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School Of Nursing
Health Care System
Department of Community Health Nursing
Community Health Nursing is nursing which aimed at the health of people who are living regionally, and improvement in QOL. An individual, a family, and a specific group are influenced of living environment. Community Health Nursing is caught about a local resident's healthy problem from the living place (a family, a community, and environment). It is one of community nursing activities to help so that health may be protected itself and the problem on healthy can be solved. Moreover, the local science of nursing raised residents' empowerment, and considers construction of the policy and the health care system which were further turned to citizens' participation in municipal affairs from the residents subject to positive residents' community improvement.
The twor staff has each theme and is performing research activities.
_ Consultation systems development to the nursing job in Fukushima
_ Research on indication and evaluation of a health social-welfare-services enterprise.
_ Grasp of the life consciousness of the residents by the healthy Japan 21 tobacco - measure -public health nurse
_ Grasp of the life consciousness of the residents by the public health nurse
It educates for the purpose of the following thing through 4 annual from 1 annual.
1 annual a "nursing care offer system" performs lecture and inspection nursing practice. While the structure of medical care welfare is reforming, the state of the offer system of nursing and the contents of nursing service are also changing. Based on them, an understanding is deepened through inspection nursing practice of the institution by which the nursing care is provided with the place where nursing functions, the role of nursing, cooperation with a related occupational description, etc. In a lecture, the subject of the problem in the present condition and future is considered based on learning by the inspection nursing practice.
In 2 and 3 annual "local science-of-nursing 1 and 2", student洪 study the idea of the local science of nursing / public health science of nursing, and historical changes, and understands about the object of activity, and the feature of activity. And it learns about a local nursing activity theory or the actual deployment method.
Based on the lecture from 1 annual, 4 annual "local nursing practice " understands a life of a local resident and the characteristic of an area, studies fundamental knowledge, technology, and attitude for developing the nursing activities in an area, and learns practice capability.
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