School of Medicine (Clinical Medicine) Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Professor
Hospital Rehabilitation Center Professor
Updated on 2024/11/26
博士(老年学) ( 2007.3 桜美林大学 )
修士(老年学) ( 2004.3 桜美林大学 )
Others / Others / Healthcare management, medical sociology
Life Science / Orthopedics
Fukushima Medical University Hospital Rehabilitation Center Professor
2021.4 - Now
Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine (Clinical Medicine) Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Professor
2021.4 - Now
Fukushima Medical University School of Health Sciences Depertment of Physical Therapy Professor
2021.4 - Now
Respiratory Function is Associated with Cognitive Function Change in Japanese Community-Dwelling Older People: A 1-Year, Longitudinal, Observational Study
Takuya Maeda , Naoto Kamide , Masataka Ando , Miki Sakamoto , Yoshitaka Shiba
Aging medicine and healthcare 1 - 8 2024.9
植田 拓也 , 柴 喜崇 , 鹿内 誠也 , 土屋 彰吾 , 畠山 浩太郎 , 渡辺 修一郎
日本予防理学療法学会雑誌 1 - 8 2024.3
Factors associated with social participation among community-dwelling frail older adults in Japan: A cross-sectional study
Anzai S;Ohsugi H;Shiba Y
BMC Geriatrics 2024.1
Step length is associated with comprehensive frailty status in community‐dwelling older people
Masataka Ando , Naoto Kamide , Miki Sakamoto , Yoshitaka Shiba
Geriatrics & Gerontology International 24 ( 1 ) 18 - 24 2024.1
Detecting differences in limb load asymmetry during walking between older adult fallers and non-fallers using in-shoe sensors
Tatsuya Nakanowatari , Masayuki Hoshi , Toshimasa Sone , Naoto Kamide , Miki Sakamoto , Yoshitaka Shiba
Gait & Posture 2023.10
Relationship between Cognitive Decline and Daily Life Gait among Elderly People Living in the Community: A Preliminary Report
Tetsuya Yamagami , Motoi Yagi , Shigeya Tanaka , Saori Anzai , Takuya Ueda , Yoshitsugu Omori , Chika Tanaka , Yoshitaka Shiba
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra 1 - 9 2023.3
大杉 宏徳 , 安齋紗保理 , 柴喜崇
ヘルスプロモーション理学療法研究 12 ( 3 ) 117 - 124 2023.2
上出 直人 , 安藤 雅峻, 柴 喜崇
日本予防理学療法学会雑誌 2 1 - 8 2023.1
The Effects of Neighborhood Environment on Physical Function among Japanese Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A One-Year Longitudinal Study
Masataka Ando , Naoto Kamide , Miki Sakamoto , Yoshitaka Shiba , Haruhiko Sato , Akie Kawamura , Shuichiro Watanabe
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 ( 16 ) 2022.6
精神科治療学 37 ( 4 ) 351 - 355 2022.4
Social isolation is associated with future decline of physical performance in community-dwelling older adults: a 1-year longitudinal study
Keigo Imamura , Naoto Kamide , Masataka Ando , Haruhiko Sato , Miki Sakamoto , Yoshitaka Shiba
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 34 ( 6 ) 1391 - 1398 2022.1
The influence of ageism on stereotypical attitudes among allied health students in Japan: a group comparison design
Yuko Fukase, Naoto Kamide, Norio Murayama, Akie Kawamura, Kanako Ichikura, Yoshitaka Shiba, Hirokuni Tagaya
BMC Medical Education 21 ( 1 ) 2021.12
Association Between Physical Function and Neighborhood Environment in Healthy, Older Adults: An Exploratory Study Using Regression Tree Analysis
Masataka And, Naoto Kamide, Yoshitaka Shiba, Miki Sakamoto, Haruhiko Sato, Takeshi Murakami, Shuichiro Watanabe
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine 7 1 - 11 2021.10
Correlation between depression and objective-subjective assessment of oral health among community-dwelling elderly
Yuko Fukase, Naoto Kamide, Takeshi Murakami, Kanako Ichikura, Hanako Murase, Miki Sakamoto, Yoshitaka Shiba, Hirokuni Tagaya
43 ( 3 ) 252 - 261 2021.10
Factors of influence to change 1 year after burden of care for caregiver with home-visit rehabilitation user
Applied Gerontology 15 ( 1 ) 38 - 47 2021.8
The effect of the interaction between fall-related self-efficacy and gait function on the occurrence of falls in community-dwelling older people.
