Updated on 2024/05/09


ARAI Ritsuko
School of Medicine (Life Sciences and Social Medicine) Department of Anatomy and Histology Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor


  • 博士(学術) ( 東京大学 )

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Cell biology

Research History

  • Fukushima Medical University   Assistant Professor

    2017.2 - Now

Professional Memberships

  • 日本細胞生物学会

  • 日本解剖学会

  • 日本分子生物学会


  • Formulation of Chromatin Mobility as a Function of Nuclear Size during C. elegans Embryogenesis Using Polymer Physics Theories.

    Yesbolatova AK, Arai R, Sakaue T, Kimura A

    Physical Review Letters   128 ( 17 )   178101   2022.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.178101


  • ERdj8 governs the size of autophagosomes during the formation process.

    Yamamoto YH, Kasai A, Omori H, Takino T, Sugihara M, Umemoto T, Hamasaki M, Hatta T, Natsume T, Morimoto RI, Arai R, Waguri S, Sato M, Sato K, Bar-Nun S, Yoshimori T, Noda T, Nagata K.

    Journal of Cell Biology   219 ( 8 )   2020.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1083/jcb.201903127.


  • A unique kinesin-like protein, Klp8, is involved in mitosis and cell morphology through microtubule stabilization

    Kashiwazaki J, Yoneda Y, Mutoh T, Arai R, Yoshida M, Mabuchi I

    Cytoskeleton   2019.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Improved Electron Microscopy Fixation Methods for Tracking Autophagy-Associated Membranes in Cultured Mammalian Cells

    Arai R and Waguri S

    Methods in Molecular Biology   1880   211 - 221   2019.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1007/978-1-4939-8873-0_13


  • Reduction in chromosome mobility accompanies nuclear organization during early embryogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans

    Arai Ritsuko, Sugawara Takeshi, Sato Yuko, Minakuchi Yohei, Toyoda Atsushi, Nabeshima Kentaro, Kimura Hiroshi, Kimura Akatsuki

    Scientific Reports   7 ( 3631 )   1 - 10   2017.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1038/s41598-017-03483-5


  • A Genetically Encoded Probe for Live-Cell Imaging of H4K20 Monomethylation.

    Sato Y, Kujirai T, Arai R, Asakawa H, Ohtsuki C, Horikoshi N, Yamagata K, Ueda J, Nagase T, Haraguchi T, Hiraoka Y, Kimura A, Kurumizaka H, Kimura H.

    Journal of Molecular Biology   428 ( 20 )   3885 - 3902   2016.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1016/j.jmb.2016.08.010


  • Cell-cycle independent chromosome condensation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe induced by high hydrostatic pressure treatment

    Arai S, Kawarai T, Arai R, Yoshida M, Furukawa S, Ogihara H and Yamasaki M

    Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry   73 ( 9 )   1956 - 1961   2009.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1271/bbb.90118


  • Genome-wide approach for screening of functional genes causing overexpression-mediated growth inhibition in fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe

    Masaki I, Nishimura S, Yashiroda Y, Arai R, Yoshida M and Hamamoto M

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Meiji University   58   85 - 90   2009.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  • Global analysis of gel mobility of proteins and its use in target identification

    Shirai A, Matsuyama A, Yashiroda Y, Hashimoto A, Kawamura Y, Arai R, Komatsu Y, Horinouchi S and Yoshida M

    Journal of Biological Chemistry   283 ( 16 )   10745 - 10752   2008.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M709211200


  • Cessation of cytokinesis in Schizosaccharomyces pombe during growth after release from high hydrostatic pressure treatment

    Arai S, Kawarai T, Arai R, Yoshida M, Furukawa S, Ogihara H and Yamasaki M

    Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry   72 ( 1 )   88 - 93   2008.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1271/bbb.70451


  • ORFeome cloning and global analysis of protein localization in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe

