Updated on 2024/07/08


School of Medicine (Clinical Medicine) Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor


  • 博士(医学) ( 2017.3   福島県立医科大学 )


  • Fukushima Medical University   Graduate School, Division of Medicine

    - 2017.3

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    Country: Japan

Research History

  • Fukushima Medical University   School of Medicine (Clinical Medicine) Department of Orthopaedic Surgery   Assistant Professor

    2020.4 - Now

  • Fukushima Medical University   Endowed Chair Department of Regional Medical Support for Orthopaedic Surgery   Assistant Professor

    2018.4 - 2020.3

  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich   Researcher

    2017.4 - 2018.3

  • Fukushima Medical University   School of Medicine (Clinical Medicine) Department of Orthopaedic Surgery   Graduate Student

    2017.2 - 2018.3

  • 国立病院機構 仙台医療センター

    2010.4 - 2012.3

Qualification acquired

  • 手外科専門医


  • 整形外科専門医


  • Doctor



  • Foot Tapping Test as a Simple Quantitative Index of Motor Function for Lumbosacral Radiculopathy.

    Kobayashi H, Nikaido T, Otani K, Watanabe K, Kato K, Kobayashi Y, Hakozaki M, Kameda T, Kaneuchi Y, Sekiguchi M, Yabuki S, Konno SI, Matsumoto Y

    Spine   2024.6( ISSN:0362-2436

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    DOI : 10.1097/BRS.0000000000005063


  • Differences in macrophage expression in induced membranes by fixation method - Masquelet technique using a mouse's femur critical-sized bone defect model.

    Kaneko Y, Minehara H, Sonobe T, Kameda T, Sekiguchi M, Matsushita T, Konno SI, Matsumoto Y

    Injury   55 ( 6 )   111135   2024.6( ISSN:0020-1383

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    DOI : 10.1016/j.injury.2023.111135


  • Walking ability after resection of soft tissue sarcoma of the thigh and the sciatic nerve.

    Isobe M, Hakozaki M, Kaneuchi Y, Ogawa I, Suzuki T, Sasaki N, Kameda T, Matsumoto Y

    Clinical case reports   12 ( 3 )   e8603   2024.3( ISSN:2050-0904

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    DOI : 10.1002/ccr3.8603


  • Forearm compartment syndrome due to acquired hemophilia that required massive blood transfusions after fasciotomy: A case report.

    Kameda T, Yokota T, Ejiri S, Konno SI

    World journal of clinical cases   9 ( 31 )   9592 - 9597   2021.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.12998/wjcc.v9.i31.9592


  • 両肘の難治性皮膚潰瘍に対して骨切除と局所回転皮弁術を行ったWerner症候群の1例

    秋山 優人, 江尻 荘一, 亀田 拓哉, 横田 武尊, 紺野 愼一

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   63 ( 1 )   57 - 61   2020.6( ISSN:1348-8694

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • 舟状骨偽関節に対する遊離腸骨移植と血管柄付き第2中手骨基部骨移植術(牧野法)の併用によるDISI矯正効果の検討

    亀田 拓哉, 江尻 荘一, 横田 武尊, 佐々木 信幸, 川上 亮一, 紺野 慎一

    日本手外科学会雑誌   36 ( 6 )   901 - 905   2020.4( ISSN:2185-4092

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Restoration of Elbow Flexion with a Pedicled Latissimus Dorsi Myocutaneous Flap to a Brachial Plexus Injury at the Terminal Nerve Level.

    Kameda T, Soichi E, Yokota T, Konno SI

    Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open   7 ( 10 )   e2472   2019.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1097/GOX.0000000000002472


  • Expression and Activity of TRPA1 and TRPV1 in the Intervertebral Disc: Association with Inflammation and Matrix Remodeling.

    Kameda T, Zvick J, Vuk M, Sadowska A, Tam WK, Leung VY, Bölcskei K, Helyes Z, Applegate LA, Hausmann ON, Klasen J, Krupkova O, Wuertz-Kozak K

    International journal of molecular sciences   20 ( 7 )   2019.4( ISSN:16616596

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3390/ijms20071767


  • Temporal and Spatial Changes of μ-Opioid Receptors in the Brain, Spinal Cord and Dorsal Root Ganglion in a Rat Lumbar Disc Herniation Model.

    Kaneuchi Y, Sekiguchi M, Kameda T, Kobayashi Y, Konno SI

    Spine   44 ( 2 )   85 - 95   2019.1( ISSN:0362-2436

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1097/BRS.0000000000002776


  • Beauty parlor stroke syndrome due to a bone fragment from an osteophyte of the atlas: case report.

