January 1944 |
Fukushima Women's Medical School chartered. |
April 1944 |
Fukushima Women's Medical School opened
with the quota of freshmen 120. |
June 1947 |
Fukushima Medical College Premedical Division (under the prewar system)
It opened with the quota of freshmen 40. |
April 1950 |
The Undergraduate Division opened. The Administrotive Division and four
basic medical departments (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology)
located at Mikawa-kita-machi, Fukushima Cify. Four basic medical departments
(Pathology, Legal Medicine, Hygiene and Bacteriology), the Hospital and
the Central Research Laboratory located at Sugitsuma-cho, Fukushima City. |
October 1951 |
The Department of Psychiatry and its ward
relocated to Wotari, Fukushima City. |
February 1952 |
Fukushima Medical College (under the new
system) chartered. |
April 1952 |
Fukushima Medical College (under the new
system) given approval to open. |
January 1953 |
The Department of Public Health established
on the Mikawa-kita-machi campus. |
June 1953 |
The Departments of Hygiene, Legal Medicine
and Bacteriology relocated to The Mikawa-kita-machi
campus. |
April 1955 |
The Premedical Course opened at Shinhama-cho
with the quota of freshmen 40.
The Department of Pathology 2 established on the Sugitsuma campus.
April 1958 |
The Department of Anatomy 2 established on the Mikawa-kita-machi campus. |
April 1959 |
The Department of Physiology 2 established on the Mikawa-kita-machi campus. |
May 1959 |
The Administrative Division relocated
to Uwa-machi, Fukushima City. |
October 1959 |
The right to confer the degree of doctor
of philosophy granted. |
April 1960 |
The RI Laboratory established on the Sugitsuma
campus. |
December 1960 |
The Administrative Division relocated
to Funaba-cho, Fukushima City. |
April 1961 |
The Graduate School opened. |
March 1962 |
The Department of Anatomy Ö・relocated
to the Funaba-cho campus. |
December 1962 |
The quota of freshmen increased to 60. |
August 1963 |
The port of the city containing the Administrative
Division, basic medical departments and
Hospital renamed Sugitsuma-cho. |
April 1966 |
The Department of Anesthesiology established. |
April 1967 |
The Department of Urology established.
April 1968 |
The Premedical Course renamed the Liberal
Arts Course. |
March 1969 |
The Liberal Arts Course and some other
departments (Pathology, Anatomy, etc.) relocoted
to the Sugitsuma campus. |
January 1971 |
The quota of freshmen increased to 80. |
September 1972 |
The Department of Psychiatry and its ward
absorbed into the Hospital. |
April 1982 |
The Department of Neurological Surgery
established. |
April 1983 |
The Department of Nuclear Medicine established. |
September 1983 |
The school song "Hikari no Tori"
(the Bird of Light) composed. |
June 1987 |
The Hospital relocated to the Hikariga-oka
campus. |
April 1988 |
The other divisions of the College relocated
to the Hikariga-oka campus. |
April 1989 |
The Department of Biochemistry 2 and the Departments of Cardiovascular
Surgery and Neurology established. |
April 1993 |
The Department of Emergency established
in the Hospital.
The Alumni Hall Donated to the College by
the Alumni Association. |
April 1994 |
The Research Laboratories reorganized
into the lnstitute of Biomedical Sciences,
the Radioisotope Center and the Experimental
Animal Center.
April 1995 |
The Department of Neurology, Cardiovascular
Surgery and Clinical Laboratory Medicine
established. |
April 1996 |
The Departments of Radiology and Nuclear
Medicine reorganized into the Department
of Radiology. |
March 1997 |
The Cancer Clinic closed. |
September 1997 |
The 50th anniversary of foundation celebrated. |
December 1997 |
The School of Nursing chartered. |
April 1998 |
The School of Nursing opened. |
August 1998 |
The Department of Plastic and Reconstructive
Surgery established in the Hospital. |
April 1999 |
The Department of Moleculor Genetics established
in the lnstitute of Biomedical Sciences.
The Department of Pulmonary Medicine established
in the Hospital. |
March 2001 |
The Nursing School Attached to the School
of Medicine closed. |
April 2002 |
The Graduate School of Nursing opened. |
April 2004 |
The Graduate School of Medicine reorganaized:Four divisions established with the reorganization of five research programs.
The admission quota increased from 27 to 37. |