Naoto Kamide, Haruhiko Sato, Miki Sakamoto, Yoshitaka Shiba
Aging clinical and experimental research 2021.2
前田 拓也, 上出 直人, 戸崎 精, 柴 喜崇, 坂本 美喜
理学療法学 48 ( 1 ) 29 - 36 2021.2( ISSN:0289-3770 )
坂本美喜, 坂本美喜, 上出直人, 上出直人, 佐藤春彦, 佐藤春彦, 柴喜崇, 柴喜崇
Health and Behavior Sciences 19 ( 2 ) 2021( ISSN:1348-0898 )
Association Between Social Network and Physical Function in Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Japan(和訳中)
Imamura Keigo, Kamide Naoto, Sakamoto Miki, Sato Haruhiko, Shiba Yoshitaka, Matsunaga Atsuhiko
Physical Therapy Research 23 ( 2 ) 153 - 159 2020.12
柴 喜崇
老年社会科学 42 ( 3 ) 244 - 249 2020.10( ISSN:0388-2446 )
52 ( 12 ) 716 - 721 2020.10( ISSN:1346-7557 )
鹿内 誠也, 柴 喜崇, 植田 拓也
応用老年学 14 ( 1 ) 47 - 57 2020.8( ISSN:1882-6245 )
Factors affecting changes in social isolation among community-dwelling elderly with exercise habits
14 ( 1 ) 47 - 57 2020.8( ISSN:1882-6245 )
上出 直人, 井上 直樹, 坂本 美喜, 佐藤 春彦, 柴 喜崇
日本老年医学会雑誌 57 ( 3 ) 308 - 315 2020.7( ISSN:0300-9173 )
大森 圭貢, 柴 喜崇, 森尾 裕志
MEDICAL REHABILITATION ( 248 ) 15 - 22 2020.5( ISSN:1346-0773 )
福祉の現場から 転倒や事故予防のための加齢変化早期発見・改善を目的としたAI技術の活用
武藤 ゆみ子, 武藤 剛, 上出 直人, 坂本 美喜, 岡田 浩之, 柴 喜崇
地域ケアリング 22 ( 5 ) 76 - 81 2020.5( ISSN:1345-0123 )
早朝の屋外運動時の地域在住高齢者の循環動態における季節変動の評価(Evaluating the seasonal variations in the circulatory dynamics of community-dwelling older people while exercising outdoors in the early morning)
Ueda Takuya, Shiba Yoshitaka, Watanabe Shuichiro
Journal of Physical Therapy Science 32 ( 2 ) 98 - 103 2020.2( ISSN:0915-5287 )
Evaluating the seasonal variations in the circulatory dynamics of community-dwelling older people while exercising outdoors in the early morning.
Takuya Ueda, Yoshitaka Shiba, Shuichiro Watanabe
Journal of physical therapy science 32 ( 2 ) 98 - 103 2020.2
The essential leadership required for voluntary group activities in the community
42 ( 3 ) 244 - 249 2020( ISSN:0388-2446 )
Association Between Social Network and Physical Function in Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Japan.