    *Matsuyama A, *Arai R, *Yashiroda Y, Shirai A, Kamata A, Sekido S, Kobayashi Y, Hashimoto A, Hamamoto M, Hiraoka Y, Horinouchi S and Yoshida M *equal contribution

    Nature Biotechnology   24 ( 7 )   841 - 847   2006.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1038/nbt1222


  • Directionality of F-actin cables changes during the fission yeast cell cycle

    Kamasaki T, Arai R, Osumi M and Mabuchi I

    Nature Cell Biology   7 ( 9 )   916 - 917   2005.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1038/ncb1295


  • Small GTPase Rho5 is a functional homologue of Rho1, which controls cell shape and septation in fission yeast

    Nakano K, Arai R and Mabuchi I

    FEBS Letters   579 ( 23 )   5181 - 5186   2005.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1016/j.febslet.2005.08.031


  • The small GTPase Rho4 is involved in controlling cell morphology and septation in fission yeast

    Nakano K, Mutoh T, Arai R and Mabuchi I

    Genes to Cells   8 ( 4 )   357 - 370   2003.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • The small GTPase Rho3 and the diaphanous/formin For3 function in polarized cell growth in fission yeast

    Nakano K, Imai J, Arai R, Toh-E A, Matsui Y and Mabuchi I

    Journal of Cell Science   115 ( 23 )   4629 - 4639   2002.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • F-actin ring formation and the role of F-actin cables in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe

    Arai R and Mabuchi I

    Journal of Cell Science   115 ( 5 )   887 - 898   2002.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Comparative genomic hybridization study of genetic changes associated with vindesine resistance in esophageal carcinoma

    Obara K, Ghazizadeh M, Shimizu H, Arai R, Tenjin T, Suzuki S, Moriyama Y and Kawanami O

    International Journal of Oncology   20 ( 2 )   255 - 260   2002.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Contractile ring formation in Xenopus egg and fission yeast

    Noguchi T, Arai R, Motegi F, Nakano K and Mabuchi I

    Cell Structure and Function   26 ( 6 )   545 - 554   2001.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Identification of two type V myosins in fission yeast, one of which functions in polarized cell growth and moves rapidly in the cell

    Motegi F, Arai R and Mabuchi I

    Molecular Biology of the Cell   12 ( 5 )   1367 - 1380   2001.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1091/mbc.12.5.1367


  • Schizosaccharomyces pombe rho2p GTPase regulates cell wall alpha-glucan biosynthesis through the protein kinase pck2p

    Calonge TM, Nakano K, Arellano M, Arai R, Katayama S, Toda T, Mabuchi I and Perez P

    Molecular Biology of the Cell   11 ( 12 )   4393 - 4401   2000.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1091/mbc.11.12.4393


  • Comparative genomic hybridization analysis of cisplatin-resistant ovarian carcinoma cells

    Arai R, Ghazizadeh M and Kawanami O

    Journal of Nippon Medical School   67 ( 6 )   416 - 417   2000.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Overproduction of elongation factor 1alpha, an essential translational component, causes aberrant cell morphology by affecting the control of growth polarity in fission yeast

    Suda M, Fukui M, Sogabe Y, Sato K, Morimatsu A, Arai R, Motegi F, Miyakawa T, Mabuchi I and Hirata D

    Genes to Cells   4 ( 9 )   517 - 527   1999.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Aspect of pressure effects on fission yeast: Change in its ultrastructure and cytoskeleton of S. pombe

    Sato M, Haga S, Shimada S, Arai R, Mabuchi I and Osumi M

    Proc. AIRAPT-17   1   308 - 311   1999.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Subcellular localization and possible function of actin, tropomyosin and actin-related protein 3 (Arp3) in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe

    Arai R, Nakano K and Mabuchi I

    European Journal of Cell Biology   76 ( 4 )   288 - 295   1998.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • The small GTP-binding protein Rho1 is a multifunctional protein that regulates actin localization, cell polarity, and septum formation in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.

