ふくしま国際医療科学センター 放射線医学県民健康管理センター 副室長

2024/08/26 更新
公衆衛生学修士 ( ハーバード公衆衛生大学院 )
医学博士 ( 山形大学 )
ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含まない / ヘルスリテラシー
ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含まない / 国際保健
ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含まない / 母子保健
ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含まない / 公衆衛生学
ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含まない / 疫学
山形大学 医学研究科
- 2000年
国名: 日本国
ハーバード公衆衛生大学院 公衆衛生学
- 1998年
国名: アメリカ合衆国
山形大学 医学部 医学科
- 1995年
国名: 日本国
福島県立医科大学 特任教授
2024年1月 - 現在
福島県立医科大学 大学院医学研究科国際地域保健学 特任教授
2024年1月 - 現在
福島県立医科大学 教授
2016年4月 - 2023年12月
福島県立医科大学 大学院医学研究科国際地域保健学 教授
2016年 - 2023年12月
Harvard School of Public Health Researcher
2012年 - 2013年
福島県立医科大学 ふくしま国際医療科学センター 放射線医学県民健康管理センター 副室長
2011年 - 現在
福島県立医科大学 准教授
2009年4月 - 2016年3月
福島県立医科大学 講師
2005年4月 - 2009年3月
福島県立医科大学 学内講師
2002年9月 - 2005年3月
福島県立医科大学 助手
2002年1月 - 2002年8月
Population Council Researcher
2000年10月 - 2001年11月
2022年 - 現在
日本公衆衛生学会 日本公衆衛生雑誌編集委員
2021年 - 現在
日本国際保健医療学会 代議員、2019-2020 理事
2019年 - 現在
日本公衆衛生学会 モニタリング・レポートシステム委員・メンバー、2019 副委員長
2018年 - 現在
その他 福島市受動喫煙防止対策推進委員会(委員長)
2019年3月 - 現在
その他 放射線健康管理・健康不安対策事業新たな支援ツール作成ワーキンググループ(主催)
2019年 - 2021年
その他 福島市歯と口腔の健康づくり推進条例検討委員会 (委員長)
2018年3月 - 2019年3月
その他 福島市社会福祉審議会委員
2018年 - 現在
その他 福島県国民健康保険運営協議会(公益代表)
2017年 - 現在
その他 環境省放射線健康管理・健康不安対策事業支援センター運営委員会(委員)
2017年 - 現在
その他 環境省放射線健康管理・健康不安対策事業「暮らしの手引き」作成ワーキンググループ(委員、2019年 主査)
2017年 - 現在
社会医学系指導医 2017
がん患者の手術療法の意思決定を支援する外来看護師の認識と実践: 意思決定の環境に焦点をあてた詳細報告
菅野範子, 後藤あや, 畠山とも子.
福島県保健衛生雑誌 39 12 - 17 2024年
阿久津和子, 後藤あや, 荒井有希, 横山 浩之.
チャイルドヘルス 27 314 - 319 2024年
Understandability of passive smoking prevention leaflets in Japan
Iso T, Ishikawa Y, Kobashi Y, Nollet K, Yokokawa H, Goto A.
Frontiers in Communication 9 1417494 2024年
Association between health literacy and understanding of doctors’ explanations: The Yamagata Study
Yumiya Y, Goto A, Konta T.
Health Literacy Research and Practice 2024年
Empowering women as enablers in public health: A quantitative-qualitative systematic review of the gender-transformative approach
Bang Y, Kim Y, Goto A, Henning M, Kang M.
Health Care Women International 2024年
Attitudes toward future child-rearing among male and female adults without children in different prefectures at 11 years after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
Ito S, Goto A.
Radioprotection 2024年
Comparative analysis of gender and prefecture-based attitudes toward future parenthood following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
Ito, Goto A.
Radioprotection 59 95 - 103 2024年
Comparative study of eating behavior between patients with mental illness and healthy controls using the Japanese version of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire
Okabe S, Ito S, Goto A, Konno N.
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2024; 33; 228-236. 33 228 - 236 2024年
Collateral health effects of loneliness care in Japan
Yoshida K, Honda K, Goto A, Kawachi I.
Health Services Research & Managerial Epidemiology 11 233339282 2024年
Ethically researching health and disaster: Lessons from over a decade of research since the 3.11 disaster in Fukushima
Honda K, Abeysinghe S, Leppold C, Lloyd Williams A, Ozaki A, Goto A.
Japan Medical Association Journal. 2024; 7: 279-281. 7 279 - 281 2024年
Anemia-related subjective symptoms in the general adult population in Japan
Ito S, Okabe S, Ujiie N, Watanabe N, Ishida K, Goto A.
Journal of Rural Medicine 19 17 - 23 2024年
The role of stakeholder structure in fostering community ownership: A case study of community-based projects
Kobashi Y, Goto A, Chi C.
International Journal of Health Planning and Management 39 593 - 601 2024年
岡部聡子, 後藤あや, 紺野信弘
郡山女子大学紀要 59 169 - 181 2023年
山脇功次, 後藤あや, 齋藤麻友佳, 津富宏
東海公衆衛生雑誌 11 2023年
Factors associated with new onset of father-to-infant bonding failure from 1 to 6 months postpartum: an adjunct study of the Japan environment and children's study
Suzuki T, Nishigori T, Obara T, Mori M, Sakurai K, Ishikuro M, Hamada H, Saito M, Sugawara J, Arima T, Metoki H, Kuriyama S, Goto A, Yaegashi N, Nishigori H
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2023年
Beyond radiation anxiety and country borders: applying health literacy in the field after the Fukushima nuclear disaster
Goto A, Lloyd Williams A, Okabe S, Murakami M, Machida M, Koriyama C, Nollet KE
Annals of the ICRP 2023年
Maternal prenatal psychological distress and motor/cognitive development in two-year-old offspring
Mori M, Nishigori T, Ogata Y, Suzuki T, Sato A, Murata T, Kyozuka H, Yamaguchi A, Metoki H, Shinohara Y, Takahashi T, Shinoki K, Hosoya M, Fujimori K, Yasumura S, Hashimoto K, Goto A, Nishigori H
Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 14 389 - 401 2023年
Daily meals in context: a quantitative analysis of elementary school students' drawings
Kinoshita L, Goto A, Okabe S, Satoh K, Honda K, Ueda K, Murakami M and Nollet KE
Frontiers in Communication 8 1008108 2023年
Brain-derived major glycoproteins are possible biomarkers for altered metabolism of cerebrospinal fluid in neurological diseases
Hoshi K, Kanno M, Goto A, Ugawa Y, Furukawa K, Arai H, Miyajima M, Takahashi K, Hattori K, Kan K, Saito T, Yamaguchi Y, Mitsufuji T, Araki N, Hashimoto Y
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 6084 2023年
Association of health literacy with anxiety about COVID-19 under an infectious disease pandemic in Japan
Kuroda Y, Goto A, Koriyama C, Suzuki K
Health Promotion International 38 daac200 2023年
山脇功次, 後藤あや, 齋藤麻友佳, 津富宏
東海公衆衛生雑誌 11 79 - 86 2023年
Epidemiology, education, and care for patients with diabetes in Belarus
Sachkouskaya A, Sharshakova T, Popkov D, Yokokawa H, Kumagai A, Goto A
The Bulletin of the Center for Integrated Sciences and Humanitie 12 1 - 9 2023年
Two pills and Women’s Health in Japan
Goto A, Satoh K, Reich MR
The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific 40 100946 2023年
Evaluation of Vietnamese written materials for diabetes prevention and management in Ho Chi Minh City
Lam PV, Goto A, Vuong TNT, Nguyen ATQ, Nguyen TQ, Quynh Hoa Vu QH, Yokokawa H
Health Literacy and Communication Open 1 1 2023年
Anemia-related subjective symptoms in the general adult population in Japan
Ito S, Okabe S, Ujiie N, Watanabe N, Ishida K, Goto A
Journal of Rural Medicine 2023年
Participatory approaches for developing a practical handbook integrating health information for supporting individuals with mild cognitive impairment and their families
Kuroda Y, Goto A, Sugimoto T, Fujita K, Uchida K, Matsumoto N, Shimada H, Ohtsuka R, Yamada M, Fujiwara Y, Seike A, Hattori M, Ito G, Arai H, Sakurai T
Health Expectations 2023年
Parents’ needs and satisfaction levels for parenting support schemes provided by local government: secondary analysis of cross-sectional survey data
Arai T, Goto A
Journal of Primary Care and Community Health 14 2150131923 2023年
Flowchart for selecting an appropriate surgical airway in neurologically impaired pediatric intubated patients: a case series
Imaizumi M, Suyama K, Goto A, Hosoya M, Murono S
Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 89 101290 2023年
Ethical and societal aspects of radiological protection for offspring and next generations
Zölzer F, Schneider T, Ainsbury E, Goto A, Liutsko L, O'Reilly G, Lochard J.
