School of Graduate Education
¡ÌMaster's Program¡Í¡¡Graduate School of Medicine
In response to technical and academic advancement in medicine, this program is designed to teach medical science intensively to non-medical graduates.
In order to foster researchers, educators, and professionals, who integrate academic knowledge and actively participate in various related fields of medicine, we will provide three courses for this program, Medical Science, Social Medicine and Behavior Science, and System Medicine Engineering from 2012.
¡ü Outline of Master's Program¡¡ (Two-year course)
Students of each course study mandatory and selective mandatory subjects shown in the table below.
They receive mandatory education for the first two months. During this period, they decide a laboratory they belong to. While studying subjects students selected and attending medical seminars, they prepare master thesis through Thesis Study.
¡ü Medical Science Course
Basic medical subjects are mandatory for this course to help students acquire basic medicine focusing on experiments of pathology, anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, and others.
¡ü Social Medicine and Behavior Science Course
This course is designed to provide lessons of social medicine and psychology. We intend to make the curricula flexible to enable students who work or who are in various fields to attend this course.
¡ü System Medicine Engineering Course
Students in this course study rapidly growing medicine engineering and system medicine as mandatory. The curricula also include basic subjects of medicine.
¡ü Mandatory and Selective Mandatory Subjects of Master Program
Common Basics
Students intensively study basics of medicine through lectures and practices for the first two and a half months. Subjects are designated depending on the course as indicated in Table 1 below. Students are also required to attend Graduate School Seminars that are presented by out-of-campus scientists. Those seminars provide students with a good opportunity to learn the front line of medicine. To deepen the understanding, lecture and practice are combined for some subjects. -
Thesis Study
Students decide theme of thesis at about the midpoint of period of Common-Basics study. They draw a research plan, implement research, and write thesis in the laboratory of the department they belong to. Students are required to complete their Master thesis on their research results by the end of their second year and present it to the examination committee.
S u b j e c t s ¡ýMandatory¡¡¡¡¡ûSelective Mandatory |
Mandatory | ||||
Subjects | Medical Science Course | Social Medicine and Behavior Science Course | System Medicine Engineering Course | |
Medical Science | ¡ý | ¡ý | ¡ý | |
Biological Structure | ¡ý | ¡û | ¡û | |
Biological Function | ¡ý | ¡û | ¡û | |
Pathology | ¡ý | ¡û | ¡û | |
Nutrition and Metabolism | ¡ý | ¡û | ¡û | |
Medical Study Methodology | ¡ý | ¡û | ¡ý | |
Medical Study Design | ¡ý | |||
Methodology of Epidemiology and Statistics | ¡ý | |||
Behavior Science | ¡ý | |||
Bio Measurement Engineering | ¡ý | |||
Diagnose and Treatment Engineering | ¡ý | |||
System Medicine | ¡ý | |||
Specialty | ||||
Subjects | Medical Science Course | Social Medicine and Behavior Science Course | System Medicine Engineering Course | |
Region and Environment | ||||
Food and Nutrition | ||||
Blood and Circulation | ||||
Immunity and Biophylaxis | ||||
Development and Regeneration | ||||
Brain and Mind | ||||
Molecule and Information | ||||
Thesis Study | ||||
Thesis Study | ||||
Common Mandatory | ||||
Graduate School Seminar |
As for selective mandatory subjects, students in Social Medicine and Behavior Science Course have to select four subjects, and three subjects for those in System Medicine Engineering Course.
¡ü Selective Subjects in the Master Program
Based on the knowledge acquired in the Common Basics, students attend more specialized lectures according to their researches from the second half of the first term. Seven courses are held every other year and students have to take more than two courses depending on their specialty. Those courses are Region and Environment, Food and Nutrition, Blood and Circulation, Immunity and Biophylaxis, Development and Regeneration, Brain and Mind, and Molecule and Information. It is possible for students to take more than one course in a year.
¡Ê UPDATE July.2011 ¡Ë
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