira

    Diagn Ther Endosc   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Hemorrhagic duodenal varices treated successfully with endoscopic injection sclerotherapy using cyanoacrylate and ethanolamine-oleate: a case report

    R. Suzuki, A. Irisawa, T. Hikichi, G. Shibukawa, T. Takagi, T. Wakatsuki, H. Imamura, Y. Takahashi, A. Sato, M. Sato, T. Ikeda, K. Tasaki, K. Obara, H. Ohir

    Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech   19   e233-236   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Pancreatic lipoma diagnosed using EUS-FNA. A case report

    R. Suzuki, A. Irisawa, T. Hikichi, G. Shibukawa, T. Takagi, T. Wakatsuki, H.Imamura, Y. Takahashi, A. Sato, M. Sato, T. Ikeda, K.Tasaki, K. Obara, H. Ohira

    JOP   10   200 - 203   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Cronkhite-Canada syndrome associated with myelodysplastic syndrome

    R. Suzuki, A. Irisawa, T. Hikichi, Y. Takahashi, H. Kobayashi, H. Kumakawa, H. Ohira

    World J Gastroenterol   15   5871 - 5874   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

▼display all


  • Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Manifestations of Rheumatic Diseases

    (Dermatomyositis and gastrointestinal cancer)

       2019.5  ( ISBN:9789811365232

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    Responsible for pages:51-64   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book

    Authors name of the chapter and paper which it took charge of:Suzuki R., Hikichi T., Ohira H.   Publication place:  

  • 消化器内視鏡

    (食道病変 内視鏡アトラス)

    東京  2018 

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    Responsible for pages:72‐72   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book

    Authors name of the chapter and paper which it took charge of:食道平滑筋腫   Publication place:  

  • ERCP and EUS:A Case-Based Approach

    Linda S.Lee(EUS in Gastric Cancer and Thickened Gastric Wall.)

    Springer.  2015 

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    Responsible for pages:423-437   Language:English  

    Authors name of the chapter and paper which it took charge of:SUZUKI,Rei;HIKICHI,Takuto;IRISAWA,Atsushi;OBARA,Katsutoshi;OHIRA,Hiromasa; Bhutani,MS.   Publication place:Boston.  

  • ERCP and EUS

    Linada S. Lee(EUS in Gastric Cancer and Thickened Gastric Wall)


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    Authors name of the chapter and paper which it took charge of:Rei Suzuki, Takuto Hikichi, Atsushi Irisawa, Obara Katsutoshi, Hiromasa Ohira and Manoop S. Bhutani  

  • 消化器最新看護


    日総研  2014.12 

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    Authors name of the chapter and paper which it took charge of:鈴木 玲、他  

  • 総合診療・感染症科マニュアル


    その他の出版機関  2011.8 

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    Responsible for pages:94-95   Language:Japanese  

    Authors name of the chapter and paper which it took charge of:鈴木 玲、岩田健太郎   Publication place:  

  • 胆と膵


    その他の出版機関  2010 

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    Authors name of the chapter and paper which it took charge of:鈴木 玲、他  

▼display all


  • 切除不能膵癌における予後予測因子としてのpsoas muscle indexの意義について


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    Event date: 2018.10

  • 切除不能膵癌に対する挑戦.


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    Event date: 2018.7

  • microRNAによる膵癌間質反応形成機序の解明と診断への応用


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    Event date: 2018.6

  • IPMN由来浸潤癌に対する超音波内視鏡下穿刺吸引生検の安全性についての検討


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    Event date: 2018.5

  • 膵疾患における血中Mac-2結合蛋白糖鎖修飾異性体の臨床的意義についての検討


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    Event date: 2018.4

  • 膵管内乳頭状粘液性腫瘍の良悪性鑑別法の検討.


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    Event date: 2017.10

  • 膵管内乳頭状粘液性腫瘍の良悪性鑑別法の検討


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    Event date: 2017.10

  • 膵癌診療における待期期間が予後に与える影響についての検討.


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    Event date: 2017.7

  • 当科における切除不能膵癌に対する化学療法の治療成績についてのまとめ.


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    Event date: 2017.7

  • 十二指腸乳頭部疾患解説.