International Journal of Radiation Biology 2023年
Can a mood tracker improve young people’s mental health?
Kaneko I, Goto A, Nollet KE.
Diponegoro International Medical Journal 4 57 - 60 2023年
Attitudes toward future motherhood among female college students in Fukushima Prefecture at seven years after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
Ito S, Okabe S, Goto A.
Radioprotection 58 271 - 279 2023年
Barriers to prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus among outpatients in Belarus
Sachkouskaya A, Sharshakova T, Kovalevsky D, Rusalenko M, Savasteeva I, Goto A, Yokokawa H, Kumagai A, Takahashi J
Frontiers in Clinical Diabetes and Healthcare 2 797857 2022年
Postpartum mental health of mothers in Fukushima: insights from the Fukushima Health Management Survey (FHMS) 8-year trends
Ishii K, Goto A, Yoshida-Komiya H, Ohira T, Fujimori T
Journal of Epidemiology. 2022年
Empowering children as agents of change to foster resilience in Community: Implementing “Creative Health” in primary schools after the Fukushima nuclear disaster
Goto A, Lloyd Williams A, Okabe S, Koyama Y, Koriyama C, Murakami M, Yui Y, Nollet KE
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 3417 2022年
小児禁煙研究会雑誌 12 33 - 37 2022年
医学のあゆみ 282 1159 - 1162 2022年
村上道夫, 大沼進, 柴田侑秀, 高田モモ, 小林智之, 後藤あや, 保高徹生
リスク学研究 32 243 - 249 2022年
Uncertainty among families of patients with cerebrovascular diseases in Japan: association with quality of life and background characteristics
Honda K, Murakami M, Takebayashi Y, Sakuma J, Goto A
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 34 3097 - 3105 2022年
Primary health care practitioners’ perception of patient loneliness in Japanese older adults: a cross-sectional study
Yoshida K, Nakamura K, Hoshi G, Kanke S, Goto A, Kassai R
Social Science & Medicine – Population Health 19 101143 2022年
Factors associated with smoking relapse among women in Japan from pregnancy to early parenthood
Mori M, Ishii K, Goto A, Nakano H, Suzuki K, Ota M, Yasumura S, Fujimori K
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing 5 428 - 440 2022年
Postpartum mental health of mothers in Fukushima: insights from the Fukushima Health Management Survey (FHMS) 8-year trends
Ishii K, Goto A, Yoshida-Komiya H, Ohira T, Fujimori T
Journal of Epidemiology 32 64 - 75 2022年
The Effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake on perinatal outcomes: results of the Pregnancy and Birth Survey in the Fukushima Health Management Survey
Kyozuka H, Murata T, Yasuda S, Ishii K, Fujimori K, Goto A, Yasumura S, Ota M, Hata K, Suzuki K, Nakai A, Ohira T, Ohto H, Kamiya K
Journal of Epidemiology 32 57 - 63 2022年
Effects of external radiation exposure on perinatal outcomes in pregnant women after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident: the Fukushima Health Management Survey
Yasuda S, Okazaki K, Nakano H, Ishii K, Kyozuka H, Murata T, Fujimori K, Goto A, Yasumura S, Ota M, Hata K, Suzuki K, Nakai A, Ohira T, Ohto H, Kamiya K
Journal of Epidemiology 32 104 - 114 2022年
Development of an application for sustainable support of returning residents displaced by the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Nakano H, Goto A, Ohba T, Yoshida K, Nollet K, Murakami M, Ohira T, Kumagai A, Tanigawa K
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 290 1074 - 1075 2022年
Neonatal reticulocytes among preterm infants of small for gestational age
Takahashi Y, Kanai Y, Chishiki M, Goto A, Imamura T
Pediatrics and Neonatology 63 462 - 467 2022年
High Correlation among brain-derived major protein levels in cerebrospinal fluid: implication for amyloid-beta and tau protein changes in Alzheimer’s disease
Hoshi K, Kanno M, Abe M, Murakami T, Ugawa Y, Goto A, Honda T, Saito T, Saido TC, Yamaguchi Y, Miyajima M, Furukawa K, Arai H, Hashimoto Y
Metabolites 12 355 2022年
Maternal folic acid supplement use/dietary folate intake from preconception to early pregnancy and neurodevelopment in 2-year-old offspring: The Japan Environment and Children's Study
Suzuki T, Nishigori T, Obara T, Masumoto T, Mori M, Murata T, Kyozuka H, Ogata Y, Sato A, Sanpei M, Takahashi T, Shinoki K, Hosoya M, Fujimori K, Yasumura S, Hashimoto K, Goto A, Nishigori H
British Journal of Nutrition 128 2480 - 2489 2022年
Differences in data trustworthiness and risk perception between bar graphs and pictograms
Machida M, Murakami M, Goto A
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 4690 2022年
Empowering children as agents of change to foster resilience in Community: Implementing “Creative Health” in primary schools after the Fukushima nuclear disaster
Goto A, Lloyd Williams A, Okabe S, Koyama Y, Koriyama C, Murakami M, Yui Y, Nollet KE
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 3417 2022年
Effects of working environments with minimum night lighting on night-shift nurses' fatigue and sleep, and patient safety
Hoshi H, Iwasa H, Goto A, Yasumura S
BMJ Open Quality 11 e001638 2022年
On-site training program for public health nurses in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan: Effects on risk communication competencies
Honda K, Fujitani Y, Nakajima S, Goto A, Kumagai A, Komiya H, Kobayashi T, Takebayashi Y, Murakami M
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 67 102694 2022年
Patient views on quality of life and hospital care: results from a qualitative study among Vietnamese patients with diabetes
Tri MT, Khue NT, Khoa VT, Goto A
Frontiers in Communication 7 894435 2022年
Kuroda Y, Goto A, Terauchi H, Suzuki S
Public Health 194 156 - 162 2021年5月( ISSN:00333506 )
阿久津 和子, 後藤 あや, 横山 浩之
小児保健研究 80 ( 2 ) 172 - 178 2021年3月( ISSN:0037-4113 )
Incidence and relapse triggers of childhood idiopathic nephrotic syndrome between 2006 and 2016: A population-based study in Fukushima, Japan
Kume Y, Kawasaki Y, Suyama K, Maeda R, Takahashi Y, Hoshino M, Suzuki S, Mitomo M, Nozawa R, Namai Y, Sakuma H, Kaneko M, Oda S, Murai H, Kanno S, Nagasawa K, Ito M, Suzuki H, Ohara S, Go H, Goto A, Hosoya M
The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 253 ( 2 ) 125 - 134 2021年2月( ISSN:0040-8727 )
夫婦を対象とした妊娠期育児支援プログラムに参加した母親の4ヵ月児健康診査時点における特徴 非参加群と比較して
石井 佳世子, 後藤 あや, 渡邉 一代, 津富 宏, 佐々木 美恵, 小宮 ひろみ, 安村 誠司
母性衛生 61 ( 4 ) 684 - 693 2021年1月( ISSN:0388-1512 )
岡部聡子, 伊藤慎也, 高橋徹, 星千歳, 弓屋結, 本間杏菜, 根本絢香, 後藤あや
日本家政学会誌 72 251 - 259 2021年
石井佳代子, 渡邉一代, 後藤あや
福島県立医科大学看護学部紀要 23 27 - 34 2021年
Feedback assessment from the audience as a part of the health literacy training for health professionals: a case from Fukushima after the nuclear accident
Goto A, Yumiya Y, Ueda K.
Annals of ICRP 2021年
Incidence of and improvement in inappropriate parental behaviors of mothers with young children: a retrospective cohort study conducted in collaboration with a local government
Arai T, Goto A, Komatsu M, Yasumura S.
