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School Of Medicine
Human & Natural Sciences
Department of Biology
The Department of Biology begins from Hikoshichiro Matsumoto who took office as the founder professor in 1955. Subsequently, it was taken over by Hajime Mori, then Takehiko Ochiai from the Faculty of Science, Niigata University, arrived at the professor's post since 1991. After retirement of lecturer Motonobu Chiba in March, 1999, Norihito Nishiyama, who completed the course of master degree program of graduate school of science, Shizuoka University, was adopted as assistant in April, 2000. Associate professor Michio Kudoh retired under the age limit in March, 2001. As the successor, Ariki Matsuoka, assistant of the graduate school of science, Tohoku University, has reached the post since April, 2001. The present staff is Ochiai, Matsuoka and Nishiyama.
The Department has a common theme on the structure and function of hemoglobin. Our main subject of investigation is the hemoglobin of lower invertebrates, such as earthworm and sea hare, and of unicellular organisms, as Paramecium and yeast. The process includes isolation and purification of the hemoglobin or hemoglobin-like protein from various lower organisms, and also includes analysis of the structure: genomic, amino acid sequence, secondary structure, tertiary and quaternary structure, and of the function: oxygenation property, stability of bound oxygen, polymerization.
In the curriculum revision of 1994, our department carried out several new attempts.
The department offers five lectures on biology, which was lumped together as "Biology" formerly. They are "Developmental Biology", "Genetics", "Cell Biology", and "Evolution". "Cell Biology" is a subject in collaboration with the Dept. Anatomy II and the Dept. Biochemistry I. One more lecture is "Introductory Biology", which is elective for the student who did not major in biology at high school. For the promotion to the senior class, it is necessary to pass four out of above five subjects. The department also offers two practical exercises. One, "Lab Module in Biology I", is an obligate, and the other, " Lab Module in Biology II", is elective. The department is also an active participant in co-medical education at School of Nursing etc.
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