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School Of Medicine
Graduate School of Medicine

The goals of the Graduate School of Medicine are to foster researchers and specialists who can independently contribute to medical development and to develop breakthroughs in medical fields .

While fostering and maintaining clinical specialists with advanced knowledge and skills, and researchers who lead the field of medicine, we promote all-round educational studies integrating basic and clinical medicine in both research and education. At the same time, we contribute our studies to welfare of the people in Fukushima Prefecture by improving and enhancing regional medical service.

In 2009, our graduate school opened a new PhD program by combining four majors' programs. In addition, we opened a Masters' program for
students with Bachelor's degrees in fields other than medicine.

PhD Program (Student quotas: 37)   〔Application Guidelines〕

Master's Program (Student quotas: 10)  〔Application Guidelines〕

・ Course for Researchers
・ Course for Medical Practitioner Researchers
・ Course for Medical Science
・ Course for Social Medicine
・ Course for System Medicine Engineering

・ Common basics (Medical Sciences, etc)
・ Specialized subjects
・ Advanced subjects
・ Thesis study
・ Common basics
   (Integrated medical humanities, Sciences and Technology)
・ Specialized subjects
・ Advanced subjects
・ Thesis study

Educational Goals

  1. To produce researchers who wish to pursue research in order
    to be a pioneer in the development of medicine
  2. To produce highly professional practitioners who have knowledge
    of research methodology
  3. 3. To foster researchers who will take active roles in various
    medical-related fields or who will be highly professionals.

Admission policy for Graduate School of Medicine

We accept students whose ethical standard is high and who are
humane and compassionate. Together with us, they are to
develop the field of medicine as well as to devote themselves to
the society. Therefore they should be eager to:

  1. acquire highly professional medical knowledge and technologies.

  2. become pioneers in the field of medicine.

  3. improve local health care and medical standards and take leading roles in the society.

  4. be leading researchers of a university or institute

  5. participate in the international society of medicine.


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