    Kameda T, Otani K, Tamura T, Konno S

    Journal of neurosurgery. Spine   28 ( 4 )   389 - 394   2018.4( ISSN:1547-5654

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3171/2017.7.SPINE17226


  • Osmosensing, osmosignalling and inflammation: How intervertebral disc cells respond to altered osmolarity

    Sadowska A., Kameda T., Krupkova O., Wuertz-Kozak K.

    European Cells and Materials   36   231 - 250   2018.1( ISSN:14732262

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.22203/eCM.v036a17

  • p38 MAPK Facilitates Crosstalk Between Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and IL-6 Release in the Intervertebral Disc.

    Krupkova O, Sadowska A, Kameda T, Hitzl W, Hausmann ON, Klasen J, Wuertz-Kozak K

    Frontiers in immunology   9 ( AUG )   1706   2018

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01706


  • Antibacterial effects of nano-imprinted moth-eye film in practical settings.

    Yamada M, Minoura K, Mizoguchi T, Nakamatsu K, Taguchi T, Kameda T, Sekiguchi M, Suzutani T, Konno S

    PloS one   13 ( 10 )   e0198300   2018

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0198300


  • Brain Metabolite Changes in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex of Chronic Low Back Pain Patients and Correlations between Metabolites and Psychological State.

    Kameda T, Fukui S, Tominaga R, Sekiguchi M, Iwashita N, Ito K, Tanaka-Mizuno S, Konno SI

    The Clinical journal of pain   2017.12( ISSN:0749-8047

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000583


  • Measurement of mechanical withdrawal thresholds and gait analysis using the CatWalk method in a nucleus pulposus-applied rodent model.

    Kameda T, Kaneuchi Y, Sekiguchi M, Konno SI

    Journal of experimental orthopaedics   4 ( 1 )   31   2017.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1186/s40634-017-0105-5


  • Investigation of the effect of diabetes on radiculopathy induced by nucleus pulposus application to the DRG in a spontaneously diabetic rat model

    Takuya Kameda, Miho Sekiguchi, Yoichi Kaneuchi, Shin-ichi Konno

    Spine   2017.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1097/BRS.0000000000002299.


  • 慢性腰痛患者における脳代謝物質と疼痛刺激による脳賦活部位の変化

    亀田拓哉, 関口美穂, 福井聖, 矢吹省司, 紺野愼一

    PAIN RESEARCH   32 ( 1 )   25 - 31   2017.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • 【痛みと情動-基礎研究の最前線研究と臨床への応用-】 痛みと情動 臨床医学 脳の形態学的変化から考える慢性痛と情動

    福井 聖, 亀田 拓哉, 富永 亮司

    ペインクリニック   37 ( 6 )   757 - 764   2016.6( ISSN:0388-4171

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Masquelet法を用いて治療した下腿骨欠損の1例

    川原田 圭, 川上 亮一, 江尻 荘一, 佐々木 信幸, 亀田 拓哉, 紺野 慎一

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   59 ( 1 )   119 - 122   2016.6( ISSN:1348-8694

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • 血管損傷を合併した膝関節周囲骨折の1例

    亀田 拓哉, 川上 亮一, 江尻 荘一, 紺野 愼一

    整形外科   66 ( 7 )   639 - 642   2015.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

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  • A case of simultaneous presentation of spontaneous posterior interosseous nerve palsy and spontaneous anterior interosseous nerve palsy

    FESSH 2024 Congress   2024.6  

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    Event date: 2024.6

  • Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) agonist treatment alters extracellular matrix related genes in tenocytes under inflammatory conditions.

    43rd SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress   2023.11  

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    Event date: 2023.11

  • 母指CM関節症に対するYao変法による関節形成術の治療成績の検討


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    Event date: 2023.6

  • English Award Session (座長)


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    Event date: 2023.6

  • Correction of Dorsal Intercalated Segment Instability with Combined Iliac Bone Graft and Vascularized Second Metacarpal-base Bone Graft for Scaphoid Nonunion with an Avascular Proximal Fragment

    13th Congress of the Asia Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (APFSSH)  

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    Event date: 2023.5 - 2023.6

  • 炎症下の腱細胞におけるTransient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) アゴニスト投与による細胞外基質関連遺伝子の変化


