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School Of Nursing
Human Ecological Nursing
Department of Gerontlogical Nursing
Four officers of instruction, an assistant professor, a lecturer and two assistants, belong to our gerontological nursing. We provide the theory, seminar course "nursing care for older people" and the clinical course "clinical performance with older people" for junior students.
The research on this field is still on the process of the preparation, owing to the short period of the time staff union for this course.
Older people are necessitated to change their daily lives, because of age-related changes and diseases. "Nursing care for older people"is designed for students to understand older peoples' diversity, and learning to provide health care for older adult in all settings. We teach students nursing interventions to prevent, maintain, restore, and promote health for aging individuals. In addition, we teach students to knowledge and skills to spiritually prepare aging citizens for their coming death. Cooperation with other professionals is a necessity for gerontological nursing especially; we teach how to cooperate with them.
"Clinical performance for older people" is designed for students learning nursing care for individual cases of people who have health problems.
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