Archives of Public Health 79 37 2021年
The development of an application tool to support returnees in Fukushima
Ohba T, Goto A, Nakano H, Nollet KE, Murakami M, Koyama Y, Honda K, Yoshida K, Yumiya Y, Kuroda Y, Kumagai A, Ohira T, Tanigawa K.
Annals of ICRP 2021年
Belief in group interdependence: facilitating evacuee–host interactions after the Fukushima nuclear accident
Kobayashi T, Yoshida K, Takebayashi Y, Goto A, Kumagai A, Murakami M.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 00 1 - 9 2021年
Antenatal and postnatal association of maternal bonding and mental health in Fukushima after the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011: the Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS)
6. Kuroda Y, Goto A, Koyama Y, Hosoya M, Fujimori K, Yasumura S, Nishigori H, Kuse M, Kyozuka H, Sato A, Ogata Y, Hashimoto K.
Journal of Affective Disorders 278 244 - 251 2021年
The association between fathers' self-assessment of their own parenting and mothers' recognition of paternal support: a municipal-based cross-sectional study
Terui T, Yoshida K, Sasaki M, Murakami M, Goto A.
Journal of Epidemiology 31 608 - 614 2021年
Public health nursing in Japan: lessons from the past and present
Goto A, Yumiya Y
Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA: Research 2021年
企画セッション開催報告 福島から COVID-19 を, COVID-19 から福島を考える
村上道夫, 小林智之, 越智小枝, 後藤あや, 五十嵐泰正
リスク学研究 30 195 - 202 2021年
日本ニューロサイエンス看護学会誌 7 21 - 28 2021年
Tailoring digital tools to address the radiation and health information needs of returnees after a nuclear accident
Ohba T, Goto A, Yumiya Y, Murakami M, Nakano H, Honda K, Nollet KE, Schneider T, Tanigawa K
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 12704 2021年
User-guided design of a digital tool for health promotion and radiation protection: results from an internet needs survey
Yumiya Y, Ohba T, Murakami M, Nakano H, Nollet KE, Goto A
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 12007 2021年
Prevalence and correlates of zinc deficiency among Vietnamese women of reproductive age in Ho Chi Minh City: a single hospital-based survey
Nguyen QV, Phong VL, Goto A, Nguyen TTV, Vuong TNT, Nguyen MT, Nguyen MH, Trung ATT, Tran TPT, Vo CD
Frontiers in Global Women’s Health 2 92 2021年
Implementation and evaluation of life-planning lecture to enhance perspective-taking among high school Students: a school-based nonrandomized waitlist intervention study in Japan
Watanabe K, Goto A, Ishii K, Yoshida-Komiya H, Ito S, Ota M
JMA Journal 4 339 - 346 2021年
Generational giving: Japanese high school students’ motivation to donate blood
Kinoshita L, Goto A, Kashimura M, Watanabe N, Nollet KE
Medical Student Research Journal 2021年
Vietnam-Japan collaboration from a global perspective: a report on 2019 Epidemiology Research Training Course in southern Vietnam
Koyama Y, Goto A
Journal of Global Health Science 3 e10 2021年
May risk communication with non-experts contribute to post-disaster restoration of normalcy? A survey on the disaster-struck prefectures after the Great East Japan Earthquake
Kobayashi T, Takebayashi Y, Goto A, Nakayachi K, Murakami M
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 65 102564 2021年
Father-child bonding among Japanese fathers of infants: A municipal-based study at the time of the 4-month child health checkup
Yoshida K, Goto A, Takebayashi Y, Murakami M, Sasaki M
Infant Mental Health Journal 42 705 - 717 2021年
An inclusive early childhood intervention program for children with disabilities: possible effects on children and nursery teachers
Ueda K, Goto A, Imamoto T, Yamazaki Y
Frontiers in Rehabilitation Science 2 759932 2021年
Empirical evaluation of understandability and usability of health handbooks commonly used in Japan
Nomura M, Goto A, Osawa E, Miura H
Frontiers in Communication 6 728934 2021年
Hashimoto S, Nagai M, Ohira T, Fukuma S, Hosoya M, Yasumura S, Satoh H, Suzuki H, Sakai A, Ohtsuru A, Kawasaki Y, Takahashi A, Okazaki K, Kobashi G, Kamiya K, Yamashita S, Fukuhara Si, Ohto H, Abe M, Kamiya K, Suzuki S, Yabe H, Maeda M, Matsui S, Fujimori K, Ishikawa T, Watanabe T, Ozasa K, Hashimoto S, Suzuki S, Fukushima T, Midorikawa S, Shimura H, Mashiko H, Goto A, Nollet KE, Niwa S, Takahashi H, Shibata Y
Clinical and Experimental Nephrology 24 ( 11 ) 1025 - 1032 2020年11月( ISSN:13421751 )
後藤あや, 村上道夫
東京小児科医会会報 39 18 - 23 2020年
石井佳世子, 後藤あや, 太田操, 安村誠司, 藤森敬也
福島県保健衛生雑誌 35 8 - 14 2020年
Characteristics and changes in the mental health indicators of expecting parents in a couple-based parenting support program in Japan
Ishii K, Goto A, Watanabe K, Tsutomi H, Sasaki M, Komiya H, Yasumura S
Health care for women international 41 330 - 344 2020年( ISSN:0739-9332 )
Challenges to changing the culture of parenting in Japan
Goto A, Surkan PJ, Reich MR
Journal of Epidemiology 30 427 - 428 2020年( ISSN:0917-5040 )
Thinking and acting with school children in Fukushima: implementation of a participatory theater approach and analysis of the experiences of teachers
Goto A, Lloyd Williams A, Kuroda Y, Satoh K
JMA Journal 3 67 - 72 2020年
Lessons learned for reducing out of pocket health payment in Afghanistan: a comparative case study of three Asian countries
Akbari F, Machida M, Nakamura H, Nagase K, Goto A, Hara A
Journal of Global Health Science 1 e46 2020年
Implementing a flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing at elderly care facilities to reveal characteristics of elderly subjects who screened positive for a swallowing disorder
Imaizumi M, Suzuki T, Ikeda M, Matsuzaka T, Goto A, Omori K
Auris Nasus Larynx 47 602 - 608 2020年
Neonatal reticulocyte count during the early postnatal period
Yamada M, Chishiki M, Kanai Y, Goto A, Imamura T
Pediatrics & Neonatology 61 490 - 497 2020年
Work-life conflict, gender-based discrimination, and their associations among professionals in a medical university and affiliated hospitals in Japan: A cross-sectional study
Ono Y, Goto A, Maejima Y, Maruyama I, Suzuki T, Shikama Y, Yoshida-Komiya H
Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 66 25 - 36 2020年
Communicating health information with the public: lessons learned post disaster
Goto A
Journal of Global Health Science 2 e6 2020年
地震・津波・原子力発電所の事故の影響を受けた被災地の避難所支援 地域包括支援センター保健師の経験から見える健康危機管理への示唆
吉田和樹, 齋藤澄子, 弓屋結, 大葉隆, 谷川攻一, 後藤あや
地域保健 51 78 - 81 2020年
藤田芙美子, 吉田和樹, 照井稔宏, 後藤あや
厚生の指標 67 1 - 7 2020年
Developing health communication materials during a pandemic
Benski C, Goto A, Reich MR.
Frontiers in Communication 5 603656 2020年
Development of a pediatric dermatology screening tool based on two parent-reported skin symptoms: Comparison of parental recognition and physician diagnosis of skin symptoms of infants and toddlers
Sato H, Goto A, Murakami M, Kawabata Y.
Journal of Primary Care and Community Health 11 2150132720974883 2020年
Implementing eHealth with radiation records: a new support package for evacuees returning to areas around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station
Ohba T, Goto A, Nakano H, Nollet KE, Murakami M, Yoshida K, Yumiya Y, Honda K, Kuroda Y, Kumagai A, Ohira T, Tanigawa K.