Keigo Imamura, Naoto Kamide, Miki Sakamoto, Haruhiko Sato, Yoshitaka Shiba, Atsuhiko Matsunaga
Physical therapy research 23 ( 2 ) 153 - 159 2020
Fall-related efficacy is a useful and independent index to detect fall risk in Japanese community-dwelling older people: a 1-year longitudinal study
Naoto Kamide, Yoshitaka Shiba, Miki Sakamoto, Haruhiko Sato, Akie Kawamura
BMC GERIATRICS 19 ( 1 ) 293 - 293 2019.10
Absolute reliability of measurements of muscle strength and physical performance measures in older people with high functional capacities
Yoshikazu Suzuki, Naoto Kamide, Yui Kitai, Masataka Ando, Haruhiko Sato, Shiba Yoshitaka, Miki Sakamoto
EUROPEAN GERIATRIC MEDICINE 10 ( 5 ) 733 - 740 2019.10( ISSN:1878-7649 )
代田 武大, 柴 喜崇, 上出 直人, 坂本 美喜, 佐藤 春彦
応用老年学 13 ( 1 ) 37 - 43 2019.8( ISSN:1882-6245 )
Accuracy of body mass index measurements in community-dwelling older Japanese people based on self-reported anthropometric data
Naoto Kamide, Miki Sakamoto, Yoshitaka Shiba, Haruhiko Sato
EUROPEAN GERIATRIC MEDICINE 10 ( 1 ) 151 - 154 2019.2( ISSN:1878-7649 )
武藤ゆみ子, 千葉智也, 柴喜崇, 上出直人, 坂本美喜, 武藤剛
電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2019 2019( ISSN:1349-144X )
在宅介護している主介護者の介護負担感に訪問リハビリテーションを利用する要介護者の生活意欲が及ぼす影響 生活意欲にVitality indexを用いて
井口 大平, 柴 喜崇, 大沼 剛
応用老年学 12 ( 1 ) 32 - 42 2018.8( ISSN:1882-6245 )
関節トルク算出のために垂直スクワットと単純幾何モデルを用いて評価した膝伸筋力 妥当性と臨床的有用性の評価(Knee extensor strength assessed using a vertical squat and a simple geometric model to calculate joint torque: An evaluation of validity and clinical utility)
Sato Haruhiko, Kusayanagi Koki, Kondo Yu, Kamide Naoto, Shiba Yoshitaka, Takashima Atsushi
Geriatrics & Gerontology International 18 ( 7 ) 1125 - 1131 2018.7( ISSN:1444-1586 )
認知症予防教室の効果 多面的運動介入とグループワークから成る取り組み
佐々 直紀, 新野 直明, 柴 喜崇, 山上 徹也
老年学雑誌 ( 8 ) 67 - 81 2018.3( ISSN:2185-9728 )
安齋 紗保理, 佐藤 美由紀, 池田 晋平, 柴 喜崇, 植木 章三, 芳賀 博
老年学雑誌 ( 8 ) 17 - 31 2018.3( ISSN:2185-9728 )
安齋 紗保里, 佐藤 美由紀, 池田 晋平, 柴 喜崇, 吉田 裕人, 芳賀 博, 植木 章三
日本公衆衛生雑誌 65 ( 2 ) 61 - 71 2018.2( ISSN:0546-1766 )
池田 晋平, 植木 章三, 柴 喜崇, 新野 直明, 渡辺 修一郎, 佐藤 美由紀, 安齋 紗保理, 田中 典子, 芳賀 博
老年社会科学 39 ( 3 ) 341 - 351 2017.10( ISSN:0388-2446 )
高齢者の握力評価は年齢および性別による標準化が求められる(Assessment of grip strength in older people needs standardization by age and sex)
Kamide Naoto, Shiba Yoshitaka, Sato Haruhiko
Geriatrics & Gerontology International 17 ( 2 ) 352 - 354 2017.2( ISSN:1444-1586 )
高齢者における身体機能の指標としての姿勢の構成概念妥当性 体幹傾斜の評価におけるデジタル傾斜計の使用(Construct validity of posture as a measure of physical function in elderly individuals: Use of a digitalized inclinometer to assess trunk inclination)
Suzuki Yoshikazu, Kawai Hisashi, Kojima Motonaga, Shiba Yoshitaka, Yoshida Hideyo, Hirano Hirohiko, Fujiwara Yoshinori, Ihara Kazushige, Obuchi Shuichi
Geriatrics & Gerontology International 16 ( 9 ) 1068 - 1073 2016.9( ISSN:1444-1586 )
佐々 直紀, 柴 喜崇, 安齋 紗保理, 上出 直人, 小比田 協子
応用老年学 10 ( 1 ) 37 - 46 2016.8( ISSN:1882-6245 )
池田 晋平, 植木 章三, 柴 喜崇, 新野 直明, 渡辺 修一郎, 佐藤 美由紀, 安齋 紗保理, 田中 典子, 芳賀 博
作業療法 34 ( 5 ) 509 - 518 2015.10( ISSN:0289-4920 )
柴 喜崇
理学療法: 技術と研究 ( 43 ) 1 - 4 2015.2( ISSN:0914-4668 )
転倒防止において複数障害物接触運動は他の運動介入よりも効果的か(Is complex obstacle negotiation exercise more effective than other exercise interventions in fall prevention?)