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    Event date: 2017.6

  • IPMN由来浸潤癌の術前診断における超音波内視鏡ガイド下穿刺吸引生検の診断能についての検討.


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    Event date: 2017.5

  • 当院における切除不能膵癌に対するnab-paclitaxel+gemcitabine併用療法の治療成績のまとめ.


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    Event date: 2017.4

  • 転移性膵腫瘍診断における超音波内視鏡ガイド下生検の検査成績についての検討.


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    Event date: 2017.2

  • ホルマリン固定大腸癌由来のα2,6シアリル化癌胎児性抗原の検出


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    Event date: 2016.9

  • Nab-paclitaxel/Gemcitabine as a second line thrapy after FOLFIRINOX failure in advanced pancreatic cancer.切除不能膵癌におけるFOLFIRINOX療法後の2次治療としてのGemcitabine/Nab-Paclitacel療法の治療成績


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    Event date: 2016.7

  • 内視鏡的緩和療法と多剤併用化学療法により長期生存を得ている切除不能膵癌の1例


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    Event date: 2016.7

  • 膵癌患者における検査待機期間が予後に与える影響についての検討


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    Event date: 2016.5

  • 胆膵疾患診療のUp To Dateと福島県立医大での取り組み


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    Event date: 2016.2

  • 当院におけるEUS関連手技の指導の実際について


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    Event date: 2016.2

  • 壊死性膵炎後のwalled-off necrosisに対する内視鏡的治療戦略-内視鏡的ドレナージのstep-up approachは妥当か?-.


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    Event date: 2015.10

  • 化学療法施行中の膵癌患者における漢方の役割.


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    Event date: 2015.9

  • 膵癌術前の下部胆管狭窄におけるmodified Glasgow prognostic scoreの有用性.


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    Event date: 2015.9

  • 当科における切除不能膵癌に対するnab-Paclitaxelの使用実績.


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    Event date: 2015.6

  • 切除不能膵癌の治療選択 膵癌におけるderived neutrophil lymphocyte比のgemcitabine効果予測因子としての意義.


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    Event date: 2015.6

  • 切除不能膵癌に対する化学療法時の適切なドレナージ方法についての検討.


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    Event date: 2015.5

  • 当科における切除不能膵癌に対するnab-Paclitaxelの使用実績.

    UTSUKUSHIMA Pancreatic Cancer Salon 2015  

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    Event date: 2015.5

  • 切除不能膵癌における診断・治療待機期間と予後の相関についての検討.


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    Event date: 2015.4

  • 当科における切除不能進行膵癌に対するFOLFIRINOX療法の使用成績.


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    Event date: 2015.2

  • Derived Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Rationによる塩酸ゲムシタビン治療後の切除不能膵癌の予後予測の検討.


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    Event date: 2015.2

  • 当院におけるWONに対する内視鏡的壊死物質除去術の治療成績.


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    Event date: 2015.2

  • Early initiation of chemotherapy after histological diagnosis to improve the prognosis of metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.


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    Event date: 2015.1

  • Genistein potentiates the antitumor effect of 5-fluorouracil by inducing apoptosis and autophagy in human pancreatic cancer cells.


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    Event date: 2014.10

  • 臨床経過を追えた嚢胞性膵腫瘍の1切除例.


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    Event date: 2011.6

  • 特異なMRI像を呈した膵腫瘍の一例.


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    Event date: 2011.2

  • 胆膵内視鏡検査における偶発症とインフォームドコンセント(IC)の実際-Interventional EUSを中心に-.


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    Event date: 2011.2

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  • 平成29年度福島医学会学術奨励賞


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  • 平成29年度膵臓病研究財団 膵臓病研究奨励賞


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  • 日本消化器内視鏡学会 平成27年度学会賞


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Research Projects

  • microRNAによる膵癌間質反応形成機序の解明と診断への応用


  • 体液中循環腫瘍細胞に注目した新たな胆膵がん診断法の確立


  • 膵癌間質に注目した抗癌剤感受性試験法確立に関する研究


  • PET-MRIを用いた悪性胆道狭窄病変の診断法開発のための前向き研究