Radioprotection 55 291 - 295 2020年
地域にいきる医療人育成 原子力災害後における健康コミュニケーション教育の構築
村上 道夫, 後藤 あや
福島医学雑誌 69 ( 1 ) 77 - 83 2019年4月( ISSN:0016-2582 )
地域住民と健康リスクを考える 東日本大震災後の保健活動の向上を目指したリスクコミュニケーション支援事業
吉田 和樹, 小林 智之, 後藤 あや, 竹林 由武, 熊谷 敦史, 安井 清孝, 黒田 佑次郎, 末永 カツ子, 小宮 ひろみ, 前田 香, 村上 道夫
保健師ジャーナル 75 ( 1 ) 54 - 59 2019年1月( ISSN:1348-8333 )
原子力災害後の福島県におけるヘルスリテラシー研修: 普及促進のための効果的プログラムの検討
町田宗仁, 吉田和樹, 弓屋結, 後藤あや
アイソトープニュース 761 38 - 41 2019年
地域住民と健康リスクを考える: 東日本大震災後の保健活動の向上を目指したリスクコミュニケーション支援事業
吉田和樹, 小林智之, 後藤あや, 竹林由武, 熊谷敦史, 安井清孝, 黒田佑次郎, 末永カツ子, 小宮ひろみ, 前田香, 村上道夫
保健師ジャーナル 75 54 - 59 2019年
小林 智之, 村上 道夫, 吉田 和樹, 熊谷 敦史, 安井 清孝, 後藤 あや, 竹林 由武, 黒田 佑次郎, 末永 カツ子, 小宮 ひろみ
安全工学 58 ( 6 ) 387 - 393 2019年( ISSN:0570-4480 )
日本健康教育学会誌 85 80-89 2019年
The effect of the Great East Japan Earthquake on hypertensive disorders during pregnancy: A study from the Fukushima Health Management Survey
Kyozuka H, Murata T, Yasuda S, Fujimori K, Goto A, Yasumura S, Abe M
Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 2019年
佐藤 博子, 佐伯 秀久, 後藤 あや
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 129 161 - 167 2019年
ベラルーシ共和国への留学経験: 男女共同参画の国際比較
中島理沙子, 後藤あや, 熊谷敦史, 錫谷達夫
福島県保健衛生雑誌 33 49 - 51 2019年
新井猛浩, 後藤あや, 小松美津子, 安村誠司
福島県保健衛生雑誌 33 10 - 15 2019年
地域にいきる医療人育成: 原子力災害後における健康コミュニケーション教育の構築
村上道夫, 後藤あや
福島医学 69 1 - 7 2019年
公衆衛生 2019年
後藤あや, 尾崎米厚, 伊藤慎也, 郡山千早, 坂野晶司, 鈴木貞夫, 鈴木友理子, 高橋美保子, 田中耕, 横川博英, 吉田都美, 吉村健清, 弓屋結
日本公衆衛生雑誌 2019年
Development and implementation of an internet survey to assess community health in the face of a health crisis: Data from the Pregnancy and Birth Survey of the Fukushima Health Management Survey, 2016
Nakano H, Ishii K, Goto A, Yasumura S, Ohira T, Fujimori K.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 E1946 2019年
Social identity threats following the Fukushima nuclear accident and its influence on psychological distress
Kobayashi T, Yoshida K, Takebayashi Y, Goto A, Kumagai A, Murakami M.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 37 2019年
Communication between health professionals and community residents in Fukushima: A focus on the feedback loop
Yumiya Y, Goto A, Murakami M, Ohira T, Rudd RE
Health Communication 35 1274 - 1282 2019年
太田操, 服部桜, 新井昌子, 清水川由美子, 石井佳世子, 後藤あや, 安村誠司, 藤森敬也
日本母子看護学会誌 12 21 - 31 2019年
飯舘村での母子保健活動の取組み: 養育者を主体とした育児支援ツールの導入について
佐野碧, 児山洋平, 黒田佑次郎, 植田紀美子, 後藤あや
福島県保健衛生雑誌 33 45 - 48 2019年
東北3県における災害後の保健師活動: 現状と課題についてのテキスト解析の試み
山脇功次. 後藤あや, 佐藤健一, 遠藤智子, 古山綾子, 斎藤恵子, 吉野優子, 山田祐子, 松本珠実, 中島誠子
福島県保健衛生雑誌 33 28 - 33 2019年
菅野範子, 後藤あや, 佐藤恵子, 川原礼子, 畠山とも子
日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌 42 78 - 84 2019年
吉田和樹, 鈴木友, 佐藤香代子, 杉浦真由美, 後藤あや
小児保健研究 78 428 - 436 2019年
Ito S, Sasaki M, Okabe S, Konno N, Goto A
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 ( 11 ) 2018年10月( ISSN:1661-7827 )
Effect of radiological countermeasures on subjective well-being and radiation anxiety after the 2011 disaster: The Fukushima Health Management Survey
Murakami M, Takebayashi Y, Takeda Y, Sato A, Igarashi Y, Sano K, Yasutaka T, Naito W, Hirota S, Goto A, Ohira T, Yasumura S, Tanigawa K
International Journal Environmental Research and Public Health 15 124 2018年
Collaborative processes of developing a health literacy toolkit: A case from Fukushima after the nuclear accident
Goto A, Alden YL, Kumagai A, Koizumi S, Yoshida K, Yamawaki K, Rima ER
Journal of Health Communication 23 200 - 206 2018年
Looking for Japan’s missing third baby boom
Baba S, Goto A, Reich MR
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research 44 199 - 207 2018年
Neonatal and maternal serum creatinine levels during the early postnatal period in preterm and term infants
Go H, Momoi N, Kashiwabara N, Haneda K, Chishiki M, Imamura T, Sato M, Goto A, Kawasaki Y, Hosoya M
PLoS One 13 e0196721 2018年
Overview of the Pregnancy and Birth Survey Section of the Fukushima Health Management Survey: Focus on mothers’ anxieties about radioactive exposure
Ito S, Goto A, Ishii K, Ota M, Yasumura S, Fujimori K
Journal of the National Institute of Public Health 67 59 - 70 2018年
Depressive symptoms and associated factors in female students in Fukushima: four years after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster
Ito S, Sasaki M, Okabe S, Konno N, Goto A.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 E2411 2018年
Health-related quality of life in patients with autoimmune hepatitis: A questionnaire survey
Takahashi A, Moriya K, Ohira H, Arinaga-Hino T, Zeniya M, Torimura T, Abe M, Takaki A, Kang JH, Inui A, Fujisawa T, Yoshizawa K, Suzuki Y, Nakamoto N, Koike K, Yoshiji H, Goto A, Tanaka A, Younossi ZM, Takikawa H; Japan AIH Study Group.
PLoS One 13 e0204772 2018年
町田宗仁, 後藤あや, 熊谷敦史, 安井清孝, 吉田浩二, 小宮ひろみ
福島県保健衛生雑誌 31 8 - 13 2018年
山脇功次, 後藤あや, 水野美文, 津富宏
保健師ジャーナル 74 506 - 513 2018年
Factors associated with intention of future pregnancy among women affected by the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: Analysis of Fukushima Health Management Survey data from 2012 to 2014
Goto A, Tsugawa Y, Fujimori K
Journal of Epidemiology 2018年
照井稔宏, 後藤あや, 馬場幸子, 安村誠司
厚生の指標 64 22 - 26 2017年
The mcrobiome of the lower respiratory tract in premature infants with and without severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Imamura T, Sato M, Go H, Ogasawara K, Kanai Y, Maeda H, Chishiki M, Shimizu H, Mashiyama F, Goto A, Momoi N, Hosoya M
American Journal of Perinatology 34 80 - 87 2017年
The Fukushima nuclear accident affected mothers’ depression but not maternal confidence
Goto, Bromet E, M Ota M, Ohtsuru A, Yasumura S, Fujimori K
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 29 139S - 150S 2017年
Communicating with residents about risks following the Fukushima nuclear accident
Murakami M, Sato A, Matsui S, Goto A, Kumagai A, Tsubokura M, Orita M, Takamura N, Kuroda Y, Ochi S.