Kamide Naoto, Shiba Yoshitaka
Geriatrics & Gerontology International 15 ( 1 ) 129 - 131 2015.1( ISSN:1444-1586 )
新しい脊柱後彎の定量的測定方法の提案 小型ジャイロセンサを用いた測定の再現性および妥当性の検討
植田 拓也, 柴 喜崇, 水野 公輔, 佐藤 春彦, 渡辺 修一郎
理学療法学 41 ( 6 ) 331 - 337 2014.10( ISSN:0289-3770 )
Aging in Placeを見据えた高齢者に対する予防戦略(第2回) 地域在住高齢者における加齢に伴う生活機能の変化およびその予防の考え方
柴 喜崇, 渡辺 修一郎
理学療法学 41 ( 5 ) 320 - 327 2014.8( ISSN:0289-3770 )
都市部の地域包括ケアシステム構築における課題と方策 行政および在宅医療の視点から
佐藤 美由紀, 山科 典子, 安齋 紗保理, 植木 章三, 柴 喜崇, 新野 直明, 渡辺 修一郎, 花里 陽子, 芳賀 博
応用老年学 8 ( 1 ) 63 - 73 2014.8( ISSN:1882-6245 )
大渕 修一, 柴 喜崇
理学療法ジャーナル 48 ( 5 ) 385 - 395 2014.5( ISSN:0915-0552 )
地域在住高齢者に対する運動介入が1年後の運動行動に与える影響 ランダム化比較試験
稲葉 康子, 大渕 修一, 新井 武志, 柴 喜崇, 岡 浩一朗, 渡辺 修一郎, 木村 憲, 長澤 弘
日本老年医学会雑誌 50 ( 6 ) 788 - 796 2013.11( ISSN:0300-9173 )
虚弱高齢者の膝関節伸展角速度測定値と身体機能との関係 等尺性膝関節伸展筋力との比較
新井 武志, 大渕 修一, 小島 成実, 柴 喜崇, 河合 恒, 大室 和也
理学療法科学 28 ( 3 ) 317 - 322 2013.6( ISSN:1341-1667 )
新井 智之, 柴 喜崇, 桑原 慶太, 柴田 博
総合リハビリテーション 41 ( 3 ) 269 - 274 2013.3( ISSN:0386-9822 )
スマートフォンで測定した歩行時の体幹と骨盤運動の運動学的解析の妥当性と信頼性(Validity and Reliability of the Kinematic Analysis of Trunk and Pelvis Movements Measured by Smartphones during Walking)
Mizuno Kosuke, Shiba Yoshitaka, Sato Haruhiko, Kamide Naoto, Fukuda Michinari, Ikeda Noriaki
Journal of Physical Therapy Science 25 ( 1 ) 97 - 100 2013.1( ISSN:0915-5287 )
令和4年度 福島県国保地域医療学会 抄録集 2023.3
ジェロントロジー通信No.37 2022.11
予防理学療法学-15レクチャーシリーズ 理学療法テキスト-
中山書店 2022.5
予防理学療法学-15レクチャーシリーズ 理学療法テキスト-
中山書店 2022.5
予防理学療法学-15レクチャーシリーズ 理学療法テキスト-
中山書店 2022.5
ADL 第2版
柴喜崇, 下田信明
羊土社 2021.11
理学療法ガイドライン 第2版
柴 喜崇(第3章 神経難病理学療法ガイドライン)
医学書院 2021.10
Home-based Rehabilitation Guidebook
PT・OTのための臨床実習の鉄則 -実習準備からレポート作成まで-
柴 喜崇(第6章 実習報告書例 1.理学療法 3パーキンソン病:介護老人保健施設)
金原出版 2020.11
パーキンソン病の理学療法 第2版
柴 喜崇(総論 (10)理学療法に関するリスクマネジメント)
医歯薬出版 2020.8 ( ISBN:9784263266229 )
アクションリサーチの戦略 : 住民主体の健康なまちづくり
芳賀, 博(第3章 住民主体のグループ活動を支えるリーダー)
ワールドプランニング 2020.3 ( ISBN:9784863511613 )
吉田, 剛(pub. 2017), 井上, 和久, 大渕, 修一, 浦辺, 幸夫
医歯薬出版 2017.1 ( ISBN:9784263217405 )
体操療法オールブック : 主要疾患・全身網羅! : ひとめでわかる効果的な筋の使い方
高平, 尚伸
メジカルビュー社 2016.4 ( ISBN:9784758313728 )
柴, 喜崇, 下田, 信明
羊土社 2015.11 ( ISBN:9784758107952 )
北川, 薫
文光堂 2011.6 ( ISBN:9784830651632 )
網本, 和
中外医学社 2008.4 ( ISBN:9784498083226 )
老年学要論 : 老いを理解する
柴田, 博, 長田, 久雄, 杉澤, 秀博
建帛社 2007.5 ( ISBN:9784767918495 )
理学療法のとらえかた : clinical reasoning
奈良, 勲, 内山, 靖
文光堂 2001 ( ISBN:4830643064 )
Rate of force development of heel-rise movement was associated with spatiotemporal gait parameters in community-dwelling older adults
European College of Sport Science Glasgow 2024 2024.7
デイサービスにおける自立支援・重度化防止の取り組みとその効果に関する文献レビュ ー
第10回日本予防理学療法学会学術大会 2023.11
コロナ禍の行動制限が高齢者の身体・社会・精 神的機能に与えた影響:年齢による機能低下と 区別した検討
第10回日本予防理学療法学会学術大会 2023.10
Changes in the physical, social, and mental health among community-dwelling elderly from 2016 to 2022 in Japan.
Asia/Oceania Regional Congress 2023 2023.6
Association between the frequency and type of social participation and the incidence of frailty among non-frail Japanese older adults
