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 Home > School of Nursing > Department of Nursing Care for Children

School Of Medicine
Human Ecological Nursing
Department of Nursing Care for Children
Here, you can learn nursing for children from an infant to puberty.
You can learn the basic knowledge about children's process of growth and development and health obstacles, and support children in various health levels.
In addition, you can learn roles of families, which have influence on children, and the rights of children.
We try to support them in children's point of view.
_ The formation process of attachment between the low birth weight infant and mother.
_ Plays of the children in hospital.
_ The support system in hospital and community for chronically ill or disabled children and their families.
In the first semester, the 3rd graders learn basic knowledge and theory of nursing care for children, a support method to children by lectures and practices of nursing care for children.
In the second semester, the 3rd graders learn the condition children and their families are in through experience of caring for them.
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