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 29 74S - 89S 2017年
Immunohistochemical profiling of receptor tyrosine kinases, MED12, and TGF-βRII of surgically resected small cell lung cancer, and the potential of c-kit as a prognostic marker
Yokouchi H, Nishihara H, Harada T, Ishida T, Yamazaki S, Kikuchi H, Oizumi S, Ma W, Fan Y, Wang C, Akie K, Sugaya F, Fujita Y, Takamura K, Kojima T, Higuchi M, Honjo O, Minami Y, Watanabe N, Goto A, Suzuki H, Dosaka-Akita H, Isobe H, Nishimura M, Munakata M
Oncotarget 8 39711 - 39726 2017年
Pregnancy and Birth Survey of the Fukushima Health Management Survey
Ishii K, Goto A, Ota M, Yasumura S, Fujimori K
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 29 56S - 62S 2017年
東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故後の電話要支援者の特徴と電話相談内容 平成23年度福島県県民健康調査・妊産婦に関する調査を用いて
石井佳世子, 後藤あや, 太田操, 安村誠司, 藤森敬也
母性衛生 57 652 - 659 2017年
Fukushima mothers' concerns and associated factors after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster
Ito S, Goto A, Ishii K, Ota M, Yasumura S, Fujimori K
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 29 151S - 160S 2017年
Occurrence of depressive tendency and associated social factors among elderly persons forced by the Great East Japan Earthquake and nuclear disaster to live as long-term evacuees: a prospective cohort study
Kuroda Y, Iwasa H, Goto A, Yoshida K, Matsuda K, Iwamitsu Y, Yasumura S.
BMJ Open 3 ( 7 ) e014339 2017年
Factors associated with maintaining the mental health of employees after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Findings from companies located in the evacuation area
Orui M, Suzuki Y, Goto A, Yasumura S
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 E53 2017年
照井稔宏, 後藤あや, 安村誠司
福島県保健衛生雑誌 29 19 - 24 2017年
Volumetric analysis of gallbladder in extremely premature infants.
Imamura T, Sato M, Go H, Ogasawara K, Kanai Y, Chishiki M, Maeda H, Haneda K, Kashiwabara N, Goto A, Momoi N, Hosoya M.
Journal of Medical Ultrasound 25 138 - 144 2017年
インフェクションコントロール 25 ( 12 ) 84 - 89 2016年12月
インフェクションコントロール 25 ( 11 ) 98 - 101 2016年11月
プレホスピタルでの気道管理資源は、種々の気道管理アルゴリズムと一致するか 日本におけるヘリコプター救急医療サービスの全国横断研究(Are prehospital airway management resources compatible with difficult airway algorithms? A nationwide cross-sectional study of helicopter emergency medical services in Japan)
Ono Yuko, Shinohara Kazuaki, Goto Aya, Yano Tetsuhiro, Sato Lubna, Miyazaki Hiroyuki, Shimada Jiro, Tase Choichiro
Journal of Anesthesia 30 ( 2 ) 205 - 214 2016年4月( ISSN:0913-8668 )
Ono Y, Shinohara K, Goto A, Yano T, Sato L, Miyazaki H, Shimada J, Tase C
Journal of anesthesia 30 ( 2 ) 205 - 14 2016年4月( ISSN:0913-8668 )
自治体職員におけるメンタルヘルス対策の実践と効果の検証: 笑いと睡眠に焦点をあてて
我妻沙織, 後藤あや, 大平哲也, 岩佐一, 伊藤慎也, 安村誠司
福島県保健衛生雑誌 27 10 - 14 2016年
Are prehospital airway management resources compatible with difficult airway algorithms? A nationwide cross‑sectional study of helicopter emergency medical services in Japan
Ono Y, Shinohara K, Goto A, Yano T, Sato L, Miyazaki H, Shimada J, Tase C
Journal of Anesthesiology 30 205 - 214 2016年
Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on feeding methods and newborn growth at 1 month postpartum: results from the Fukushima Health Management Survey
Kyozuka H, Yasuda S, Kawamura M, Nomura Y, Fujimori K, Goto A, Yasumura S, Abe M
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 55 139 - 146 2016年
Factors associated with infant feeding methods after the nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima: Data from the Pregnancy and Birth Survey for the fiscal year 2011 Fukushima Health Management Survey
Ishii K, Goto A, Ota M, Yasumura, S, Abe M, Fujimori K
Maternal and Child Health Journal 20 1704 - 1712 2016年
小児保健研究 75 398 - 405 2016年
Effect of medical institution change on gestational duration after the Great East Japan Earthquake: The Fukushima Health Management Survey
Suzuki K, Goto A, Fujimori K
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. 42 1704 - 1711 2016年
Radiation-related anxiety among public health nurses in the Fukushima Prefecture after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station: a cross-sectional study
Yoshida K, Orita M, Goto A, Kumagai A, Yasui K, Ohtsuru A, Hayashida N, Kudo T, Yamashita S, Takamura N
BMJ Open 6 e013564 2016年
Obstetric outcomes in women in Fukushima Prefecture during and after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident: The Fukushima Health Management Survey
Hayashi M , Fujimori K , Yasumura S , Goto A, Nakai A
Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 6 705 - 713 2016年
Practical index of urinary incontinence following Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate: A case-series study of the 24-Hour pad test immediately after ctheter removal
Fujisaki A, Goto A, Endo F, Muraishi O, Hattori K, Yasumura S
Urologia Internationalis 97 310 - 319 2016年
Influence of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear disaster on the birth weight of newborns in Fukushima Prefecture: Fukushima Health Management Survey
Yasuda S, Kyozuka H, Nomura Y, Fujimori K, Goto A, Yasumura S, Hata K, Ohira T, Abe M
Journal of Maternal-fetal & Neonatal Medicine 9 1 - 18 2016年
Immunohistochemical profiling of receptor tyrosine kinases, MED12, and TGF-βRII of surgically resected small cell lung cancer, and the potential of c-kit as a prognostic marker
Yokouchi H, Nishihara H, Harada T, Ishida T, Yamazaki S, Kikuchi H, Oizumi S, Ma W, Fan Y, Wang C, Akie K, Sugaya F, Fujita Y, Takamura K, Kojima T, Higuchi M, Honjo O, Minami Y, Watanabe N, Goto A, Suzuki H, Dosaka-Akita H, Isobe H, Nishimura M, Munakata M
Oncotarget 2016年
Immunohistochemical profiling of receptor tyrosine kinases, MED12, and TGF-βRII of surgically resected small cell lung cancer, and the potential of c-kit as a prognostic marker
Yokouchi H, Nishihara H, Harada T, Ishida T, Yamazaki S, Kikuchi H, Oizumi S, Ma W, Fan Y, Wang C, Akie K, Sugaya F, Fujita Y, Takamura K, Kojima T, Higuchi M, Honjo O, Minami Y, Watanabe N, Goto A, Suzuki H, Dosaka-Akita H, Isobe H, Nishimura M, Munakata M
Oncotarget 2016年
Radiation-related anxiety among public health nurses in the Fukushima Prefecture after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station: a cross-sectional study
Yoshida K, Orita M, Goto A, Kumagai A, Yasui K, Ohtsuru A, Hayashida N, Kudo T, Yamashita S, Takamura N
BMJ Open 6 e013564 2016年
Thinking, talking, and working with professional community workers after the Fukushima nuclear accident
Goto A
Ann ICRP 2016年
Health literacy as a driving force for improving access to health care: recovery after the nuclear power plan accident in Fukushima
Goto A, Lai AY, Rudd RE
Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 27 191 - 208 2016年
Factors associated with enrollment and adherence in outpatient cardiac rehabilitation in Japan
Endo N, Goto A, Suzuki T, Matsuda S, Yasumura S
Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 35 186 - 192 2015年
Immediate mental consequences of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima nuclear power plant accident on mothers experiencing miscarriage, abortion and stillbirth
Yoshida-Komiya H, Goto A, Yasumura S, Fujimori K, Abe M; Pregnancy and Birth Survey Group of the Fukushima Health Management Survey
Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 61 66 - 71 2015年
Immediate effects of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster on depressive symptoms among mothers with infants: a prefectural-wide cross-sectional study from the Fukushima Health Management Survey
Goto A, Bromet EJ, Fujimori K; Pregnancy and Birth Survey Group of Fukushima Health Management Survey
BMC Psychiatry 15 59 2015年
アイソトープニュース 732 24 - 28 2015年
福島県保健衛生雑誌 25 27 - 29 2015年
Towards long-term responses in Fukushima
Reich MR, Goto A.
Lancet 386 498 - 500 2015年
Community health workers as the critical building blocks for health system strengthening: A two-case study of innovative CHWs in Zambia and Japan
Henning M, Goto A, Chi C, Rudd RE
Journal of Communication in Healthcare 8 241 - 249 2015年
Advancing health literacy from a system perspective: Health literacy training for healthcare professionalsx
Lai AY, Goto A, Rudd RE
European Health Psychologist 17 281 - 285 2015年
Health literacy training for public health nurses in Fukushima: A multi-site program evaluation
Goto A, Lai AY, Rudd RE
Japan Medical Association Journal 58 1 - 9 2015年
Parenting in Fukushima City in the post-disaster period: Short-term strategies and long-term perspectives.