Asia/Oceania Regional Congress 2023 2023.6
Changes in care provided by remote support of rehabilitation professionals to nursing staff in day-care facilities
Asia/Oceania Regional Congress 2023 2023.6
第53回日本人工関節学会 2023.2
運動習慣のある地域在住高齢者における高次の日常生活動作の実施状況(Frenchay Activities Index)の 9 年間の変化
第17回 日本応用老年学会大会
パーキンソン病者の通いの場における情報交換の満足度と時間および人数設定との関係 活動後アンケートを通して
第56回日本作業療法学会 2022.9
シンポジウム 「大学院における『学際的』な老年学教育の評価」
研修会 「相双地域における「通いの場」の在り方を考える」
令和3年度相双地域地ハビリテーション従事者等研修会 2022.4
Outstanding Presentation Award
第41回 協会賞
大会長賞(共同)【栄養嚥下部門】 地域在住自立高齢者における嚥下関連筋の筋力と運動機能および骨格筋量との関連性
2024.4 - 2026.3
柴 喜崇
2022.4 - 2025.3
Development for fall risk assessment methods based on the interaction between physical and psychological aspects
2019.4 - 2022.3
Proposal of a program to prevent the need for long-term care of community-dwelling elderly people based on a seminar they attend
2013.4 - 2017.3
The purpose of this study was to propose a new support method to construct a care-need prevention program that the community-dwelling elderly can voluntarily practice, depending on regional characteristics of the inter-mountainous and metropolitan areas where the numbers of elderly people are increasing. The methods of this study were to propose new programs to utilize for the prevention of care needs and the salon activities of social welfare councils, and to motivate their voluntary activities related to care prevention, through seminar study meetings with elderly people who were active in residential areas as students. According to the research results, supporting the activities of active elderly people as leaders would have a positive effect on health conditions related to care-need prevention for the whole area. On the other hand, it was suggested that this situation differs between inter-mountainous and metropolitan areas.
Investigation of usefulness and development in assessment system of physical performance tests for older people
2013.4 - 2016.3
In this study, we could achieve the following purpose: (i) determined the reference values in five physical performance tests (5m walking time at comfortable pace, 5m walking time at maximum pace, timed up and go test, 5 repetition chair stand test and grip strength) for community-dwelling older people; (ii) developed the assessment system for judgement in physical performance test based on the reference values which was determined by this study; (iii) established the evidence for the association between functional decline in older people and judgment outcome by the assessment system. Through this study, we could develop the easy assessment system for judgement in physical performance tests for community-dwelling older people. Further, we showed that a judgment outcome by the assessment system could predict functional decline in older people; that fact indicated the usefulness of the assessment system which was developed in this study.