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    Event date: 2023.4

  • 舟状骨偽関節に対する血管柄付き第2中手骨基部骨移植術(牧野法)と遊離腸骨移植併用の有用性

    第49回日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会   2022.12  

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    Event date: 2022.12

  • 舟状骨偽関節に対する遊離腸骨移植と血管柄付き第2中手骨基部骨移植術(牧野法)の併用によるDISI矯正効果の検討

    第71回東日本整形災害外科学会   2022.9  

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    Event date: 2022.9

  • 椎間板細胞におけるTRPA1、TRPV1発現と活性化: 炎症との関与


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    Event date: 2021.10

  • ⾼所墜落による前腕Essex-Lopresti損傷に対し、⼈⼯靱帯による⾻間膜再建を⾏った⼀例


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    Event date: 2021.9

  • 後天性血友病による非外傷性前腕コンパートメント症候群で筋膜切開後に多量輸血と凝固因子製剤を要した一例


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    Event date: 2021.4

  • 遊離腸骨移植と血管柄付き第2中手骨基部骨移植術(牧野法)の併用法を用いた舟状骨偽関節治療成績の検討

    第45回日本骨折治療学会   2019.8  

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    Event date: 2019.8

  • 舟状骨偽関節に対する遊離腸骨移植と血管柄付き第2中手骨基部骨移植術(牧野法)の併用によるDISI矯正効果の検討


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    Event date: 2019.4

  • 腕神経叢損傷に対して有茎広背筋皮弁による肘屈曲再建を行った1例


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    Event date: 2018.12

  • The involvement of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels in inflammation of intervertebral disc


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    Event date: 2018.6

  • Diabetes’ negative impact on radiculopathy induced by the application of nucleus pulposus onto the DRG in spontaneous diabetic rats

    44th ISSLS Annual Meeting  

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    Event date: 2017.5 - 2017.6

  • 神経根障害に対する糖尿病の影響の検討:2型糖尿病ラット髄核留置モデルにおける疼痛と炎症期・神経修復期の遷延


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    Event date: 2017.4

  • Influence of Type 2 Diabetes on Pain-Related Behavior in a Rat Nucleus Pulposus Model

    Fukushima International seminar 2016  

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    Event date: 2017.3

  • ラット髄核留置モデルを用いた疼痛関連行動と疼痛関連物質発現の変動に対する2型糖尿病の影響


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    Event date: 2016.11

  • ラット髄核留置モデルにおける疼痛関連行動と歩行解析


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    Event date: 2016.11

  • ラット髄核留置モデルの疼痛関連行動への糖尿病の影響


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    Event date: 2016.10

  • Relationship between Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Chronic Low Back Pain: Measurement of Metabolite Concentration Using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

    IASP 16th world congress on pain  

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    Event date: 2016.9

  • ラット髄核留置モデルを用いた疼痛関連行動に対する糖尿病の影響の検討


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    Event date: 2016.7

  • MRスペクトロスコピーを用いた慢性疼痛患者における前帯状回での代謝物質の評価


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    Event date: 2016.6

  • Impact of type 2 diabetes on a rodent nucleus pulposus model.

    Biomedical Research Collaboration Meeting  

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    Event date: 2016.5

  • Influence of the type 2 diabetes on a rat nucleus polposus applied model.

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    Event date: 2016.4

  • Influence of type 2 diabetes on a rat radiculopathy model

    Fukushima International Seminar 2016  

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    Event date: 2016.3

  • 2型糖尿病ラットを用いた髄核留置モデルにおける疼痛関連行動への糖尿病の影響


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    Event date: 2015.10

  • ラット髄核留置モデルにおける歩行解析と疼痛関連行動の評価


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    Event date: 2015.10

  • Influence of type 2 diabetes on a rat radiculopathy model

    International Mini-Symposium PAIN AND NEUROINFLAMMATION  

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    Event date: 2015.6

  • Introduction of a current gait analysis "Cat Walk" -Evaluation of pain-related behavior in a rat lumbar disc herniation model-

    Swiss-Japanese Spine Research Symposium  

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    Event date: 2014.12

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  • 第67回福島県立医科大学整形外科学講座 同門会賞受賞


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  • 最優秀賞


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Research Projects

  • ストレス負荷に伴う難治性疼痛-ドパミンの放出と下行性疼痛抑制系機能-

    2024.4 - 2028.3

    関口美穂, 小幡英章, 松本嘉寛, 金内洋一

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  • PIEZO1経路による腱障害の病態変化の検討

    2024.4 - 2028.3


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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  • Mechanism of Chronic Inflammation of Tenocyte and Tendon through Transient Receptor Potential Channels

    2020.4 - 2024.3

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    Authorship:Principal investigator