Goto A, Reich MR, Yuriko S, Tsutomi H, Watanabe E, Yasumura S.
Disasters 8 ( Suppl 2 ) s179-s189 2014年
Recent pregnancy trends among early adolescent girls in Japan.
Baba S, Goto A, Reich MR.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 40 125 - 132 2014年
Association between control to target blood pressures and healthy lifestyle factors among Japanese hypertensive patients: Longitudinal data analysis from Fukushima Research of Hypertension (FRESH)
Yokokawa H, Goto A, Sanada H, Watanabe T, Felder RA, Jose PA, Yasumura S.
Obesity Research & Clinical Practice 8 e364-e373 2014年
Confirmation of gastric tube bedside placement with the sky blue method
Imamura T, Maeda H, Kinoshita H, Shibukawa Y, Suda K, Fukuda Y, Goto A, Nagasawa K.
Nutrition in Clinical Practice 29 125 - 130 2014年
Pregnancy and birth survey after the great East Japan earthquake and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima prefecture
Fujimori K, Kyozuka H, Yasuda S, Goto A, Yasumura S, Ota M, Ohtsuru A, Nomura Y, Hata K, Suzuki K, Nakai A, Sato M, Matsui S, Nakano K, Abe M
Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 60 75 - 81 2014年
Leveraging public health nurses for disaster risk communication in Fukushima City: A qualitative analysis of nurses' written records of parenting counseling and peer discussions
Goto A, Rudd RE, Lai AY, Yoshida K, Suzuki Y, Halstead DD, Yoshida-Komiya H, Reich MR
BMC Health Services Research 14 129 2014年
Maternal confidence of Fukushima mothers before and after the nuclear power plant disaster in Northeast Japan: Analyses of municipal health records
Goto A, Rudd RE, Bromet EJ, Suzuki Y, Yoshida K, Suzuki Y, Halstead DD, Yoshida-Komiya H, Reich MR
Journal of Communication in Healthcare 7 106 - 116 2014年
Capacity building toward evidence-based medicine among healthcare professionals at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City, and its related institutes
Le TQN, Goto A, Tran TT, Nguyen QV, Nguyen TK
Japan Medical Association Journal 57 49 - 55 2014年
Prevalence of erectile dysfunction and its associated factors among Vietnamese men with type 2 diabetes
Vo KT, Huynh HQ, Tran NQ, Goto A, Suzuki Y, Nguyen KT
Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies 29 19 - 23 2014年
Blood donor deferral among students in northern Japan: Challenges ahead
Ngoma AM, Goto A, Nollet KE, Sawamura Y, Ohto H, Yasumura S
Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy 41 251 - 256 2014年
Health literacy training for public health nurses in Fukushima: A case-study of program adaptation, implementation and evaluation
Goto A, Rudd RE, Lai AY, Yoshida-Komiya
Japan Medical Association Journal 57 146 - 153 2014年
Excess mortality among relocated institutionalized elderly after Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Yasumura S, Goto A, Yamazaki S, Reich MR.
Public Health 127 186 - 188 2013年
Glucocorticoid receptor expression in whole blood with preterm infants.
Go H, Sato M, Hashimoto K, Imamura T, Kaneko M, Sato T, Goto A, Ishii T, Ishibashi N, Momoi N, Fujimori K, Hosoya M.
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism 26 77 - 84 2013年
Barriers and motivators to blood donation among university students in Japan: Development of a measurement tool.
Ngoma AM, Goto A, Yamazaki S, Machida M, Kanno T, Nollet KE, Ohto H, Yasumura S.
Vox Sanguinis 105 219 - 224 2013年
Neurodevelopmental outcomes of children with periventricular leukomalacia.
Imamura T, Ariga H, Kaneko M, Watanabe M, Shibukawa Y, Fukuda Y, Nagasawa K, Goto A, Fujiki T.
Pediatrics and Neonatology 54 367 - 372 2013年
Prevalence and correlates of zinc deficiency among pregnant Vietnamese women in Ho Chi Minh City.
Nguyen QV, Goto A, Nguyen TTV, Vo TK, Ta TTM, Nguyen TTN, Nguyen TM, Ho TMB, Phan TNA, Vu THH, Truong TM, Nguyen TH.
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 22 614 - 619 2013年
Analysis of blood donor deferral in Japan: characteristics and reasons.
Ngoma AM, Goto A, Sawamura Y, Nollet KE, Ohto H, Yasumura S.
Transfusion and Apheresis Science 49 655 - 660 2013年
Support-seeking behavior among Japanese mothers at high-risk of mental health problems: a community-based study at a city health center.
Ngoma AM, Goto A, Suzuki Y, Tsutomi H, Yasumura S.
Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 117 - 126 2012年
A pilot study on a group-based parenting program in a Vietnamese public hospital: program acceptance among mothers and staff
Goto A, Suzuki Y, Nguyen QV, Nguyen TTV, Trinh HP, Pham NM, Nguyen TM, Yasumura S, and the NDGD Parenting Support Team
Asia-Pacific Psychiatry 4 76 - 83 2012年
医学教育 43 171 - 176 2012年
Evaluation of arterial catheter management in very preterm neonates: peripheral artery versus umbilical artery.
Imamura T, Momoi N, Go H, Ogasawara K, Kanai Y, Sato M, Goto A, Hosoya M.
Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 58 1 - 8 2012年
The process of adapting an Australian antenatal group-based parenting program to Japanese and Vietnamese public service settings.
Goto A, Suzuki Y, Tsutomi H, Nguyen QV, Nguyen TTV, Yamazaki S, Yasumura S.
International Electronic Journal of Health Education 191-202 2012年
Lower respiratory tract infections and gastrointestinal infections among mature babies in Japan
Kawai T, Goto A, Kawai T, Goto A, Watanabe E, Nagasawa M, Yasumura S
Pediatrics International 53 431 - 45 2011年10月
日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌 34 209 - 214 2011年
Glucocorticoid receptor expression and cortisol level in cord blood of term infants
Imamura T, Sato M, Hashimoto K, Ishii T, Goto A, Go H, Kawarada T, Kawasaki Y, Momoi N, Ujiie N, Fujimori K, Hosoya M
Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 24 1312 - 6 2011年
Postnatal depression and associated parenting indicators among Vietnamese women
Suzuki Y, Goto A, Nguyen QV, Nguyen TTV, Pham NM, Chung TMT, Trinh HP, Pham VT, Yasumura S
Asia-Pacific Psychiatry 3 219 - 227 2011年
Achievement status toward goal blood pressure levels and healthy lifestyles among Japanese hypertensive patients; cross-sectional survey results from Fukushima Research of Hypertension (FRESH).
Yokokawa H, Goto A, Sanada H, Watanabe T, Felder RA, Jose PA, Yasumura S.
Internal Medicine 50 1149 - 56 2011年
Time to presenting to hospital and associated factors in stroke patients: a hospital-based study in Japan.
Kaneko C, Goto A, Watanabe K, Yasumura S.
Swiss Medical Weekly 141 w13296 2011年
福島県保健衛生雑誌 19 44 - 46 2010年
Associations of psychosocial factors with maternal confidence among Japanese and Vietnamese mothers
Goto A, Nguyen QV, Nguyen TTV, Pham NM, Chung TMT, THP, Yabe J, Sasaki H, Yasumura S.
Journal of Child and Family Studies 118 - 127 2010年
Short-term operational evaluation of a group-parenting program for Japanese mothers with poor psychological status: adopting a Canadian program into Asian public service setting.
Goto A, Yabe J, Sasaki H, Yasumura D.
Health Care for Women International 31 636 - 651 2010年
Longitudinal community-based assessment of blood pressure control among Japanese hypertensive patients: Fukushima research of hypertension (FRESH).
Yokokawa H, Goto A, Sanada H, Watanabe T, Yasumura S.
Journal of Clinical Hypertension 12 166 - 173 2010年
Diabetes Control among Vietnamese Patients in Ho Chi Minh City: An Observational Cross-Sectional Study.
Yokokawa H, Nguyen TK, Goto A, Tran QN, Tran TT, Vo TK, Nguyen TBN, Pham NM, Nguyen QV, Okayama A, Yasumura S.