    Nakano K, Arai R, Mabuchi I

    Genes to Cells   2 ( 11 )   679 - 694   1997.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


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  • 医学のあゆみ Vol.272 No.9


    医歯薬出版  2020.2 

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    Responsible for pages:20453-20458   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book

    Authors name of the chapter and paper which it took charge of:Arai R, Waguri S   Publication place:  

  • 化学と生物 vol.45(5)


    日本農芸化学会  2007.5 

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    Responsible for pages:303-305   Language:Japanese  

    Authors name of the chapter and paper which it took charge of:荒井律子、吉田稔   Publication place:  

  • バイオサイエンスとインダストリー vol.64(12)


    バイオインダストリー協会  2006.12 

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    Responsible for pages:687-691   Language:Japanese  

    Authors name of the chapter and paper which it took charge of:荒井律子、松山晃久、八代田陽子、吉田稔   Publication place:  


  • Ultrastructural analysis on the process of isolation membrane formation during piecemeal mitophagy.

    日本顕微鏡学会第 78回学術講演会  

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    Event date: 2022.5

  • ピースミールマイトファジー隔離膜形成プロセスの微細形態学的解析


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    Event date: 2021.12

  • ピースミールマイトファジー隔離膜構築プロセスの電子顕微鏡解析


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    Event date: 2021.9

  • Ultrastructural analysis on the process of isolation membrane formation during piecemeal mitophagy

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    Event date: 2021.3

  • Ultrastructural analysis on isolation membrane formation during partial mitophagy

    The 9th International Symposium on Autophagy  

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    Event date: 2019.11

  • ミトコンドリア構造の一部を隔離するマイトファジーの微細形態学的プロセス

    第12 回オートファジー研究会・第1 回新学術領域研究「マルチモードオートファジー」班会議プロ グラム  

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    Event date: 2019.10

  • ミトコンドリア構造の一部分を自食するマイトファジープロセスの微細形態学的解析


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    Event date: 2019.3

  • マイトファジー隔離膜の微細構造解析


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    Event date: 2019.3

  • 鉄欠乏性マイトファジーにおける隔離膜形成過程の微細形態解析


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    Event date: 2018.11

  • Mitophagic isolation membrane visualized by CLEM analysis

    XXVI International Symposium on Morphological Sciences  

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    Event date: 2018.7

  • 鉄キレート剤 deferiprone 誘導マイトファジーにおける隔離膜形成過程の微細形態解析

    第123回 日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会  

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    Event date: 2018.3

  • Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) analysis on isolation membrane formation during deferiprone-induced mitophagy

    A3 Conference on Autophagy  

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    Event date: 2018.2 - 2018.3