Effects of care prevention programs based on community empowerment
2012.4 - 2015.3
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of a preventive care program based on community empowerment.
(1) We conducted a preventive care program for healthy elderly living in the two areas. One is defined as empowerment group, we conducted the empowerment program.In another, we conducted a traditional lecture program as a control group. (2) We have conducted a questionnaire survey as a pre- and post-follow-up survey.(3) We found a positive effect from the post survey that participation in community activities had increased significantly in the empowerment group.(4) Voluntary activity group has occurred in both groups after the intervention. We found a positive effect that continuation rate of voluntary activity group has significantly higher in empowerment group.
It has been revealed by this study that preventive care program based on community empowerment is contributing to the continual preventive care activities and expansion of community activities of the elderly.
The effect of approaches to enhance the empowerment of residents in elderly rental housing on stimulating cooperation.
2011 - 2013
We carried out an approach to enhance the empowerment of residents in 2 elderly rental housings with supportive services within the urban area. As a result we found the Mental Status Questionnaire (MSQ) score, which is a parameter for cognitive function, of the intervention residents was significantly higher than the non-intervention residents. There were no significant differences in other parameters.
Again, there were no significant differences in all of the residents' characteristics, psychological characteristics, social support network, social participation, etc. at the 1 year and 6 months before and after. One of the reasons to be inferred was the fact that close to 20% of the residents relocate within a year may be affecting the results.
Assessment of the dynamic functions of foot arch for normal adults during walking and the development of foot sensor with electric conductive rubber
2000 - 2001
The dynamic changes of the Medial Longitudinal Arch (MLA) of the foot during walking were investigated by using three dimensional data analytic system (Vicon370) and electric arch gauge (EAG) for 34 young adults (average age 26.4 years old). As the result of measurements of MLA, negative correlation has been found between the. Degree of shortening the length of MLA and the extending of its length during the stance of walking. The correlation between the height of MLA and the supranavicular angle displayed positive. In the result of the time-related correlation for the measurements of MLA, the normalized time of the maximum extension of MLA as well as the normalized time of the minimum degree of supranavicular angle were influenced by the vertical components of ground reaction force.
Pre-trial investigation of the measurements of the medial and lateral longitudinal arch by using a flexible electro-goniometer with the electric conductive rubber were performed for 16 young adults. The result showed the changes of the calcaneal-1^<st> metatarsal angle during the stance phase were greater than those of sitting position. Flexible electro-goniometer with the electric conductive rubber seemed to be very useful for measuring angle of the foot because of its flexibility, fittability and lightness.
The research on the effect of CO2 gas and warm water on the human body
2000 - 2001
The carbon dioxide (CO_2) permeates from the skin, when the body is immersed in CO_2 warm water, and it is known that blood flow of the part is improved by the powerful vasodilator action as the chemical action. In our former reports, artificial CO_2 bath tablet has been studied from various viewpoints such as treatment of the bed sore, effects to the Parkinson's disease, cerebral circulation improved for the stroke.
The clinical application was stated in the goal 2000. Actually, for the lumbago and the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, it was verified to be effective actually, by the experiment which compared with high concentration CO_2 warm water bathing and tap water warm water bathing with the placebo (J.J.A.Phys.M.Baln.Clim.: 63:173-180, 2000). And, the reaction of the nerve for the thermal stimulation was reported to the same magazine (63:143-150, 2000) as a basic research for the spasticity of nerves such as the stroke. In the inside, it was indicated that the pain was relieved by the increase of the threshold of C fiber which is related to continuance dull pain within the sensory nerve
In the research 2001, it was reported that metabolism and circulation improvement were obtained even in not only full immersion bathing and but also partial bathing of the leg at same magazine (64:145-149, 2001). By adding, the increase of the pain threshold was examined based on the result of thermo-stimulation of tap water warm bathing which is an experiment on the previous step in the 2000 using the CO_2 warm water bathing.
As the result, there was no direct effect for the nerve of CO_2 warm water on the increase of the pain threshold by the temperature. Therefore, the following were proven on improving pain by the CO_2 warm water bathing well, : Not direct reduction in pain for the nerve but that the element of metabolism and circulation improvement by the thermo-stimulation is more related (same magazine: 64:191-199, 2001).
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