International Electronic Journal of Health Education 13 1 - 13 2010年
Epidemiology research training in Vietnam: Evaluation at the five year mark. Fukushima Journal of Medical Science.
Goto A, Nguyen QV, Nguyen TTV, Yokokawa H, Yasumura S, Nguyen TK.
Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 56 63 - 70 2010年
Association between maternal feeling about pregnancy and child's lifestyle. Fukushima Journal of Medical Science.
Saito T, Goto A, Yokokawa H, Sato Y, Yasumura S.
Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 56 80 - 89 2010年
Perception of anesthesia safety and postoperative symptoms of surgery patients in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: A pioneering trial of postoperative care assessment in a developing nation.
Soejima K, Goto A, Phan TNV, Le HTB, Nguyen QV, Pham NM, Gautam AD, Yasumura S, Akira Fukao.
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 15 333 - 343 2010年
閉じこもり改善の関連要因の検討 介護予防継続的評価分析支援事業より.
山崎幸子, 安村誠司, 後藤あや, 佐々木瞳, 大久保一郎, 大野裕, 大原里子, 大渕修一, 杉山みち子, 鈴木隆雄, 本間昭, 曽根稔雅, 辻一郎
老年社会科学 32 23 - 32 2010年
小児保健研究 69 666 - 675 2010年
小児保健研究 69 790 - 795 2010年
小児保健研究 69 796 - 802 2010年
カナダのNobody's Perfectを参考にした育児学級参加者の追跡:スクリーニングと長期支援のあり方について
保健師ジャーナル 66 1086 - 1094 2010年
Characteristics of Antihypertensive Medication and Change of Prescription Over 1 Year of Follow Up in Japan: Fukushima Research of Hypertension (FRESH)
Yokokawa H, Sanada H, Goto A, Watanabe T, Felder RA, Jose PA, Eisner GM, Yasumura S.
American Journal of Hypertension 23 1299 - 12305 2010年
Gaps between hypertension treatment guidelines and clinical practice in Japan: Baseline survey results from Fukushima Research of Hypertension (FRESH)
Yokokawa H, Goto A, Sanada H, Watanabe T, Yasumura S.
Journal of Clinical Hypertension 11 333 - 341 2009年
小児保健研究 68 536 - 541 2009年
Mental health and its relationship to life events and family socioeconomic status among Chinese medical students in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Ma Y, Goto A, Yasumura S, Wu Q, Xu J
Stress and Health 25 71 - 79 2009年
日本老年医学雑誌 46 47 - 54 2009年
臨床整形外科 44 241 - 246 2009年
伊藤常久, 芳賀博,植木章三,島貫秀樹,本田春彦,河西敏幸,高戸仁郎,坂本譲,後藤あや,安村誠司
福島医学 58 257 - 266 2008年
Maternal Confidence in Child Rearing: Comparing Data from Short-term Prospective Surveys Among Japanese and Vietnamese Mothers
Goto A, Quang Vinh N, Thi Tu Van N, Huu Phuc T, Nghiem Minh P, Yabe J, Yasumura S
Maternal and Child Health Journal 12 613 - 619 2008年
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and serum marker levels in four subtypes of cerebral infarction in Japan
Yokokawa H, Goto A, Terui K, Funami Y, Watanabe K, Yasumura S
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 15 769 - 773 2008年
Lifestyle characteristics and 3-year total mortality of Japanese with self-reported diabetes
Yokokawa H, Goto A, Abe Y, Suzuki S, Yasumura S
Health and Social Care in Community 16 614 - 620 2008年
Quality of life in post-operative Japanese hip fracture patients: a hospital-based prospective study
Sugeno N, Goto A, Yasumura S, Kikuchi S
Archives of Osteoporosis 3 7 - 15 2008年
Smoking knowledge, attitudes and practices among Chinese medical students in Guanxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China: Comparing with data from Japan and Vietnam
Ma Y, Goto A, Okuyama A, Suzuki D, Suzuki T, Yasumura S, Deng S, Li Y, Phuc TH
Journal of International Health 23 191 - 197 2008年
福島県保健衛生雑誌 18 ( 1 ) 9 - 14 2008年
レセプト情報を活かす 国保ヘルスアップ事業とレセプト情報(1)二本松市ほか
安村誠司, 後藤あや, 小川裕
公衆衛生 71 701 - 706 2007年
Evaluation of atherosclerosis-associated factors and pulse wave velocity for predicting cerebral infarction: a hospital-based, case-control study in Japan
Yokokawa H, Goto A, Watanabe K, Yasumura S
Internal Medicine Journal 37 161 - 167 2007年
Developing a public health training and research partnership between Japan and Vietnam.
Goto A, Nguyen QV, Nguyen TTV, Trinh HP, Pham NM, Yasumura S, Nguyen TK
International Electronic Journal of Health Education 10 19 - 26 2007年
福島県保健衛生情報 16 26 - 28 2007年
福島医学雑誌 57 107 - 113 2007年
医学教育 38 279 - 283 2007年
保健師ジャーナル 63 618 - 623 2007年
Yokokawa H, Goto A, Watanabe K, Yasumura S
Internal Medicine Journal 37 583 - 584 2007年
臨床整形外科 42 903 - 906 2007年
鈴木直子, 牧上久仁子, 後藤あや, 横川博英, 安村誠司
日本老年医学会雑誌 44 619 - 626 2007年
国際保健医療 21 53 - 59 2006年
Addressing Japan's fertility decline: Influences of unintended pregnancy on child rearing
Goto A, Yasumura S, Yabe J, Reich MR
Reproductive Health Matters 14 191 - 200 2006年
国保ヘルスアップモデル事業報告 平成14年度教室参加者の一年後の評価について
福島県保健衛生情報 15 40 - 42 2006年
福島県保健衛生情報 15 31 - 35 2006年
福島医学雑誌 55 243 - 249 2005年
Building postgraduate capacity in medical and public health research in Vietnam: an in-service training model
Goto A, Nguyen TNP, Nguyen TMH, Hughes J
Public Health 119 174 - 183 2005年
Prevalence of and factors associated with reproductive tract infections among pregnant women in ten communes in Nghe An Province, Vietnam
Goto A, Nguyen QV, Pham NM, Kato K, Cao TPN, Le THC, Hoang QK, Le TQN, Nguyen BT, Katsube M, Ishii S, Yasumura S
Journal of Epidemiology 15 163 - 172 2005年
Association of pregnancy intention with parenting difficulty in Fukushima, Japan
Goto A, Yasumura S, Yabe J, Anazawa Y, Hashimoto Y
Journal of Epidemiology 15 244 - 246 2005年
福島県保健衛生情報 14 50 - 54 2005年
井上みき, 角田正史, 後藤あや, 安村誠司
福島医学雑誌 54 1 - 9 2004年
Counseling about contraception among repeated aborters in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Truong TX, Au NL, Nguyen TTH, Le TKD, Pham TL, Nguyen HH, Ngo TKP, Vo MT, Phan TB, Vo HP, Goto A
Health Care for Women International 25 20 - 39 2004年
井口蓉子, 伊瀬陽子, 二階堂暁子, 後藤あや, 中野匡子, 安村誠司
福島県保健衛生情報 13 32 - 35 2004年
福島医学雑誌 53 345 - 354 2003年
Association of health behavior and social role with total mortality among Japanese elders in Okinawa, Japan
Goto A, Yasumura S, Nishise Y, Sakihara S
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 15 443 - 450 2003年
Japanese elderly cohort in Okinawa, Japan: Exploring the relationship of social factors and health
Goto A, Yasumura S, Sakihara S.
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 16 441 - 442 2003年
Factors related with induced abortion among primigravid women in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Nguyen TDV, Nguyen QV, Trinh HP, Huynh NKT, Tran MT, Nguyen TTV, Nguyen DP, Tran TL, Goto A
Journal of Epidemiology 12 375 - 382 2002年
Factors associated with unintended pregnancy in Yamagata, Japan
Goto A, Yasumura S, Reich MR, Fukao A
Social Science & Medicine 54 1065 - 1079 2002年
後藤あや, 安村誠司, Nguyen Thi Mai Huong
福島医学雑誌 52 137 - 143 2002年
A case-control study on the relationship between induced abortion and secondary tubal infertility in Vietnam
Pham NM, Nguyen QV, Ho MT, Mai TCD, Vuong TNL, Do MHT, Huynh TH, Nguyen TQ, Tran LMH, Le KD, Goto A
Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 48 15 - 25 2002年
後藤あや, 郡山千早, Michael R Reich, 深尾彰
厚生の指標 48 ( 5 ) 19 - 25 2001年
A reproductive health survey on unintended pregnancy in Yamagata, Japan: Feasibility of the survey and test-retest reliability and validity of a questionnaire.