  • 哺乳類細胞オートファゴソーム形成過程における膜構造変化の解析

    日本解剖学会 題63回東北・北海道連合支部学術集会  

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    Event date: 2017.9

  • 線虫配偶子形成過程と受精後の細胞核におけるヒストン修飾変化のライブイメージング解析


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    Event date: 2014.11

  • 核-細胞質間輸送を介した分裂酵母微小管ネットワーク形成の制御


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    Event date: 2014.9

  • 受精から多細胞化の進行に伴う核内環境の変化とその影響下におけるクロマチンのふるまい


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    Event date: 2014.6

  • 線虫初期発生ステージにおける核内構成化の可視的解析


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    Event date: 2013.12

  • 線虫初期胚核内構成過程におけるクロマチン動態変化の4次元定量解析


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    Event date: 2013.6

  • クロマチン動態変化を指標とした核内構成化メカニズムの解析


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    Event date: 2012.12

  • 線虫初期発生過程におけるクロマチン動態変化の3次元的定量解析


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    Event date: 2012.12

  • 線虫初期胚核内空間におけるクロマチンモビリティの3次元的定量解析


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    Event date: 2012.1

  • 核-細胞質間輸送を介した微小管ネットワーク制御機構 


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    Event date: 2010.5

  • 分裂酵母の細胞質分裂におけるキネシン様タンパク質Klp8の局在


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    Event date: 2009.1

  • 分裂酵母の微小管ネットワーク形成機構における核-細胞質間輸送の役割


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    Event date: 2008.12

  • 分裂酵母ローカリゾームを用いた化合物スクリーニング:レプトマイシン B が細胞機能およびタンパク質局在に与える影響


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    Event date: 2008.9

  • 核-細胞質間輸送を介した微小管ネットワーク制御機構


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    Event date: 2008.9

  • Chemical genetic approach using S. pombe localizome: effects of Leptomycin B on protein localization and cellular function

    The 4th Korea-Japan Chemical Biology Symposium  

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    Event date: 2008.5

  • 分裂酵母ローカリゾームを用いた化合物スクリーニング. 


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    Event date: 2008.2

  • Regulatory role of nucleo-cytoplasmic transport in microtubule organization in fission yeast

    4th International Fission Yeast Meeting  

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    Event date: 2007.6

  • Localizome: global analysis on protein localization in fission yeast

    20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and 11th FAOBMB Congress  

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    Event date: 2006.6

  • Localizome:分裂酵母における全遺伝子産物細胞内局在の網羅的解析


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    Event date: 2004.12

  • Ultrastructure of the actin cytoskeleton decorated with myosin subfragment-1 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe

    The American Society for Cell Biology, 44th Annual Meeting  

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    Event date: 2004.12

  • 分裂酵母全遺伝子産物の局在決定

    酵母遺伝学フォーラム第37 回研究報告会  

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    Event date: 2004.9

  • Analysis of roles and functions of SUMO system in fission yeast


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    Event date: 2004.5

  • 分裂酵母localizomeによる核-細胞質間輸送の網羅的解析


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    Event date: 2004.1

  • Global analysis of protein localization in fission yeast

    The American Society for Cell Biology, 43rd Annual Meeting  

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    Event date: 2003.12

  • 分裂酵母のアクチンフィラメントのS1修飾


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    Event date: 2003.7

  • 分裂酵母全遺伝子産物の局在決定とその利用


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    Event date: 2003.5

  • 分裂酵母エンドフィリン類似タンパク質の細胞内機能の検討


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    Event date: 2002.5

  • 分裂酵母における収縮環形成機序の検討


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    Event date: 2001.5 - 2001.6

  • Comparative genomic hybridization of cisplatin-resistant ovarian carcinoma cells


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    Event date: 2000.9

  • Organization of F-actin ring and role of Cdc12 in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe.

    First Meeting of Fission Yeast  

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    Event date: 1999.9

  • 分裂酵母における収縮環形成とCdc12の役割


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    Event date: 1999.8

  • 分裂酵母における収縮環形成とCdc12の役割

    酵母遺伝学フォーラム第32 回研究報告会  

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    Event date: 1999.7

  • Subcellular localization and possible function of actin, tropomyosin and Arp3 in fission yeast

    Third Congress of the Asian-Pacific Organization for Cell Biology  

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    Event date: 1998.8

  • 分裂酵母におけるアクチン、トロポミオシン、actin-related protein 3 ( Arp3 ) の局在と役割


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    Event date: 1998.1

  • 分裂酵母におけるアクチン細胞骨格の編成について


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    Event date: 1997.9

  • 分裂酵母におけるアクチン細胞骨格の編成について

    酵母遺伝学フォーラム第30 回研究報告会  

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    Event date: 1997.7 - 1997.8

  • 分裂酵母におけるアクチンおよびアクチン調節タンパク質の局在

    酵母遺伝学フォーラム第29 回研究報告会  

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    Event date: 1996.12

  • 分裂酵母におけるアクチンおよびアクチン調節タンパク質の局在

    第49 回日本細胞生物学会大会  

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    Event date: 1996.10

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