Goto A, Yasumura S, Fukao A
Journal of Epidemiology 10 376 - 382 2000年
Abortion trends in Japan, 1975-95
Goto A, Fujiyama-Koriyama C, Fukao A, Reich MR
Studies in Family Planning 31 301 - 308 2000年
Oral contraceptives and women's health in Japan.
Goto A, Reich MR, Aitken I
Journal of American Medical Association 282 2173 - 2177 1999年
Health, Wellbeing and Community Recovery in Fukushima
Abeysinghe S, Leppold C, Ozaki A, Lloyd Williams A( 範囲: Theatres of Resilience: Children as Actors in Community Development in Fukushima)
Routledge 2022年6月
Health Effects of Fukushima Disaster
Kamiya K, Ohto H, Maeda M( 範囲: A mother’s work is to worry: accepting maternal concerns during a health crisis)
Elsevier 2022年6月
Children and Young People’s Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction. Agency and Resilience.
Mort M, Rodríguez-Giralt I, Delicadoed A( 範囲: Participatory tools for disaster risk reduction among children and young people)
Bristol University Press 2020年
Mobile apps for monitoring radiation doses, health and welfare in the context of a nuclear or radiological accident
Liutsko L, Fattibene P, Della Monaca S, Goto A, Laurier D, Ohba T, Oughton D, Sarukhan A, Tanigawa K, Tomkiv Y, Cardis E
Shamisen-sings 2020年
環境省委託事業 2019年
前田正治編( 範囲: 第9章 福島における母子支援)
誠信書房 2018年6月
一ノ瀬正樹, 中川恵一, 早野龍五編( 範囲: 第三部 福島の子供、そして妊娠/甲状腺がん. 震災後の母子保健:エビデンスをつくり、伝え、使う重なり)
福島民報社 2018年3月
Governing Health Systems for Nations and Communities around the World
Lamprey & Lee 2015年
南山堂 2014年
Basic methodology of scientific research for clinicians
JICA Partnership Program 2014年
丸井英二( 範囲: 5章.社会と人間行動.B.母子保健.)
南山堂 2010年1月
Digital health: global trend
40th Anniversary Takemi Symposium in International Health
Technological innovation in international training and advancing health services: Two cases during the COVID-19 pandemic
40th Anniversary Takemi Symposium in International health
Health literacy promotion as a key in long-term responses after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011
Department of Global Health and Population Brown Bag Seminar, Harvard Chan School of Public Health
Health literacy as a driving force of community resilience in crisis
crisis. International Symposium on the Fukushima Health Management Survey
Mothers worry and children act, for change in the community
2023 Osaka University–University of Melbourne Joint Research Workshop
Health literacy as a driving force of community resilience in crisis
Social Council of Japan. International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability.
Applying the two pillars of health literacy after the Fukushima nuclear accident
IAEA Technical Meeting “The importance of communicating scientific facts: addressing radiation concerns in societies – the role of science technology and society”
Beyond radiation anxiety and country borders: applying health literacy in the field after the Fukushima nuclear accident
ICRP 2021+1 6th International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection
Applying health literacy in the field and at school after the Fukushima nuclear accident
IAEA Consultancy Meeting “The importance of communicating scientific facts: addressing radiation concerns in societies – the role of science technology and society”
A mother’s work is to worry: the ethics of engagement
125th Annual Meeting of the Japan Pediatric Society
Writing about public health
Ho Chi Minh City Medical Association Academic Writing Course II
Applying health literacy in the field after the Fukushima nuclear accident
IAEA Technical Meeting “Radiation in medicine communications and methodologies – International perspectives and the role of Science, Technology and Society in low-dose radiation settings”
Psychological consequences among mothers after the Fukushima Daiichi accident in 2011 and efforts on health literacy promotion
ENSI Civil Protection Conference in Switzerland
患者中心の保健医療サービスの向上: ベトナムでの活動の20年間を振り返る
Comment on the “Talk to the Authors: The Puzzle of Vaccine Hesitancy”
Tokyo College webinar
Overview of the main challenges for the health professional to accompany the local population with regard to social and psychological problems following the accident
IRPA and EDF Radiation Protection Council webinar
Working toward improving maternal and child health when facing a crisis: short and long term responses after the nuclear accident in 2011
Oregon State University Center for Global Health Seminar
Finding the best home for your paper
Ho Chi Minh City Medical Association Academic Writing Course
Mothers' voices regarding pregnancy and child rearing in Fukushima: Pregnancy and Birth Survey data
The International Symposium of Radiation Medical Science Center of Fukushima Medical University
Japan’s Response to COVID-19 at the community level
Panel: Japan’s Response to COVID-19
Promoting evidence-based patients-centered health services in southern Vietnam
30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association
教育講演1. 地域のWell-Beingと育児支援、そして次世代育成
妊娠と育児と地域: 記述統計から参加型研究へ
妊産婦に関する調査: 福島における妊娠と育児についての対話
ヘルスリテラシー: すぐに使える健康情報を伝える知識と技術
Working with mothers and children after the Fukushima nuclear accident
Cuidar Finale
Depression and maternal confidence among Fukushima mothers after the nuclear accident and actions from findings
International Epidemiological Association, World Congress of Epidemiology 2017
Health literacy promotion in Fukushima after the nuclear accident: A case of responding to health care professionals’ needs through implementing a workshop and developing a toolkit
IAEA – Fukushima Medical University Consultancy Meeting
Health literacy promotion in Fukushima after the nuclear accident: A case of responding to health care professionals’ needs through the development of a health literacy toolkit
IAEA -Hiroshima University Consultancy Meeting
Sustainable model of research capacity building among health care professionals in Vietnam
27th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association
Health literacy training for professionals as disaster recovery after the nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima: A one-year follow up.
Health Literacy Annual Research Conference
Capacity building toward evidence-based medicine among health care professionals in Ho Chi Minh City
Immediate effects of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster on depressive symptoms among mothers with infants: A prefectural-wide cross-sectional study from the Fukushima Health Management Survey.
WPA Section on Epidemiology and Public Health
Leveraging the voice of community workers in health governance: A two-case study from Zambia and Japan
Takemi Program 30th Anniversary Symposium
Parenting support in Fukushima City, Japan.
Harvard Conference
ベトナム・ホーチミン市医科薬科大学における疫学研修プロジェクト: 医師生涯教育認定研修としての展開.
ベトナム・ホーチミン市医科薬科大学における疫学研修プロジェクト: 5年目評価と今後の展開
Associations of psychosocial factors with maternal confidence among Japanese and Vietnamese mothers
The Joint Scientific Meeting of IEA Western Pacific Region and Japan Epidmeiological Association
Creative health tutorial video for teachers
NPO法人 place of peace ノーバディーズ・パーフェクト事業評価
Reproducive Tract Infection Survey, JICA Reproductive Health Project, Nghe An, Vietnam
Epidemiological Research Training Course, Vietnam
Distinguished Reviewer 2011
2023年10月 - 2027年3月
Ethically Researching Health and Disasters: 3.11 and Beyond
2022年4月 - 2025年3月
Abeysinghe S, Goto A
2019年10月 - 2023年3月
2019年6月 - 2022年3月
2019年4月 - 2022年3月
2016年4月 - 2019年3月
科学的根拠に基づく保健医療サービス向上のための人材育成 PhaseIII
2016年 - 2018年
2015年 - 2016年
科学的根拠に基づく保健医療サービス向上のための人材育成 PhaseII
2013年 - 2015年
2012年 - 現在
科学的根拠に基づく保健医療サービス向上のための人材育成 PhaseI
2010年 - 2012年
2009年 - 2011年
2006年 - 2007年
2004年 - 2005年
産学連携、民間を含む他機関等との共同研究等を希望する 共同研究
2018年 - 2020年
2011年 - 2021年
2008年 - 現在
2002年 - 現在